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跟着顶刊作图第40期 | Nature Communications顶刊精美科研绘图赏析!视觉享受!

研途星辰  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-30 08:04


大家好,本期是 跟着顶刊作图系列第40期 ,本系列主要是学习顶刊作图思路,激发作图灵感!今天分享的是 Nature Communications 期刊中科研图片,其 精致美观,元素搭配、字体及配色等可以重点参考! 相信我们也可以做到这样!

Title: A global assessment of mangrove soil organic carbon sources and implications for blue carbon credit

Fig. 1 | Relative contributions of organic carbon (OC) sources to estuarine and marine mangrove sediment OC. The relative contribution of OC, marine OC, and terrestrial OC to the OC in estuarine mangrove sediments (a) and marine OC and mangrove OC contribution to OC in marine mangrove sediments (b). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

Fig. 2 | Soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and distribution of estuarine and
marine mangroves. SOC stock per unit area in estuarine mangroves (a) and marine mangroves (b) demonstrated as line segments. The bar plot showing the comparison of SOC stock per unit area in global scale (c), where the values are mean ± standard value (SE) and the asterisk (*) shows the significance of P < 0.05. The areal extents of estuarine and marine mangroves are shown (d).

Fig. 3 | A conceptual diagram summarizing organic carbon (OC) sources inestuarine and marine mangrove sediments. The areal extent, soil organic carbon (SOC) stock and OC sources in estuarine mangroves (a) and marine mangroves (b).Values are mean ± SE.

资源来源: Zhang, J., Gan, S., Yang, P. et al. A global assessment of mangrove soil organic carbon sources and implications for blue carbon credit. Nat Commun 15 , 8994 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-53413-z

文献综述写作 》介绍

本书是一本讲授文献综述写作方法的完全指南。作者何塞·L. 加尔万曾任加利福尼亚州立大学洛杉矶分校研究生院院长。在39年学术生涯中,他总结出一套多步骤写作方法,并将其运用到文献综述写作中。 本书内容分为文献检索、文献分析、综述初稿撰写、综述终稿准备四个部分。 从对原始文献的分类开始,详细讲授了浏览电子资源、选择检索主题和文章的步骤;分析定量和定性文献、整理笔记的技巧;准备写作、撰写初稿、使文章连贯的方法;以及吸纳反馈意见、编辑完善初稿、准备参考文献列表的准则。
