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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-12-05 05:23



欧元(Euro)是欧盟中19个国家的货币。欧元的19会员国是德国、法国、意大利、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、爱尔兰、西班牙、葡萄牙、奥地利、芬兰、立陶宛、拉脱维亚、爱沙尼亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、希腊、马耳他、塞浦路斯 。1999年1月1日在实行欧元的欧盟国家中实行统一货币政策(Single Monetary Act),2002年7月欧元成为欧元区唯一合法货币。欧元由欧洲中央银行(European Central Bank,ECB)和各欧元区国家的中央银行组成的欧洲中央银行系统(European System of Central Banks,ESCB)负责管理。另外欧元也是非欧盟中6个国家(地区)的货币,他们分别是:摩纳哥、圣马力诺、梵蒂冈、安道尔、黑山和科索沃地区。其中,前4个袖珍国根据与欧盟的协议使用欧元,而后两个国家(地区)则是单方面使用欧元。

Europe’s single currency


France vs Germany


The founders of the euro have fundamentally different ideas about how the single currency should be managed


Oct 29th 2016 | From the print edition


The Euro and the Battle of Ideas. By Markus Brunnermeier, Harold James and Jean-Pierre Landau. Princeton University Press; 440 pages; $35 and £24.95.


《The Euro and the Battle of Ideas》

THE euro crisis that first blew up in late 2009 has revealed deep flaws in the single currency’s design. Yet in part because it began with the bail-out of Greece, many politicians, especially German ones, think the main culprits were not these design flaws but fiscal profligacy and excessive public debt. That meant the only cure was fiscal austerity. In fact, that has often needlessly prolonged the pain. Later bail-outs of countries like Ireland and Spain showed that excessive private debt, property bubbles and over-exuberant banks can cause even bigger problems for financial stability.


  • bail-out ['beil,aut]:应急措施

That is one early conclusion of “The Euro and the Battle of Ideas”, by three academics from Germany, Britain and France. They describe thoroughly the watershed moments of the crisis, how power shifted to national governments (especially in Berlin) and the roles played by the IMF and the European Central Bank (ECB). They blame euro-zone governments for failing to sort out troubled banks more quickly, for not realising that current-account deficits matter when public debts are in effect denominated in a foreign currency, for not making the ECB into a lender of last resort and for not pushing through structural reforms in good times.


Such complaints are often heard, not least from Britain and America. But more originally, the authors find the roots of these failings not in stupidity but in clashing economic ideas. Simplifying a bit, they focus on Germany and France. The Germans like rules and discipline, and fret about excessive debt and the moral hazard created by bail-outs. The French prefer flexibility and discretion, and worry about large current-account surpluses and the lack of a mutualised debt instrument. The Germans favour budget austerity even in hard times; the French favour fiscal stimulus on Keynesian lines. German policymakers are often lawyers, French ones more frequently economists.


  • Hazard ['hæzəd] n.(c)  冒险,危险

  • discretion [dɪ'skreʃ(ə)n] n.(c)  慎重,考虑周到,自行决定的自由,判断力

  • austerity [ɒ'sterɪtɪ] n.(u)  苦行,严厉,简朴

  • stimulus ['stɪmjʊləs] n.(u)   刺激物


Examples of such ideological clashes run throughout the book. They range from the design of the Maastricht treaty and the later stability and growth pact to the constitution of the ECB and the application of the fiscal compact. Throughout the crisis the French tended to see bank or national-debt woes as cases of illiquidity whereas the Germans usually viewed them as signs of insolvency. Similar divides have emerged in rows over Eurobonds (backed by France, opposed by Germany) and over accountability and democratic control at supranational level (backed by federal Germany but not by centralised France).


  • ideological [,aɪdɪəʊ'lɒdʒɪkəladj.  思想的,意识形态的

  • compact  adj.  紧凑的,简洁的

  • [kəm'pækt]  n.(c)  协议,条约

  • woe [wəʊ] n.(c)  悲哀,悲伤,灾难

  • insolvency [ɪn'sɒlv(ə)nsɪ] n.(u)  破产,倒闭

  • accountability [ə,kaʊntə'bɪlɪtɪ] n.(u)  责任制,有责任,有义务

As the authors note, such differences in ideas are not party-political (they persist regardless of whether the two countries have centre-left or centre-right governments). Nor, interestingly, are they fixed forever in history: in the 19th century, and even more in the 1930s, it was France, not Germany, that favoured rigid rules, big surpluses and the discipline of the gold standard. Only after 1945 did that change.


  • rigid ['rɪdʒɪd] 严格的;僵硬的

  • gold standard 金本位

The authors end on an optimistic note, with proposals for a Europe-wide insurance mechanism built on a form of Eurobonds designed to please both France and Germany. But their analysis might equally lead to pessimism. The euro crisis is far from over, with Greece needing more debt relief, Italy mired in banking problems and chronic slow growth and high unemployment almost everywhere. Britain’s Brexit vote will not help the mood, even if it was greeted by some as one more reason to push towards deeper fiscal and political union in the euro zone.


  • insurance mechanism 

  • [ɪn'ʃʊər(ə)ns] ['mek(ə)nɪz(ə)m] 保险机制

  • pessimism ['pesɪmɪz(ə)m] 悲观,悲观情绪

  • chronic  ['krɒnɪk] 慢性的,长期的,习惯的


The trouble is that, as the book shows, France and Germany still have huge differences over the direction of travel. The French want debt mutualisation and more fiscal flexibility first, and are only then ready to talk about more discipline and deeper integration. The Germans are the reverse, pushing for discipline and integration before being ready even to think about debt mutualisation. After next year’s elections in both countries, such deep differences are likely to cause continuing problems for the single currency.


  • debt mutualisation [,mju:tʃuəlai'zeiʃən] 债务共担

  • integration [ɪntɪ'greɪʃ(ə)n] 集成,综合

翻译 ▍栏目四第三组

审核 ▍薄荷凉

编辑 ▍璃儿


Try to translate 

They blame euro-zone governments for failing to sort out troubled banks more quickly, for not realising that current-account deficits matter when public debts are in effect denominated in a foreign currency, for not making the ECB into a lender of last resort and for not pushing through structural reforms in good times.

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