专栏名称: IB美国盈透
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IB美国盈透  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-11-22 05:58


表中列出的是2017/11/13 – 11/17期间最难借入的15个证券。



The analysis in this article isprovided for information only and is not and should not be construed as anoffer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security. To theextent that this material discusses general market activity, industry or sectortrends or other broad-based economic or political conditions, it should not beconstrued as research or investment advice. To the extent that it includes referencesto specific securities, commodities, currencies, or other instruments, thosereferences do not constitute a recommendation by IB to buy, sell or hold suchinvestments. This material does not and is not intended to take into accountthe particular financial conditions, investment objectives or requirements ofindividual customers. Before acting on this material, you should considerwhether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and, as necessary,seek professional advice.

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