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“不完美的艺术形式” | 泰国·法式甜品店

景观邦  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-29 11:30


French Kitsch III 的主要设计理念是通过对其名称“French”和“Kitsch”的诠释而形成的。除了是一家专业的法式糕点店外,店主对法国斗牛犬的热爱也成为了品牌标识,为咖啡馆塑造了一个俏皮而优雅的形象。该设计旨在通过“Kitsch”的概念来提升这一形象,Kitsch是一种通过建筑元素和材料来欣赏不完美的艺术形式,指的是“羊角面包”的不完美形状。

The main design concept of French Kitsch is developed by interpreting its name; ‘French’ and ‘Kitsch’. Apart from being a specialized French patisserie, the owner’s love for French bulldog also comes as brand identity, portraying a playful yet elegant image to the cafe. The design aims to enhance this image together with the concept of ‘Kitsch’, a form of art that appreciates imperfection through architecture elements and materials which refers from an imperfect shape of ‘croissant’.


The French cathedral is taken as a primary reference to the design where rhythmic arches are developed. Instead of symmetrical arches, imperfect arches of different scales are used. The design started from a perfect rectangular mass which is made imperfect by carving out imperfect arches on the first level and inverted imperfect arches on the second level. On the first floor, these arches embrace visitors with their antique yet modern looks, creating shadow along the path and when light passes through the arched window, it creates reflection on the floor, similar to that of cathedral glass. The oversized imperfect arch also creates a continuous space from the counter to the second floor, highlighting the full-function counter, allowing it to be seen from both floors. On the second floor, voids are carved into the inverted curves, allowing sunlight to enter while act as shading device.

通过使用纹理混凝土,它强化了不完美的完美概念,其中墙壁不是完全光滑的,但它反映了材料本身可以很美的真实性。此外,通过使用混凝土作为主要材料,家具、装饰品和 LED 灯都显得很突出,强调了隧道空间内不完美的拱形曲线,为咖啡馆创造了强烈而难忘的形象。

By using textured concrete, it strengthens the concept of perfection of imperfection where the wall is not completely smooth, but it reflects the authenticity of the material which can be beautiful by itself. Moreover, by using concrete as the main material, the furniture, decorations, and LED lights are made outstanding, emphasizing the imperfect arch curves within the tunnel space, creating a strong memorable image of the cafe.

▽设计思路,Design ideas

▽设计理念,concept design

▽一层平面图,the first floor plan

▽二层平面图,the second floor plan

▽三层平面图,the third floor plan

项目:French Kitsch III
地点:City Link, Mueang, Nakornratchasima, 泰国
占地面积:154 平方哇
建筑面积:360 平方米
所有者:Chanon Jeimsakultip x Anuchit Vongjon
首席建筑师:Setthakarn Y. / Parpis L.
建筑师:Pitchaya T. / Tanita P. / Matucha K. / Nutchapol Ch.
室内:Thanunya D.
土木工程师:Chittinat Wongmaneeprateep
M&E 工程师:Yodchai kornsiriwipha x Isarapap Rattanabumrung
承包商:Samma Construction Part., Ltd.
摄影师:Metipat Prommomate x Anan Naruphantawat
叙述者:Methawadee Pathomrattanapiban
Technical sheet
Project: French Kitsch III
Type: Cafe


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