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干货 | 独立口语题型的答题示范,了解一下?

TFT小组  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2019-05-24 20:30


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才不会错过有趣的灵魂和Dream School

本文大约 1264 字,阅读需要 4 分钟

独立口语task 1 和 task 2 大致可以按以下的几种题型归类:

Task 1:

1.  Personal experience

2.  Stating opinion

3.  Multiple choice

4.  Giving advice

5.  Advantage and/or disadvantage

Task 2:

1.  Agree or disagree

2.  Preference

今天跟大家分享一下这几种题的答题示范,希望小伙伴们能get 到精髓,蹭蹭涨分!

Task 1


Personal experience

Q: What is your favorite recreational activity?

A: My favourite recreational activity is walking my dog in the park. There are two reasons for this. First, I enjoy taking my dog to the park in my free time because it is relaxing and healthy. I have a very busy life during the week and I spend most of the time in the office sitting in front of the computer, so when I have some spare time, I take my dog to the park and that makes me feel refreshed and recharged. Second, my dog is a perfect walking companion. He never runs unless I ask him to. He just walks some steps ahead of me and sometimes looks at me with a happy face. Therefore, basically for these two reasons, my favourite recreational activity is walking my dog in the park.


Stating opinion

Q: Is the Internet a good or bad thing for the music industry?

A: While some may disagree, I believe that the music industry benefits from the industry. To begin, people are able to find new artists with the help of social media and YouTube. I think that Youtube is a great tool, because if you click on an artist you already like, more artists, sometimes less known ones pop up on the side. In addition to this, the internet has made purchasing songs easier. Rather than being forced to buy an entire album, you can purchase individual songs off the album. This is great for consumers and musicians, as if someone only likes one of the songs, they can get it. For these two reasons, I think that the internet is a good thing for the music industry.


Multiple choice

Q: Which of the following choices do you think has the greatest impact on environmental protection?

(1) Governmental regulations

(2) Environmental awareness groups

(3) Individual efforts

A: I think that governmental regulations have the biggest impact on environmental protection. Compared to individual efforts, governmental regulations make citizens follow the law, rather than making good choices. For example, in Korea, if you don’t recycle properly, you can receive a fine. They provide all the bins and resources to make it easy for the public to make the right choice to recycle. Second, when the government steps in to making regulations, it also educates the public, which can lead to individuals going above and beyond for the environment. When the government introduces a new regulation, it will explain why they are doing it, which may have people think twice about before they throw garbage out the window of the car. For these two reasons, I believe that governmental regulations have the biggest impact on environmental protection.


Giving advice

Q: Your friend has just moved to a new city and is nervous about making new friends. What advice would you give your friend? Please include specific details and examples in your response.

A: If my friend has just moved to a new city and is nervous about making new friends, I would give him two pieces of advice. The first piece of advice would be to get out of their comfort zone. Many people are shy when they don't know anyone, and it would be easy to stay in their house all day instead of putting themselves out there to make friends. The second piece of advice would be to remember that everything takes time. Things are bound to go wrong, and maybe he isn’t making as many friends as he thought he would. I would tell him not to get stressed and think he should move home, but just give it time and let things fall into place. To sum up, if my friend has just moved to a new city and is nervous about making new friends, I would give him these two pieces of advice.


Advantage and disadvantage

Q: Many students are asked to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

A: I believe that it is beneficial to evaluate professors at the end of the semester, but there can also be some disadvantages. First, since superior staff can’t sit it on every class, they should take input from the students on how the class went. Students are likely to be honest in their reviews, so the professor can also learn from their mistakes. However, I believe that there are drawbacks as well. If a student knows that they will receive a failing grade, they may be dishonest in their review just to spite the professor. They may say that the professor wasn’t fair, even if that isn’t true. This can be hurtful to the professor and detrimental to their career. So, I believe that there are advantages and disadvantages to asking students to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester.

Task 2


Agree or disagree

Q: Do you agree or disagree that a higher education means a better career? Use details and examples to support your explanation.

A: I do agree that a higher education means a better career. To begin with, with the advancement of technology and the advancement of the world itself, companies are becoming more complex. If they want their company to succeed, they will need to have intelligent, knowledgeable, and competent individuals working for them. In addition, having a higher education will give you an advantage over the other candidates applying for the same job. Therefore, these reasons are why I agree that a higher education means a better career.



Q: Do you prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants? Use details and examples to support your explanation.

A: To me, I prefer eating at restaurants over eating at food stands for two main reasons. The first reason is that I grew up dinning in restaurants, so I am accustomed to eating in them. Actually, I cannot remember the last time I ate at a food stand. Plus, eating in a nice building is much more comfortable compared to eating outside. The second reason is there is a better food selection. I can have more choices and my food is cooked better, because they have a proper cooking system. Therefore, these reasons are why I prefer to eat at a restaurant rather than a food stand.

以上就是今天的分享~ 当然,光看不练是没用滴,参加语料虐炼小组,每天都有同行小伙伴们一起打卡,互相点评鼓励,更有专业细心的coach小姐姐从发音、语调、词汇、语法等各个方面给你指出问题所在。


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