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新创OKR绩效管理公司 Lattice 获得640万美金 A轮融资

HRTechChina  · 公众号  · 职场  · 2017-08-01 22:14


Lattice 7月31日 官方宣布获得640万美元A轮融资。由Thrive Capital 领投。本轮资金主要用于团队建设和产品开发。

此前去年5月也是有Thrive Capital 投资的280万美元的天使投资,可以看这里HRTECHCHINA报道


We’re excited to share that Lattice has raised $6.4 million in Series A funding led by Thrive Capital. They’ve been a great partner since leading our seed round a little over a year ago and we’re thrilled to be working with them even more closely.

Eric and I founded Lattice on the idea that good or bad people management can make or break not just company performance, but individual happiness. By building software that guides companies towards better people management, we thought we could improve both of these things.

In the 14 months since launching Lattice, we’ve built a suite of performance management tools and have had the opportunity to work with some great clients. This new round of funding will allow us to continue building our team so that we can improve and expand our product offering and serve our customers better.

We’re grateful that the journey has gone as well as it has so far. We’ve lucked out many times with patient customers, talented teammates who joined us early in the process, investors who have been extremely supportive, and friends and family who have been there through a lot of ups and downs. We’re having a great time and we can’t wait to keep building Lattice.
