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正在直播!Angew主办,6位专家主讲!第12届Angewandte Advances前沿交叉论坛

催化计  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-22 08:30


# 设为星标 走进我们 #

近年来, Angewandte Chemie 及其所有者—德国化学学会(GDCh)主办的 Angewandte Symposia 系列研讨会在全球范围内取得了巨大的成功。 Angewandte Symposia 邀请世界顶尖的化学家作为主讲人,为 Angewandte Chemie 的作者与读者们带来精彩的主题演讲。

然而 Angewandte Symposia 举办频率较低。为了给 Angewandte Chemie 与化学研究者社群,尤其是年轻科研工作者们提供更多面对面交流的机会以及更好的支持不同事业阶段的化学研究者, Angewandte Chemie 组织了一系列 Angewandt e Advances 研讨会。

Angewandte Advances 系列研讨会将作为大型化学学术会议的特别分会场,举行为期半天至一天的学术报告与讨论活动。每期 Angewandte Advances 将邀请来自不同领域、处于不同事业阶段的6-8位优秀学者做学术报告,并由 Angewandte Chemie 的编辑主持以及组织讨论。

迄今为止, Angewandte Advances已经成功举办 11 届,我们期待为大家带来更多精彩的线下研讨会和交流平台。( 点击查看前十届会议精彩回顾

第12届 Angewandte Advances 研讨会 将于2024年8月22日在 北京友谊宾馆 举办。

本期 Angewandte Advances邀请到六位主讲人,分别为Prof. Kyoko Nozaki (The University of Tokyo, Japan), 王小野教授(南开大学), 唐岑研究员(中科院国家纳米中心),雷爱文教授(武汉大学),Prof. Steve Goldup (University of Birmingham, UK)和宋秋玲教授(福州大学)。 敬请期待!


2024年8月22日,8:25 - 12:00

北京友谊宾馆 友谊宫9号会议室


本届 Angewandte Advances 研讨会新增在线观看渠道,以服务更多科研人员!





Kyoko Nozaki 教授

The University of Tokyo, Japan


Prof. Kyoko Nozaki received her PhD at Kyoto University in 1991. After working as Assistant and Associate Professor at Kyoto University, she moved to The University of Tokyo and has been Professor there since 2002. Her research interests are focused on organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis.


Late-transition Metal Catalysts for Valorization of Unutilized Carbon Resources


In addition to traditional fossil resources, there are various carbon sources rather less utilized at this moment; the examples are CO2, biomass, and plastic waste. Among them, recycling and upcycling of plastic wastes are recognized as emerging research target for academia and for industry. While some of the thermoplastics find efficient strategies of mechanical and chemical recycling, recycling of thermosets is even more challenging.

Here in this presentation, we report our progress in degradation of thermosetting resins represented by epoxy resins, polyurethanes, and polyureas.1 Efficient bond cleavage allowed us to recover monomers in good yields. Synthesis of olefin-based degradable polymers will be also presented.2

1.     (a) Kusumoto, S.; Nozaki, K. Nat. Commun., 2015, 6, 6296. (b) Jin, X.; Tsukimura, R.; Aihara, T.; Miura, H.; Shishido, T.; Nozaki, K. Nat. Catal. 2021, 4, 312–321. (c) Iwasaki, T.; Tsuge, K.; Naito, N.; Nozaki, K. Nat. Commun., 2023, 14, 3279. (d) Liao, Y.; Takahashi, K.; Nozaki, K. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 2419–2425.

2.     (a) Tang, F. W. Seidel, K. Nozaki, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 26506–26510. (b) Yuan, H.; Takahashi, K.; Hayashi, S.; Suzuki, M.; Fujikake, N.; Kasuya, K.; Zhou, J.; Nakagawa, S.; Yoshie, N.; Li, C.; Yamaguchi, K.; Nozaki, K. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 13658–13665. (c) Lu, Y.; Takahashi, K.; Zhou, J.; Nontarin, R.; Nakagawa, S.; Yoshie, N.; Nozaki, K. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202410849. (d) Lu, B,; Takahashi, K.; Zhou, J.; Nakagawa, S.; Yamamoto, S.; Katashima, T.; Yoshie, N.; Nozaki, K. J. Am. Chem. Soc. in press. 10.1021/jacs.4c07458

王小野  教授



Prof. Xiao-Ye Wang received his BSc degree from Nankai University in 2009 and obtained his PhD degree from Peking University in 2014 under the supervision of Prof. Jian Pei. From 2014 to 2019, he was a postdoctoral researcher and a Humboldt Fellow in the group of Prof. Klaus Müllen at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Germany. In 2019, he moved to Nankai University to start his independent research as a professor of Chemistry. His research focuses on heteroatom-doped organic and nanocarbon materials for optoelectronic applications. He has published a number of papers in high-impact journals, including Nat. Rev. Chem., Nat. Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. etc. He has received several prestigious honors and awards, including the Chinese Chemical Society Prize for Young Chemists, Sci. China Chem. and J. Mater. Chem. C Emerging Investigators.


Boron-Embedded Polycyclic Arenes for Organic Optoelectronic Materials


Polycyclic arenes have attracted tremendous attention due to their great potential in organic optoelectronics. The introduction of heteroatoms into the conjugated backbones has proven as a viable strategy for modulating their properties and functions. Among various heteroatoms, boron possesses a unique vacant p-orbital, thus endowing the π-conjugated system with electron-deficient character, Lewis acidity, and stimuli-responsive properties. Precision synthesis of boron-doped polycyclic arenes and exploitation of their properties have thus been the subject of research in organic optoelectronic materials recently. In this talk, I will present the design and synthesis of novel boron-containing conjugated molecules and their applications as a new type of optoelectronic materials.1-6


1.    Cheng Chen, Zhi-Dong Chang, Yong-Kang Guo, Yan-Bo Huang, Xiao-Ye Wang*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63, e202316596.

2.    Ji-Kun Li†, Ming-Yu Zhang†, Le Zeng, Ling Huang*, Xiao-Ye Wang*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e202303093. (†equal contribution)

3.    Wanhui Li†, Cheng-Zhuo Du†, Xing-Yu Chen, Lin Fu, Rong-Rong Gao, Ze-Fan Yao, Jie-Yu Wang, Wenping Hu, Jian Pei, Xiao-Ye Wang*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202201464.

4.    Cheng Chen, Ming-Wei Wang, Xing-Yu Zhao, Shuang Yang, Xing-Yu Chen, Xiao-Ye Wang*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202200779.

5.    Cheng Chen†, Jiayi Lu†, Yang Lv, Yuyi Yan, Qiang Sun*, Akimitsu Narita, Klaus Müllen*, Xiao-Ye Wang*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202212594. (†equal contribution)

6.    Ji-Kun Li, Xing-Yu Chen, Yun-Long Guo, Xin-Chang Wang, Andrew C.-H. Sue, Xiao-Yu Cao, Xiao-Ye Wang*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 17958.

唐岑  研究员



Cen Tang started her doctoral study in 2012 under the supervision of Prof. Xie Zuowei at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on carborane functionalization. She received the Postgraduate Research Output Award in 2016 and received her Ph.D. degree in chemistry in 2017. Then she became a research assistant in the same group and joined Prof. T. M. Swager’s research group as postdoctoral associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2018. At MIT, she was working on a project on methane detection based on ligated gold nanoparticles. In 2021, she moved to the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology as a principal investigator. Research in her group currently focuses on the chemistry of metal clusters/particles and their applications.


Carborane Passivated Gold Nanomaterials: Stabilities and Functionalities


Nanogold's primary organic ligands encompass traditional thiols, phosphines, N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) and alkynes. Exploration of novel ligand has led to enhanced stability in gold nanoclusters, nanoparticles, nanorods and monolayers on Au(111), promoted the practical applications of gold nanomaterials. Carboranes, as a type of highly editable anchor, have been disclosed to stabilize AuNPs by our group. We will discuss in detail on the uniqueness of carboranes as both ligands and counterions for gold nanocatalystsin regio-selective transformations. We will also talk about their advantages asanchors on functionalizing gold nanomaterials for the applications other thancatalysis.

雷爱文 教授



Prof. Aiwen Lei (雷爱文), Vice director of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Wuhan University. Prof. Lei got his PhD in Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS in 2000. He then moved to the Pennsylvania State University and worked as a postdoctoral fellow for 3 years. Before joining Wuhan University in 2014, he was a research associate in Stanford University. His research interest lies in the small molecule activation in efficient synthetic methods.


Alternating Current (AC) Electrolysis toward Organic Syntheses


Herein, we present alternating current (AC) electrolysis strategy aiming at different organic synthesis scenarios. One strategy is the AC-promoted metal-catalyzed electrolysis.1 The long-standing challenge of noble metal catalyst reduction on the cathode during undivided electrolysis has been successfully addressed by utilizing asymmetric-waveform alternating current electrolysis. Electrode types, current, AC frequency and duty ratio are important factors in regenerating the catalyst and adjusting the selectivity during AC electrolysis. The other strategy is controlling the existence of reactive intermediates.2,3 Due to the fast sine-waveform frequency, both oxidation and reduction processes could take place at the same electrode and nearly the same time along with the electrode polarity reversal. Consequently, AC electrolysis can control the formation of certain reactive intermediates by adjusting the frequency. To sum up, AC electrolysis will pave new avenues to innovation in organic synthesis.4


1. Aiwen Lei* et al., Science 2024, 385, 216.

2. Aiwen Lei* et al., Nat. Synth. 2023, 2, 217-230.

3. Aiwen Lei* et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202201543.

4. Aiwen Lei* et al., CCS Chem. 2021, 3, 3027-3038.

Steve Goldup  教授

University of Birmingham, UK


Steve obtained an MChem degree from the University of Oxford where he began his research career with a Part II project in the group of Sir Prof. Jack Baldwin. He continued his research training with a PhD in natural product synthesis under the supervision of Prof. Tony Barrett before shifting focus to apply his synthetic skills to the realization of mechanically interlocked non-natural products during postdoctoral work with Prof. David Leigh at the University of Edinburgh where in 2007 he was appointed as Fixed Term Lecturer in Organic Chemistry. In 2008 he moved to Queen Mary with the award of a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship and in October 2009 he was awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship. In October 2014 the group moved to the University of Southampton where Steve took up the position of Associate Professor. In August 2017, Steve was promoted to Professor of Chemistry and in 2019 was awarded a Royal Society Wolfson Research Fellowship. Recently, the group moved from Southampton to the University of Birmingham where Steve is Chair of Supramolecular Chemistry and Head of the Molecular Synthesis Section. Research in the Goldup Group focusses on the synthesis of novel mechanically interlocked molecules and their application as sensors, catalysts and materials. Steve has received awards from the Royal Society of Chemistry and Blavatnik Family Foundation, as well as fellowships from the Royal Society and Leverhulme Trust.
