专栏名称: 考研英语时事阅读
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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-08-10 05:59


1. 基本介绍:Uber(Uber Technologies,Inc.)中文译作“优步”,是一家美国硅谷的科技公司。Uber在2009年,由加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校辍学生特拉维斯·卡兰尼克和好友加雷特·坎普创立。因旗下同名打车APP而名声大噪。Uber目前已经进入中国大陆的60余座城市,并在全球范围内覆盖了70多个国家的400余座城市。

2016年11月27日,旧版本优步App将全面停止在中国提供服务,全面进入中国市场不足三年的Uber中国正式告别。  12月14日,专车公司Uber已经准备好数十辆自动驾驶汽车,准备利用汽车在匹兹堡为用户提供服务。


2.发展历程:2010年10月, Uber在旧金山正式推出第一版App,UberBLACK。

2013年2月,Uber进驻亚洲,登陆新加坡;同年7月,Uber 进驻墨西哥城, 墨西哥由此成为拉丁美洲第一个登陆的城市。同年8月,Uber 进驻非洲,在南非约翰内斯堡开始运营。


2014年10月,Uber在北京推出人民优步People‘s Uber。同年12月,百度与优步在北京签署战略合作及投资协议,达成全球范围内的战略合作伙伴关系。


3.不正当竞争丑闻:2017年4月8日消息,据英国卫报报道,意大利罗马一法庭日前宣布对Uber App实施禁令,要求后者10天内停止运营。如果Uber没有按要求执行,每天将面临10万欧元的罚金。

意大利媒体报道,罗马一法庭周五(2017年4月7日)禁了Uber App,称后者对传统出租车行业造成不正当竞争。法庭在判决中支持了出租车联盟的投诉,要求Uber在10天内关闭该应用在意大利境内的运营,同时停止促销和推广活动。

4. 2017年6月21日,Uber创始人卡兰尼克辞去CEO职务。

5.其他评论:好莱坞男演员、Uber投资者艾什顿·库奇(Ashton Kutcher)力挺卡兰尼克,他说卡兰尼克可能犯了一些错,但是世界“太快给一个人下判断”。Virgin创始人理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)则说卡兰尼克是“非凡的个体,和我们其它人一样都是人”。


卡兰尼克是Uber联合创始人,2009年创办公司,现在他还得到了另一个人的支持,这个人似乎不太可能支持他,是谁呢?她就是雅虎前CEO玛丽莎·梅耶尔(Marissa Mayer)。

《旧金山纪事报》报道称,本周二梅耶尔在斯坦福Directors' College(一个面向董事、高管的教育项目)上讲话,她暗示说卡兰尼克是公司增长的“牺牲品”。



梅耶尔将现在的Uber与早期的谷歌类比,当时谷歌将施密特(Eric Schmidt)请来当CEO,帮助联合创始人谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)、拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)管理公司。

Gear change

Travis Kalanick steps down as chief executive of Uber

拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)辞去Uber首席执行官一职

A new era begins at the ride-hailing giant


Jun 22nd 2017

“WE HAVE a lot of attention as it is. I don’t even know how we could get more,” Travis Kalanick, the boss of Uber, said last year. The ride-hailing giant found a way. Mr Kalanick failed to manage the fallout from a series of high-profile blunders and scandals . On June 20th he resigned as chief executive officer of the firm he co-founded in 2009.

优步的老板特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)去年说:“事实上我们得到了很多的注意力,我甚至不知道如何才能得到更多了。” 这个叫车的巨人找到了一条路。对于之前重大失误和丑闻带来的一系列后果,卡兰尼克(Kalanick)先生处理的很失败。在6月20日,他辞去了他在2009年共同创立的公司的首席执行官的职务。

  • fallout 原子尘的降下;辐射尘;余波;附带结果

  • blunders 大错;失策;绊倒;弄糟

  • scandals 丑闻

Uber is facing several crises, including senior executive departures, a lawsuit over alleged intellectual-property theft, claims about sexual harassment and a federal probe into its use of potentially illegal software to track regulators. Mr Kalanick had previously said he would take a leave of absence, in part to deal with a personal tragedy—the death of his mother in a boating accident. That was not enough for investors in Uber, who asked him to make his leave permanent.


  • harassment 骚扰

Uber will not change overnight. Mr Kalanick trained it to be unrelentingly competitive, aggressive and ready to break rules. That culture helped make it the most prominent private American technology firm, with a valuation of nearly $70bn. But the impact of Mr Kalanick’s self-styled “always be hustlin ’ ” approach has been stark . Uber’s controversies have dented its brand, hurt its ability to recruit the best engineers and cost it customers in America, who are defecting to its rival, Lyft .

Uber是不会在一夜之内做出重大改变的。Uber总裁卡兰尼克(Kalanick)先生表示自己所打造的品牌公司是可以大胆地竞争、有闯劲以及勇于打破常规的。这样的一种公司文化使Uber一跃成为美国杰出私人科技公司,创造了近700亿美元的产业估值。然而,卡兰尼克先生“时刻处于危机之中”的思想已经产生了与之前相反的效应。Uber的风言风语逐渐影响了该品牌的发展,不仅妨碍了公司招募优秀的工程师,导致了大量的美国客户流失到了竞争对手:Lyft (来福车)的手下。

  • unrelentingly 无情地

  • stark 荒凉的;鲜明的;完全,实在

  • dented 凹损

  • hustlin 飘荡

  • Lyft 美国第二大打车应用,中文“来福车”

The identity of Mr Kalanick’s replacement will be crucial. Uber’s board will seek an experienced boss, perhaps a woman. He or she will need experience running a multinational. Whether the board should hire someone with a background in transport (perhaps from an airline or logistics firm) or a candidate from the technology industry is unclear. Some have suggested that Sheryl Sandberg, who serves as number two at Facebook, would be a good choice, but she may not be willing to jump.

因此,卡兰尼克(Kalanick)先生的职位调动对于Uber公司的命运极其重要。当下,董事会正在寻找一位成熟老练的总裁,众人猜测是一位女性。这位总裁将要担负起运营一家大型跨国公司的重担。所以,董事会究竟会聘请与交通行业部门(也许是航空或物流公司)有关的人,还是科技公司的人,我们尚未得知。有人推测,脸书(Facebook)的二当家雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)是个不错的人选,但是她并不一定愿意跳槽。

Investors in Uber have accepted that Mr Kalanick will stay on the company’s board (along with his co-founder and another early executive, he controls the majority of super-voting shares) so he is likely to have a strong influence on the firm.(读者试译) He will need to exercise restraint. Twitter, an internet company that is struggling to attract more users, found it hard to settle on a clear strategy in part because several co-founders who once ran it continued to serve on the board and second-guessed the boss.

(期待您的翻译,明天将会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~) 他需要克制。互联网公司推特(Twitter)正在挣扎于争取更多用户。他们发现这样很难找到一个明确的战略,因为曾经运营它的几个联合创始人继续留任在董事会上而且会事后批评在任老板。

Mr Kalanick’s departure should be enough to placate some alienated customers. Regulators may treat Uber more kindly, too. Abroad, its scandals have barely registered. In the first quarter of this year it notched up record revenues, of $3.4bn. Its losses, of around $700m, are still high but diminishing. The next chief executive will need to decide whether to chase growth and endure continued steep losses, or cut back on international expansion in order to make more money. After watching Mr Kalanick push the pedal to the metal, Uber’s investors may hope that a more conservative era—in terms of finances as well as culture—is about to begin.


  • placate 抚慰;平息;和解

  • alienated 疏远的;被隔离开的

  • notched up 取得了

  • pedal 用脚踏动;踩踏板

翻译 ▍ E-J-2

审核 ▍ CON

图文编辑 ▍璃儿

责任编辑 ▍毛毛

Try to translate

Investors in Uber have accepted that Mr Kalanick will stay on the company’s board (along with his co-founder and another early executive, he controls the majority of super-voting shares) so he is likely to have a strong influence on the firm.

Put Chinese below

