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欢迎订阅《跨国企业渠道时事通讯(KPMG MNC Channel Newsletter )》季刊

毕马威KPMG  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-11 17:42


毕马威中国将发布 《跨国企业渠道时事通讯》第二期 。本时事通讯将每季度发布一次,旨在为跨国企业客户量身定制毕马威的最新洞察和出版物。

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KPMG's MNC Channel for multinational clients is pleased to announce the return of the MNC Channel Newsletter for an Winter 2024 update . Released quarterly, this newsletter aims to bring you the latest KPMG insights and publications tailored for multinational clients working in or with China.

To receive our future newsletters as soon as they are released, subscribe by sending an email to Jean-Yves Lavoie, MNC Channel Executive, KPMG ([email protected]) stating that you wish to join the mailing list.

Note: Only your email address will be retained; no other personal information will be collected. To cancel your subscription, please send Jean-Yves another email stating that you wish to be removed from the mailing list.

Please enjoy a sample of our Winter 2024 issue below:

Winter 2024 Issue

In this issue: 2024 CEO Outlook, 2024 Q4 China Economic Monitor, KPMG at COP29


Disclaimer: Any opinions and comments expressed may not reflect the views held by the firm. Opinions expressed by individuals are their own.

Dear Reader,

As the year comes to a close, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the past 12 months and the situation on the ground for MNCs operating in China. While the past few years have been challenging for many, there are reasons to be optimistic as we enter 2025.

Our observations indicate that conditions in China are stabilising and showing signs of improvement, and MNCs remain committed to the China market. China has become the number one player globally in several industries, such as automotive, manufacturing, and green energy, and it is doubtful that this would change any time soon. Some may point to threats of trade barriers and protectionism, but the reality is that opportunities for trade and cooperation are too great and will likely dissuade significant deviations from the norm. With its pivotal role in the global economy, access to the China market remains essential, and most stakeholders would be willing to accept a more than modest GDP growth rate of 5%.

Areas where there is room to grow are in the real estate industry, per capita consumption, and exports— but these issues are being addressed. The Chinese government has since September implemented stimulus measures aimed at stabilising the real estate sector, and consumer confidence has demonstrably risen: residents’ propensity to consume in the third quarter of 2024 was 0.5 percentage points higher than the average value in the same period from 2014 to 2019, and retail sales were up significantly in October. For the recovery to maintain this momentum, we hope to see continued application of stimulus in these areas. And while the growth rate of exports to Europe and North America has declined, it is being offset by a significant increase in exports to the Global South. This shift may pressure China’s economy in the short term due to lower profit margins, but it positions the country well for long-term gains as the gap narrows between great powers and developing economies.

Looking ahead, we will continue to monitor these trends and share our insights. Our MNC Channel Newsletter, updated quarterly, will return next quarter with a Spring update. Stay tuned, and we wish you a successful and fulfilling year ahead.

Best regards,

Norbert Meyring

Head of Multinational Clients

Partner, Shanghai


Please scan below QR code to access the publication.

KPMG 2024 CEO Outlook

For the last 10 years, KPMG has conducted surveys with 1,300 global business leaders for its annual KPMG CEO Outlook. The report provides invaluable insights on global CEO confidence in their business, the global economy, and geopolitics, as well their thoughts about new trends such as the rise of AI and hybrid working environments.

This year, our report demonstrates that CEOs are rather optimistic, with many believing that their organisations are on the right path despite the many challenges and risks that we are facing. To download our full report and learn more about what CEOs from around the world are thinking, scan below QR code and complete a short questionnaire:

For our various sector-specific CEO Outlooks, please scan below QR codes:

Asset Management

Infrastructure & Transport



Consumer & Retail

Technology & Telecommunications

Energy, Natural Resources & Chemicals

Swipe left and right to see more

2024 Q4 China Economic Monitor

Our latest analysis of the Chinese economy reveals cautiously optimistic figures, with GDP growth being in line with market expectations and a positive YoY rise in export growth offsetting modest domestic demand and contracted production. The Chinese economy is expected to meet its growth target in 2024— thanks to a number of policies that the government has introduced in September to support consumption, investment, real estate, and capital markets.

Data Security: Safeguarding High-quality Development of the Digital Economy

The recently issued Regulation for the Administration of Network Data Security, which introduces specific controls as well as non-compliance penalties for network data processors in the areas of data security strategies, governance, lifecycle protection, and more, will be enacted on January 1st, 2025. To offer practical insights and recommendations for businesses seeking to comply with this new regulation, please see our latest Data Security report.
