之前推送的Imbens系列中关注的都是经典随机试验下的因果推断,而我们难免怀疑经典随机试验在社会科学研究中的可行性。从1985年开始,在美国的田纳西州开展的班级规模的短期和长期影响的研究项目,是随机试验在社会科学领域的一次成功应用,并开启了教育学和经济学中对相关课题的一系列研究。本文将对这一经典项目进行介绍,介绍内容主要参考了Mosteller, Frederick. "The Tennessee study
of class size in the early school grades." The future of children (1995): 113-127.
Angrist, J., and V. Lavy (1999), “Using Maimonides’ Rule
to Estimate the Effect of Class Size on Scholastic Achievement”, Quarterly
Journal of Economics, Vol. CXIV, 1243.
Krueger, A. (1999) “Experimental Estimates of Education
Production Functions,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 114(2), 497-532.
Hoxby, C. (2000), “The Effects of Class Size on Student
Achievement: New Evidence from Population Variation,”Quarterly Journal of
Economics, Vol. 115(4):1239-1285.
Raj, et al. "How Does Your Kindergarten Classroom Affect Your Earnings?
Evidence from Project Star." The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 126(4):