Fig. 1.
Location map of sample collection around blowout region of Tengratila gas field.
Fig. 2.
Spatial Distribution of Water quality parameters (a) pH; (b) Dissolved Oxygen, DO; (c)Electrical Conductivity, EC; (d) Total Dissolved Solid, TDS; (e) Total Suspended Solid, TSS; (f) Turbidity; (g) Total Hardness, TH; (h) Alkalinity; (i) Chemical Oxygen Demand, COD and (j)Free Carbon Dioxide.
Fig. 3.
The findings of Integrated Polluting Indices (HMPI
Fig. 4.
Noncarcinogenic Health Risks Assessment for both demographic groups.
Fig. 5.
Carcinogenic Health Risks Assessment for both demographic groups.
Fig. 6.
Simulated values of carcinogenic risks (a) children, (b) adults, and simulated values of non-carcinogenic risks (c) children, (d) adults.
Fig. 7.
The dendogram of the cluster analysis.
Fig. 8.
Scree plot for determining Principal Components.
Fig. 9.
Relationship among the factor components.
Fig. 10.
The percentage of species concentration contributing to the factors.