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双语原稿 | 指纹透露的信息,超乎你的想象!

西外英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-15 22:20


我们的指纹令我们独一无二 , 但它们也是揭露我们的行为,生活形态和日常生活信息的一个隐秘世界。在这个演讲中,化学家Simona展示了她如何使用质谱仪来追踪分子,这种技术可以利用过去不可见的细节来分析指纹,如何帮助警察抓捕罪犯?

演说者:Simona Francese


Do you ever stop and think, during a romantic dinner, "I ve just left my fingerprints all over my wine glass."

Or do you ever worry, when you visit a friend, about leaving a little piece of you behind on every surface that you touch?

And even this evening, have you paid any attention to sit without touching anything?

Well, you re not alone. Thankfully, criminals underestimate the power of fingerprints, too.

And I m not just talking about the twisted parting of lines that make our fingerprint unique.

I m talking about an entire world of information hiding in a small, often invisible thing.

In fact, fingerprints are made up of molecules that belong to three classes:

sweat molecules that we all produce in very different amounts ... molecules that we introduce into our body and then we sweat out and molecules that we may contaminate our fingertips with when we come across substances like blood, paint, grease, but also invisible substances.
我们产生的数量非常不同的汗液分子... 进入我们体内然后排出去的分子和污染我们指尖的分子,在我们遇到像血液、油漆、油脂那样的物质时,但也有不可见的物质。

And molecules are the storytellers of who we are and what we ve been up to.

We just need to have the right technology to make them talk.

So let me take you on a journey of unthinkable capabilities.

Katie has been raped and her lifeless body has been found in the woods three days later, after her disappearance.
The police is targeting three suspects, having narrowed down the search from over 20 men who had been seen in that area on the same day.
警方锁定了三个嫌疑人, 已从案发当天被目击路过那片区域的超过20人中缩减而来。

The only piece of evidence is two very faint, overlapping fingerprints on the tape that was found wrapped around Katie s neck.

Often, faint and overlapping fingerprints cannot help the police to make an identification.

And until recently, this might have been the end of the road, but this is where we can make the difference.

The tape is sent to our labs, where we re asked to use our cutting-edge technology to help with the investigation.

And here, we use an existing form of mass spectrometry imaging technology that we have further developed and adapted specifically for the molecular and imaging analysis of fingerprints.
在这里,我们使用了一种现成的质谱成像技术, 我们已经专门针对指纹的分子和成像分析做了进一步的开发和适配。

In essence, we fire a UV laser at the print, and we cause the desorption of the molecules from the print, ready to be captured by the mass spectrometer.
原理上,我们朝指纹发射一束紫外激光, 去引发指纹上的分子解吸,为被质谱仪捕获做好准备。

Mass spectrometry measures the weight of the molecules -- or as we say, the mass and those numbers that you see there, they indicate that mass.
质谱法测量分子的重量--或者如我们所说,质量, 你看到的这些数字,它们表示质量。

But more crucially, they indicate who those molecules are whether I m seeing paracetamol or something more sinister, forensically speaking.
但更关键的是,它们表示这些分子是谁, 我看到的是对乙酰氨基酚或是从法医证物角度来说更罪恶的东西。

We applied this technology to the evidence that we have and we found the presence of condom lubricants.

In fact, we ve developed protocols that enable us to even suggest what brand of condom might have been used.

So we pass this information to the police, who, meanwhile, have obtained a search warrant and they found the same brand of condom in Dalton s premises.
于是我们把这个信息传达给警方, 警方,同时已经取得了搜查证并在道尔顿的房子里发现了同样牌子的避孕套。

And with Dalton and Thomson also having records for sexual assaults, then it is Chapman that may become the less likely suspect.
鉴于道尔顿和汤姆森也有性侵犯的记录, 那么,查普曼就不太可能成为嫌疑人。

But is this information enough to make an arrest?

Of course not, and we are asked to delve deeper with our investigation.

So we found out, also, the presence of other two very interesting molecules.

One is an antidepressant, and one is a very special molecule.

It only forms in your body if you drink alcohol and consume cocaine at the same time.

And alcohol is known to potentiate the effects of cocaine, so here, we now have a hint on the state of mind of the individual whilst perpetrating the crime.
众所周知,酒精会增强可卡因的作用, 所以在这儿,我们现在有了一个关于个人心理状态的提示。

We passed this information to the police, and they found out that, actually, Thomson is a drug addict, and he also has a medical record for psychotic episodes, for which presumably the antidepressant was prescribed.
我们把信息传递给警方,他们发现,事实上汤姆森是个瘾君子, 而且他也有精神病发的医疗记录,大概是用抗抑郁药开的处方。

So now Thomson becomes the more likely suspect.

But the reality is that I still don t know where these molecules are coming from, from which fingerprint, and who those two fingerprints belong to.
但事实是,我仍然不知道这些分子是从哪里来的, 来自谁的指纹,这两个指纹属于谁的。

Fear not. Mass spectrometry imaging can help us further.

In fact, the technology is so powerful that we can see where these molecules are on a fingerprint.

Like you see in this video, every single one of those peaks corresponds to a mass, every mass to a molecule, and we can interrogate the software, by selecting each of those molecules, as to where they are present on a fingermark.
如这个视频中所看到,每一个波峰都对应一个质量,每一个质量对应一个分子, 我们可以通过选择每一个分子,并查询这个软件,来了解它们在一个手指上的位置。

And some images are not very revealing, some are better, some are really good.

And we can create multiple images of the same mark -- in theory, hundreds of images of the same fingerprint for as many of the molecules that we have detected.
我们可以创建相同标记的多个图像--理论上,对于我们检测到的很多分子, 可以创建同个指纹的上百张图像。

So step one ... for overlapping fingerprints, chances are, especially if they come from different individuals, that the molecular composition is not identical, so let s ask the software to visualize those unique molecules just present in one fingermark and not in the other one.
所以步骤1...对于重叠的指纹,很大可能性是, 特别是如果它们来自不同的个体,分子组成是不一样的,让我们让软件来可视化这些只在一个手指上,而不在另一个手指上的独特分子。

By doing so, that s how we can separate the two ridge patterns.

And this is really important because the police now are able to identify one of the two fingerprints, which actually corresponds to Katie.
这真是非常重要,因为警察现在就可以鉴定两个指纹中的一个, 其中正好和凯蒂的是相对应的。

And they ve been able to say so because they ve compared the two separate images with one taken posthumously from Katie.

So now, we can concentrate on one fingerprint only -- that of the killer s.

So then, step two ... where are these three molecules that I ve seen?

Well, let s interrogate the software -- show me where they are.

And by doing this, only portions of the image of the killer s fingerprint show up.

In other words, those substances are only present in the killer s print.

So now our molecular findings start matching very nicely the police intelligence about Thomson, should that fingerprint belong to him.
所以现在我们的分子发现开始很好地匹配警察掌握的关于汤姆森的情报, 那指纹应该属于他。

But the reality is that that print is still not good enough to make an identification.

Step three: since we can generate hundreds of images of the same fingerprint, why don t we superimpose them, and by doing so, try to improve the rich pattern of continuity and clarity?
步骤3: 既然我们可以生成数百张相同指纹的图像,我们为什么不把它们叠加起来呢, 通过这样做,试着改善连续性和清晰性的丰富模式。

That s the result. Striking. We now have a very clear image of the fingerprint and the police can run it through the database.

The match comes out to Thomson. Thomson is our killer.

Katie, the suspects and the circumstances of the crime aren t real, but the story contains elements of the real police casework we ve been confronted with, and is a composite of the intelligence that we can provide -- that we have been able to provide the police.
凯蒂、犯罪嫌疑人和犯罪现场都不是真实的, 但这个故事包含了我们所遇到的真正的警察案件的元素,而这也包含了我们所能提供给警察的情报信息的组合。

And I m really, really thrilled that after nine years of intense research, as of 2017, we are able to contribute to police investigations.
在9年的深入研究后,我真的真的非常激动, 在2017年,我们能够对警方的调查做出贡献。

Mine is no longer a dream; it s a goal. We re going to do this wider and wider, bigger and bigger, and we re going to know more about the suspect, and we re going to build an identikit.
我的梦想不再是梦想;它是个目标。我们要做得越来越广,越来越大, 我们要了解更多嫌疑人的信息,我们要建立一个身份证明。

I believe this is also a new era for criminal profiling.

The work of the criminologist draws on the expert recognition of behavioral patterns that have been observed before to belong to a certain type, to a certain profile.
犯罪学家的工作利用了将过去观察过的行为模式 归属于特定类型和画像的专家认可。

As opposed to this expert but subjective evaluation, we re trying to do the same thing, but from the molecular makeup of the fingerprint, and the two can work together.
相对于专家这种主观评估,我们在试图做同样的事情, 但从指纹的分子结构去看,这两者可以一起工作。

I did say that molecules are storytellers, so information on your health, your actions, your lifestyle, your routines, they re all there, accessible in a fingerprint.
