专栏名称: 环境人Environmentor
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得克萨斯农工大学Ying Wang课题组招聘全奖博士生和博士后

环境人Environmentor  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-28 12:32


Fully-funded Ph.D. Student & Postdoctoral Associate Positions in Soil / Plant Microbiomes  at Texas A&M University

The Wang Lab at the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences in Texas A&M University has openings for fully-funded Ph.D. student & postdoctoral associate positions starting in Spring or Fall 2025. We encourage applications from candidates with strong motivation and interests in pursuing research on systems biology and ecology of soil / plant microbiomes to help mitigate climate change and promote Earth’s sustainability. As an interdisciplinary research group, we welcome applicants with backgrounds in including but not limited to Microbiology, Ecology, Molecular / Systems Biology, Soil Science, Plant Biology, Biochemistry, Biogeochemistry, Ecotoxicology, Biotechnology, Environmental Chemistry, and Bioinformatics.

About the Institution

Texas A&M University ( www.tamu.ed u ) opened its doors in 1876 as the state’s first public institution of higher learning. It is ranked No. 51 among the nation’s best universities by U.S. News and World Report and named as No. 1 university in Texas, No. 11 in the nation among public universities, and No. 28 overall in the Wall Street Journal’s ranking of Best Colleges in the U.S. The main campus at College Station is located in the heart of the Houston-Austin-Dallas triangle and within a 1.5 to 3-hour drive to these major metro areas. The Soil and Crop Sciences Department ( soilcrop.tamu.edu ) is one of the largest such departments in the nation and is preeminent throughout the world.

About the PI

Dr. Ying Wang joined the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences at Texas A&M as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in January 2024. She finished her postdoctoral appointment at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California in 2023. She received her Ph.D. in Environmental Science from the University of California, Santa Barbara; and her Master and Bachelor degrees from Nanjing University, China. Her research examines microbiome-plant-soil interactions under environmental change using advanced systems biology, isotopic, and modeling approaches integrated with ecological principles. She has so far published >20 papers in journals including ACS Nano , Environmental Science & Technology , and Nature Reviews Microbiology . Her work has been recognized by awards from the American Chemical Society (ACS), Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization (SNO), and American Geophysical Union (AGU).

To Apply

Interested applicants from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to email Dr. Ying Wang ( [email protected] ) with the following:

  • “2025 Ph.D. + Your name” or “2025 Postdoc + Your name” as the subject line;

  • A one-page (no more than 500 words) cover letter describing your background, research experience and skills, interests in this position, and future goals;

  • Most updated curriculum vitae (CV; including a list of previous academic activities, presentations, publications, and TOEFL score if applicable);

  • 1-2 English writing samples (such as published or submitted manuscripts);

  • Unofficial transcripts (undergraduate and graduate if applicable);

  • Contact information of three references.

Review process will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled. In addition, we also have openings for research assistants. Please reach out directly to discuss potential opportunities.

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