专栏名称: 留德华叫兽
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博后 | 比利时根特大学招聘博士后,福利待遇优厚!

留德华叫兽  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-14 12:12



即日起, 【留德华叫兽 】公众号日更全球博士后 职位 ,并组建 【全球 博士后申请 】微信群,欢迎通过文末方式加入,抱团取暖~


有需要博士后职位发布的教授/PI,也欢迎通过相同方式, 添加叫兽微信,免费发布职位!


A Postdoctoral Fellow is being sought for the 4BRAIN research group at the Department of Head and Skin, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University.


About the position

  • Spearhead cutting-edge projects in advancing efficacy of (Temporal Interference) Deep Brain Stimulation using advanced preclinical models for seizures and epilepsy.
  • Analyze extensive datasets of neurophysiological signals, including local field potentials (LFP), unit activity and biosensor imaging to study effects of (TI)-DBS on ex vivo brain slices and in vivo rodent models.
  • Develop advanced closed-loop neurostimulation algorithms.
  • Engage in a cross-disciplinary team, collaborating with experts across various fields.



  • You hold a doctoral degree or a diploma or certificate recognized as equivalent by law or in application of the guidelines of the European Union or a bilateral agreement.
  • In exceptional circumstances and based on detailed scientific justification, researchers who do not hold such a degree may also be considered, provided they have demonstrated exceptional scientific merit.
  • Exceptional scientific merit is defined as having excelled in scientific research and publications at a level at least equivalent to a doctoral degree.
  • The grant can only be awarded within the framework of international scientific mobility. This is the case if:

    • the researcher has resided abroad for at least 24 months out of the 3 years prior to the start date of the postdoctoral fellowship and has not worked or studied in Belgium during that period. However, short-term stays in Belgium are allowed during 24 months, such as holidays, participation in conferences or a short stay to prepare for the period as a postdoctoral researcher
    • the researcher is funded by the Marie- Sklodovska-Curie Action (MSCA) and thus meets the associated mobility conditions.
    • Only for postdoctoral researchers in international mobility
  • You have a solid foundation in electrophysiology and neurophysiological data analysis utilizing Python or MATLAB software.
  • Experienced with electrophysiological recording using multi electrode array systems.
  • Strong communication abilities, capable of independent, critical problem-solving.
  • A team player, eager to contribute to a collaborative environment.
  • Experience in supervision of master and phd students
  • Teaching experience
  • Management capabilities


Additional information

Send your CV, copy of your diploma (if already in your possession), a motivation letter and two (email) addresses of potential referees to [email protected]

Please mention “PostDoc application ” in the subject line.We do not accept late applications.





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