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解读 | 一九八四的迈克尔·曼:一篇发表于EJS上的论国家权力

Political理论志  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-03-04 14:27




Mann于 1984年在EJS上发表了这篇有关国家自主性权力的文章,一经发布,就在学界引起了巨大的影响,标志着国家自主性在Skocopl为首的“找回国家”运动中轰轰烈烈地探讨已进入顶峰。 Mann 试图指出国家相对于“公民社会(Civil Society)”的主要权力集团所具有的自治权的起源,机制和结果。


The autonomous power of the state: its origins, mechanisms and results

Author(s):Michael Mann

Source: European Journal of Sociology Vol. 25, No. 2 (1984), pp. 185-213.

Micheal Mann


Mann 在1984年在EJS上发表了这篇有关国家自主性权力的文章,一经发布,就在学界引起了巨大的影响,标志着国家自主性在“找回国家”运动中轰轰烈烈地探讨已进入顶峰。

Mann 试图指出国家相对于“公民社会(Civil Society)”的主要权力集团所具有的自治权的起源、机制和结果。

这篇文章之所以重要,在于他提出了两个国家自主性权力的重要维度:专制权力与基础权力。而这种国家自主性,体现在:flows principally from the state's unique ability to provide aterritorially-centralised form of organization.

twoessential parts of the definition, centrality and territoriality, in relation to two types of state power, termed here despotic and infrastructural power. Iargue that state autonomy, of both despotic and infrastructural forms, flows principally from the state's unique ability to provide aterritorially-centralised form of organization.


  1. 新马克思主义的“相对自主性”(特别是结构马克思主义的旗手,普兰查斯与Jessop,我们先前的文章有介绍过普兰查斯的相对自主性概念,参见 国家自主性何为?Tilly/Poulantzas/Carruthers等四篇

  2. 上世纪40 年代左右的德国军国主义国家理论(Ratzenhofer,Gumplowicz,施米特),特别是在他们影响下的韦伯

  3. 融合马克思主义与韦伯的Skocpol的自主性理解:两个国家的决定性因素:(1)社会阶级结构(2)国家外部秩序

These two 'basic sets of tasks' are undertaken by 'a set of administrative, policing andmilitary organizations headed, and more or less well co-ordinated by, anexecutive authority' for whom resources are extracted from society.

但Mann的角度与新马、Weberian, Skocpol 不同。他以国家的two dimensions为角度剖析国家的自主性权力:一是国家精英的权力;二是国家对公民社会的权力。(但仍旧从选取角度,可以看出Mann的对话并没有离开新马、韦伯与新派理论的范式,特别是结构韦伯主义方法论,他的分析方法优点在于摒弃还原论的排列组合)


Institutionally and functionally 两者都需要被兼具

a) a differentiatedset of institutions and personnel embodying

b) centrality in the sense that political relations radiate outwards from a centre to cover

c) a territorially-demarcated area , over which it exercises

d) a monopoly of authoritative binding rule-making , backed up by a monopoly ofthe means of physical violence .

功能性因素:Monopoly of binding rule making.





The firstsense concerns what we might term the despotic power of the state elite, the range of actions which the elite is empowered to undertake without routine,institutionalised negotiation with civil society groups.


We mightterm this infrastructural power, the capacity of the state to actually penetrate civil society, and to implement logistically political decisions throughout the realm.




(1)A division of labour between the state's main activities which itco-ordinated centrally.(劳动分工,特别是战争中的士兵)

(2)Literacy, enabling stabilised messages to be transmitted through thestate's territories by its agents, and enabling legal responsibilities to becodified and stored. Giddens (1981) emphasises this 'storage' aspect of statepower.(文字)

3 Coinage, and weights and measures, allowing commodities to beexchanged under an ultimate guarantee of value by the state. (货币与度量衡)

(4)Rapidity of communication of messages and of transport of peopleand resources through improved roads, ships, telegraphy, etc.(交通联络)

国家与市民社会普遍 的发展;

权力的技术体现于: 军事权力、经济权力与意识形态权力;

