22差异 男人和女人对性的真正差异
❖为什么男人总是想着性? 害怕性关系的女性经常会说:“为什么男人总是想着性?为什么女人不想?” 这就是一个错误的观念。如果女性也体验过有愉悦及舒服的性爱关系的话,女性也会有和男性同等性爱生活渴求。这是一种对抗男性,报复男性,以及在性爱中让男性羞愧的方式,凭什么男人想要性爱而女人没有。确实男性会更加有性爱的动力,因为这是他们的生理结构所造成的,他们就被赐予了传播精子,繁衍后代的能力。这也不是男人的错,他们天生富有这个动力,女人有渴望,男人有动力。所以如果你这样看,你也许还会评判男人,但这就是我们所被创造的样子,男人的工作就是传播种子,繁衍后代。而女性的工作就是去接纳,如果因为这点而评判男性的话,是有些没有爱。这种评判是源自于女性对性爱愉悦的压抑,以及男士对女士不尊重的评判,让他们回到男人身边的一种方式。
冥想后Seeing the inner beautyDid you notice how your mind loves to make critical comments about other people? It is always doing that, even though we are not aware of it.And did you notice a difference inside you when you shifted your attention to your heart and allowed a feeling of compassion to arise inside you? Did you notice a kind of relaxation and softening happening inside?Remember, these meditation techniques are for you – to change the quality of how you live your life. They are not really about the other person. The other is just an excuse for you to connect to your heart. The mind will always want to hang onto its complaints and judgments. That is its basic nature. The qualities of the mind are designed to break things down into parts, and to judge and analyse. That is very useful for dealing with things, with objects or commodities. But not so useful for dealing with people, when we want a ‘whole’ connection. By now you are beginning to realise that allowing the mind to run your life is not a relaxed and nourishing way to live. And you are also beginning to experience that you have a choice. You can shift to the heart when you want to. And that is a nourishing way to live!The mind contains our IQ, our intellectual intelligence, and the heart contains our EQ, our emotional intelligence. And it is our EQ that we need for making satisfying and nourishing relations with ourselves and with others. Today’s technique is another to practice connecting with people from your heart, and thus developing your heart center, or EQ.Before you start this technique, have some photos ready of different people to look at.HomeworkIt s good to practice this technique first with strangers, or people you don’t know very well.No need to say anything to them, it is just an internal experience. When you see someone on the street – maybe your car is stopped at traffic lights - just look at a stranger. Look with soft eyes, and instead of focusing on the mind’s comments about that person, see if you can focus on one positive quality to can see in them – maybe a sincerity or a loyalty or a quiet inner strength, or a lightness, or an innocence…Take a deep breath when you do that, and notice what changes inside you.After you have acquired the knack, then you can start practicing it with people you know – maybe people at work or in your family or your circle of friends. Remember, you don’t say or do anything to those people, it is just an internal practice.Finally, when you are really experienced in this practice, you can even try it with people you do not like. Instead of focusing on your complaints about that person, see if you can find just one positive quality to focus on. We all have positive qualities, even though it may not be so easy for the mind t see them. But the heart can always see the positive.So practice!