专栏名称: 時間的玩家TimeIsArt
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時間的玩家TimeIsArt  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-03-14 11:22





Sadhguru looks at how it is possible to create the right kind of chemistry and become loving, or to become loving and create the resultant chemistry.


Sadhguru: Every emotion that you go through has a certain chemistry behind it. Whether you become joyous or sad, tense or calm, your chemistry is happening in different ways. It works in both directions an emotion can change your chemistry, and changing your chemistry can change your emotion. For different states of experience that we go through, our chemistry naturally goes through certain changes. Or, because our chemistry is going through changes, we go through different levels of experience. For example, if you get excited, your blood will move faster and your heart will pump faster. But if your heart starts pumping faster, you will also get excited unecessarily. Both are ture.

萨古鲁:你所经历的每种情感背后都有某种化学成分在起作用。无论快乐或悲伤、紧张或平静,都是因为体内化学反应的方式不同。影响是双向的——情绪会改变你体 内的化学组成、而化学组成的改变反过来会影响你的情绪。我们经历不同体验和状态时,我们体内的化学组成自然也会随之变化。同样,正是由于我们体内化学组成 发生变化,我们的体验和状态也会改变。例如,如果你变得兴奋,你的血液会加速流动,你的心跳也会加速。反过来,如果你的心脏越跳越快,你必然也会越来越激 动。两者都没错。

Hallucinatory drugs have been produced on this very basis, Treatment for psychiatric problems also works this way. When someone is very agitated, they give him a drug--a tranquilizer--and he becomes calm. These drugs somehow bring down the tension chemically. Any drug-taking is manipulation on the level of your chemistry. Whatever the experience is, there is a supporting chemistry, Whatever is the chemistry, for that there is a resultant experience.

正是基于以上原理,致幻药才被生产出来。精神类疾病的治疗也同样遵循这个原理。当一个人极度狂躁不安,人们会给他注射一种药物——镇定剂——让他慢慢平静下 来。这些药物通过化学方法来减少紧张情绪。任何药物的摄取都是对你体内化学组成的一种操控。无论你处于何种体验和状态,其背后总是有某种化学组成在起支持 作用。无论是什么样的化学组成,其必然会导致某种体验的产生。

Can We Create Love Chemically?


Can we create love chemically? Suppose if I change my chemistry, can I become love? Yes, that is what we do in yoga in terms of sadhana or practices. The difference between bhakti yoga and whatever other forms of yoga--expecially hatha yoga and kriya yoga is just this: with kriya yoga and hatha yoga, you are trying to change your inner energies in order to change the chemistry, so thar your inner quality or your experience will change. With bhakti yoga, you are trying to change the quality by being loving, so that someday your chemistry becomes love.

我们可以通过化学方法创造爱的情感吗?假如我改变了自身的化学组成,我可以变成爱吗?是的,这就是我们做瑜伽--灵性修习(sadhana) 的目的。奉爱瑜伽(bhakti yoga)跟其他形式的瑜伽,特别是哈他瑜伽和克里亚(Kriya)瑜伽相比有一个不同点:通过练习克里亚瑜伽和哈他瑜伽,你试着改变内在能量从而改变自身化学组成,这样一来,你的内在品质或体验将会发生变化;练习奉爱瑜伽时,你试图通过产生爱的情感来改变内在品质,如此一来,有一天你自身的化学组成就会变成爱。

Without a proper chemistry, any amount of trying to become something will not lead you anywhere, No matter how much you say," I want to be peaceful, I want to be peaceful," if you chemistry is agitation, no matter how much you try, you will not settle down into peace. It is impossible. With pranayam, asanas and meditation we are changing the chemistry. This must be understood that with meditation, we are not trying to become peaceful. We are changing the chemistry into that kind of chemistry where peace will be the natural way of being.


What it means is , if with proper practices you change your chemistry into peace-a kind of chemistry that will make a person joyous-hen your natural state will become like that. Another way to do this is , by creating an object of love, maybe a God, a Guru or some other object for which you have tremendous feeling, if you create tremendous amount of love towards that, then also your chemistry will change. Both ways are ture.

