专栏名称: Alibaba Cloud International
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阿里云连续五年获评为Gartner 云数据库管理系统魔力象限领导者

Alibaba Cloud International  · 公众号  · 互联网安全  · 2025-01-23 12:10


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  • 评级以供应商执行力和愿景完整性为依据

  • 阿里云以云原生创新能力及强大合作伙伴生态支持客户



Gartner 以「执行力」和「愿景完整性」两个维度来评估云数据库管理系统(DBMS)供应商的表现。评估标准涵盖15个关键指标,包括产品或服务、客户体验、市场知识、产品战略以及创新能力等,以评定供应商在魔力象限中的位置。Gartner 表示,「领导者有着多样化的云生态系统,而云数据库管理系统是这些生态系统的一部分,或者能够与这些系统有良好的互操作性。入选供应商持续展现出高水平的客户满意度和强大的客户支持能力。」



阿里云提供广泛的自研云原生数据库产品,包括关系型数据库PolarDB、数据仓库AnalyticDB、多模数据库Lindorm,以及数据管理服务(Data Management Service,DMS),并不断升级产品能力。为帮助企业高效管理数据、释放潜力,2024 年阿里云在其年度旗舰活动云栖大会上,推出DMS: OneMeta+OneOps 平台,实现了多云环境的数据库、数据仓库、数据湖等数据源的统一管理,并可将使数据利用率提升10 倍。



中国领先的AI技术公司MiniMax ,正采用阿里云的多模数据库 Lindorm 作为底层数据服务,打造 MiniMax API 平台和 GenAI 应用海螺 AI。Lindorm内嵌AI推理能力,提供大规模的数据存储和高性能的数据检索能力,支持MiniMax快速搭建智能AI搜索服务。

TNG Digital营运马来西亚最大的金融科技平台TNG 电子钱包,为超过 2,200 万名认证用户提供服务,并为当地超过 200 万家商户提供支付支持。TNG Digital选择与阿里云携手合作,满足日益增长的用户需求并保障体验的流畅性。在马来西亚eMADANI计划(政府为鼓励无现金交易,向符合条件的公民提供100令吉的电子现金)实施期间,TNG电子钱包基于阿里云先进且稳定的云产品,保证了零宕机的稳定服务。凭借云原生数据库 PolarDB,该平台高效处理了海量交易,确保即便在业务高峰期,客户也能享受到无缝的优质体验。此外,阿里云还提供了NoSQL数据库ApsaraDB MongoDB版,TNG电子钱包得以借助AI创新开拓商机。

香港首间及规模最大的数字银行众安银行,现已全面迁移至阿里云数据库服务,以实现安全、可扩展且高效的数据管理。通过在其核心系统中采用阿里云关系型数据库ApsaraDB RDS MySQL版,众安银行能够根据业务需求快速调整计算资源和存储容量。这种按需扩展的能力使银行能够有效管理流量波动。此外,RDS MySQL 提供多层安全防护,包括数据加密、访问控制、安全审计和DDoS防护,确保数据安全和隐私,同时满足合规要求。

Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database Management Systems, Henry Cook, Ramke Ramakrishnan, Xingyu Gu, Aaron Rosenbaum, Masud Miraz, 18 December 2024.

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Alibaba Cloud Named a Leader in Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud Database Management Systems for Fifth Consecutive Year

  • Vendors Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision evaluated in the report

  • Cloud-native innovation and enhanced partner ecosystem to support customer success

Alibaba Cloud, the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group, has been named a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud Database Management Systems (DBMS) for the fifth year in a row.

Image: Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database Management Systems

Gartner evaluates cloud DBMS vendors based on their Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision, with criteria across 15 critical areas, including product or service, customer experience, market understanding, offering (product) strategy, and innovation, to determine their placement in the Magic Quadrant. As per Gartner, “Leaders may represent diverse cloud ecosystems, of which their cloud DBMS is a part, or have good interoperation with such systems. These vendors demonstrate consistently high customer satisfaction and strong customer support.”

“We are honoured to be named a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for cloud DBMS report for the fifth years in a row.” said Dr Feifei Li, President of Database Products Business at Alibaba Cloud. “In the era when effective data management becomes a crucial infrastructure for business operation in a range of industries as well as for generative AI development, we remain committed to delivering cutting-edge and high performance solutions that empower businesses to harness the full potential of their data.”

Cloud-native innovation and enhanced partner ecosystem to support customer success

Alibaba Cloud offers a broad range of self-developed, cloud-native database product, including relational database PolarDB, data warehouse AnalyticDB, multimodal database Lindorm, and the Data Management Service (DMS), and constantly upgrades its product capabilities. At its flagship event Apsara Conference in 2024, to help organizations efficiently manage their data and unleash values, Alibaba Cloud introduced DMS: OneMeta+OneOps, a platform that enables a unified management of data sources in database, data warehouse, and data lake across multiple cloud environments. The platform will boost data utilization rate by 10 times.

Alibaba Cloud is committed in establishing a diverse and open ecosystem with database vendors. Through collaboration with global partners such as MongoDB, ClickHouse, and SelectDB, Alibaba Cloud provides a variety of options for third-party database products, open-source products, and integrated solutions to support customers’ changing demands.

Alibaba Cloud’s cloud-native database innovations as well as its partner ecosystem has been widely adapted by companies across diverse industries from finance, retail, internet, to generative AI builders.

MiniMax, a leading AI technology company in China, has leveraged Alibaba Cloud's multimodal database Lindorm as its underlying data service to build the MiniMax API Platform and GenAI application Hailuo AI. Embedded with built-in AI inference capability, Lindorm provides large-scale data storage and high-performance data retrieval capabilities, supporting MiniMax to quickly build its intelligent AI search services.

TNG Digital operates Malaysia’s largest fintech platform, TNG eWallet, serving over 22 million verified users and supporting payments for more than 2 million merchants nationwide. It worked with Alibaba Cloud to support its growing user base while ensuring a seamless experience. During the eMADANI event, TNG eWallet maintained a stable service with zero downtime, supported by Alibaba Cloud's advanced and secure cloud products. By utilizing the cloud-native database PolarDB, the platform effectively managed a large volume of transactions, ensuring a seamless customer experience even during peak periods. Additionally, Alibaba Cloud provides NoSQL database ApsaraDB for MongoDB to support TNG Digital eWallet to explore business opportunities through AI innovations.

ZA Bank, the first and largest digital bank in Hong Kong, has fully migrated to Alibaba Cloud database services to achieve secure, scalable and efficient data management. By adopting Alibaba Cloud relational database ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL within its core system, ZA Bank can quickly adjust computing resources and storage capacity base on business demand. This on-demand scalability allows the bank to effectively manage traffic fluctuations. Additionally, RDS MySQL provides multi-layered security protections, including data encryption, access control, security auditing, and DDoS protection to ensure data security and privacy, while meeting compliance requirement


Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database Management Systems, Henry Cook, Ramke Ramakrishnan, Xingyu Gu, Aaron Rosenbaum, Masud Miraz, 18 December 2024. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, and MAGIC QUADRANT is a registered trademark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates and are used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. 

The Gartner document is available upon request from https://www.gartner.com/doc/reprints?id=1-2JU22LS1&ct=241230&st=sb.
