I think it is very important to communicate to consumers in a language that is adapted to their knowledge, and to their skills. I think the first thing is to understand the level of understanding of target groups, and to communicate to them in a language that they will understand, using expressions that they will understand, and being very concise. I think it is also important to give consumers practical skills, and to ensure that the food they prepare at home or the way they handle food would not cause harm to them. Because consumers are the end of the food chain, we take it that the producers will follow all the good practices, good agriculture practices, good hygienic practices, good manufacturing practices. So we, as consumers at the end, we have also to play a role, to ensure that we handle the food properly, so it is safe, and would not cause us harm.
我认为基于消费者的技能和知识水平,用他们能听懂的语言去沟通是非常重要的。我认为首先要了解目标群体的理解水平,并用他们能理解的语言与他们沟通,使用他们能理解的表达方式,并且要非常简洁。我认为给消费者实用技能也是重要的,并且确保他们在家准备的食物或他们处理食物的方式不会对他们造成伤害。由于消费者是食品链的终端,我们认为生产者将遵循所有良好做法,良好的农业规范,良好的卫生习惯,良好的制造规范。 所以我们作为最终的消费者,我们也要发挥作用,确保我们妥善处理食物,这样做是安全的,不会对我们造成伤害。