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邃瞳科学云  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-12 10:24


因科研项目需要,日本国立物质材料研究所( NIMS Ken Sakaushi (坂牛 健)团队现招 聘博士后研究人员数名。


Field or Position

Postdoctoral Researcher (Fixed Term)

Number of People

2 position


Research Center for Energy and Environmental Materials ( https://www.nims.go.jp/nims-green/en/index.html), Electrochemical Energy Conversion Team

Research Summary

* Artificial Intelligence assisted experiment for ultra-accelerated discovery of  novel electrocatalysts for water electrolysers

* Data-driven characterization of water-splitting electrocatalysts by using state-of-the-art in-situ techniques

Duties are subject to change within the scope of the Employee’s position.


Minimum qualifications:

· a PhD within the last 5 years in inorganic chemistry, materials chemistry, physical chemistry, data-science or related disciplines

· Strong academic publication record

· Experience in electrochemical experiments or strong motivation to learn electrochemistry

· Confidence on own skills and knowledge

· Ability and willingness to participate in research cruises- excellent knowledge of English (written and oral)

· Interest and ability to learn other skills needed; ability to work on challenging tasks

· Good communication skills and ability to work in an interdisciplinary team with scientists, engineers, and technicians

Preferred qualifications:

· Prior experience with organic synthesis

Starting Date

1st August 2024 or later


1 year

* Renewal of the contract will be determined based on work performance, work attitude, progress of the work engaged in, workload at the end of the contract period, budget situation, and other factors.

* The maximum employment period shall not exceed five (5) years. This may be subject to change because of amendments to the Working Regulations.

Work Place

National Institute for Materials Science, Namiki-Site (Tsukuba, Ibaraki)

The scope of the change of place of work shall be limited to each of the Employer’s site, as well as other locations separately approved by the Employer.

Work Hours

7 hours 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week
* Deemed working hours when the discretionary labor system is applied are 8 hours and 15 minutes per day.


Saturday, Sunday, and National Holidays

Salary / Supply

* Monthly salary 344,860 JPY ~410,460 JPY (To be determined in accordance with the Salary Regulations for Fixed Term Employees)

* Fixed overtime pay included in monthly salary (Article 10, item 3 of the Salary Regulations for Fixed Term Employees)

Trial Period

We set a probationary period


Health insurance (MEXT Mutual Aid Association), Welfare Pension Insurance, Employment Insurance and Worker’s Accident Compensation Insurance. You will be automatically enrolled in these insurances when working conditions meet the requirements.


President, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)

How to Apply

Please send your application by e-mail, your CV, a list of publications, description of research experience and appealing points (1 page), and a list of 2 references (email address and phone).

(Your personal information will be protected by NIMS privacy policy.)

Delivery Address

The contact address below


Until qualified candidates are found.

How to Judge

Short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Contact to

Prof. Dr. Ken SAKAUSHI

Electrochemical Energy Conversion Team
Research Center for Energy and Environmental Materials
National Institute for Materials Science
1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0044 Japan
E-Mail: [email protected]

Ken Sakaushi's Website : https://www.nims.go.jp/group/eec/en/about/index.html




Ken Sakaushi is currently the Team Leader of Electrochemical Energy Conversion Team at the Research Center for Energy and Environmental Materials, National Institute for Materials Science.

He studied Theoretical Physics (B.Sc. in 2008) and Materials Chemistry (M.Sc. in 2010) at Keio University, and Electrochemistry at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. In 2013, he has obtained his Ph.D. from the Leibniz Institute for Solid-State and Materials Research / TU Dresden with a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Grant. His doctoral research focused on the synthesis of metal-organic and purely organic frameworks as well-organized model electrode systems to investigate their electronic structures, aiming to understand the correlations between structure and electrochemical energy conversion properties under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Eckert and Prof. Dr. Stefan Kaskel.

Upon completing his doctorate, he joined the Colloid Chemistry Department at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, directed by Prof. Dr. Markus Antonietti, on a Max Planck Society Fellowship. Since 2015, he has been a tenured scientific member at NIMS, and since 2022, an Associate Professor at the University of Tsukuba.

His scientific activity is recognized by several prestigious awards, such as
2022:The Commendation by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Young Scientist Award
2021: The CSJ Award for Young Chemist: 進歩賞 (The Chemical Society of Japan)

2019: PCCP Prize (The Chemical Society of Japan / Royal Society of Chemistry)

2013:Max Planck Society Stipend

2010:German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Research Grant


https://www.nims.go.jp/group/eec/en/about/index.html (国内访问)



