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★AP News一分钟新闻|特朗普造访国土安全办公室

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-02-10 10:15






This is AP News Minute.

President Donald Trump made his first official visit to the office of Homeland Security in Washington on Wednesday. While there he signed two executive orders to boost border security and crack down on illegal immigrants. Both items were major campaign promises.

Not far from the White House Wednesday morning, members of Greenpeace unfurled a banner from a construction crane that read "RESIST." Seven members of the environmental group scaled the 270-foot crane to unfurl the banner. Police closed three city blocks and waited for the demonstrators to come down.

Actress Mary Tyler Moore has died at the age of 80. The beloved television star came to fame in The Dick Van Dyke Show and later her own television sitcom The Mary Tyler Moore Show.

And former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley was sworn in as the new U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Vice President Mike Pence administered the oath and later she met with President Trump in the Oval Office.

*&^%&, Associated Press with AP News Minute.


1.boost vt.促进,提高;增加

Do what you can to give her confidence and boost her morale.

2.unfurl vt.& vi.展开,张开,铺开(某物)

Unfurl the banners, put on your armour. Let the fighting commence.
展开旗帜, 穿上战甲,开始战斗。

3.sitcom n.情景喜剧

This sitcom is produced in cooperation with Hong Kong TV.

4.oath n.誓言,誓约

Under oath, Aston finally admitted that he had lied.


1.While there he signed two executive orders to boost border security and crack down on illegal immigrants.

crack down on制裁,镇压

The police ran a sting operation to crack down on illegal guns.

2.The beloved television star came to fame in The Dick Van Dyke Show and later her own television sitcom The Mary Tyler Moore Show.

come to fame成名

If fame is only to come after death, I am in no hurry for it.
如果名望只在死后才来临, 我不急于追求名望。





女演员玛丽·泰勒·摩尔(Mary Tyler Moore)去世,享年80岁。这位受人爱戴的电视明星在《范戴克摇滚音乐剧》中成名,随后制作了自己的电视情景喜剧《玛丽·泰勒·穆尔秀》。

前南卡州州长尼基·黑利(Nikki Haley)宣誓就职美国驻联合国新任大使。副总统迈克·彭斯主持宣誓仪式,随后特朗普总统在椭圆形办公室接见了黑利。
