65 /i |
Cooke Optics 拥抱大画幅电影
英国莱斯特 – 2024年11月11日
Cooke Optics隆重宣布推出专为65mm传感器摄影机设计的Panchro™ 65/i镜头系列,正式进军大画幅电影摄影领域。
早在20世纪50年代,Cooke便开始支持大画幅电影摄影,并限量推出了Double Speed Panchros和Duopanchros镜头,支持VistaVision和65mm胶片格式。这些镜头被用于拍摄诸如《迷魂记》(1958)、《擒凶记》(1956)和《捉贼记》(1955)等经典电影。
Cooke was an early supporter of larger format cinema and released limited runs of the Double Speed Panchros and Duopanchros in the early 1950’s to support both VistaVision and 65mm film formats. This combination was used to photograph many great films such as Vertigo (1958), The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) and To Catch a Thief (1955).
随着越来越多的摄像机采用65mm数字影像,Cooke计划推出Panchro 65/i系列,将经典的Panchro影像风格延展至更大的画幅,为电影人拓宽更多镜头选择范围。Panchro 65/i这一系列镜头传承了Speed Panchro镜头的传奇设计,结合现代大画幅电影摄影的需求,焕发全新生机。
Today, an increasing number of camera manufacturers are embracing 65mm digital images. As such, Cooke plans to provide filmmakers with the Panchro 65/i series, which brings the signature Panchro look to larger formats and widens the lensing options available to filmmakers who are embracing this impressive capture method. This lens series is inspired by the legendary Speed Panchro line, beloved by filmmakers since the early 20th century, now reimagined for modern larger-format cinematography.
Cooke因其镜头设计的精准性与艺术性而闻名,Panchro 65/i镜头经过精心设计,保留了Panchro系列独特的美学特质。光学设计中巧妙地融合了适度像差,确保经典的Panchro风格能够覆盖更大的影像范围,以满足大画幅的需求。
Known for precision and artistry in lens design, Cooke has carefully crafted the Panchro 65/i lenses to preserve the unique aesthetic qualities of the Panchro line. Aberrations are skilfully integrated into the optical design, delivering that classic Panchro feel across a much larger image circle to meet the demands of this larger format.
Panchro 65/i系列包括以下六种焦距:
The Panchro 65/i will include six focal lengths:
30mm / 40mm / 55mm / 75mm / 100mm / 152mm
在Alexa65摄影机上,这套镜头的水平视角范围从84.1°到20.2°。以30mm焦距的镜头为例,其视角宽于全画幅摄影机上的S8/i 21mm镜头。
On an Alexa65 this set gives a horizontal angle of view range from 84.1 to 20.2º. On this camera the 30mm focal length would facilitate an angle of view slightly wider than the S8/i 21mm on a full-frame camera.
Cooke’s lens design principals offer filmmakers enhanced depth and dimensionality, especially in facial features and foreground-background separation.
The 55mm, 75mm and 100mm offer a maximum T-stop of T2.5 whilst the 30mm and 40mm offer T2.8 and the 152mm T2.9. All lenses offer a minimum T-Stop of T22 and the Panchro 65/i series is lightweight across the range (1.8kg to 2.3kg), making it ideal for today’s shooting environments.
此外,Panchro 65/i系列是首款搭载Cooke最新/i Technology(智能技术)的65mm格式镜头系列,为未来的影像制作提供尖端支持。
The Panchro 65/i series also debuts as the first 65mm-format smart lens series equipped with Cooke’s latest intelligent /i technology, keeping future productions at the forefront of imaging technology.
Cooke计划于2025年初宣布Panchro 65/i系列的发布日期,并预计同年晚些时间提供试用样机。
Cooke will announce the launch date for Panchro 65/i in early 2025 and expects to have demo units available later that year.
关于Cooke Optics
Cooke是电影摄影和高端专业摄影领域的传奇品牌,以精密、严苛的工艺标准和优异的品质闻名于世,深受全球资深电影摄影师的信赖。Cooke也是*/i Technology*的开发者,该技术可捕捉并数字化传输重要的镜头和摄像机数据,为后期制作提供支持。
Cooke is a storied name in both cinematographic and ultra-high-end professional photography markets. Known worldwide for their precision, exacting tolerances and superior quality, Cooke lenses are specified by many of the world’s most respected cinematographers.
Cooke is also the developer behind /i Technology, the protocol enabling vital lens and camera information to be captured and passed digitally to post-production teams.
Cooke was honoured with a 2013 Academy Award® of Merit (an Oscar® statuette) for its continuing innovation in the design, development and manufacture of motion picture camera lenses.
近期使用Cooke镜头拍摄的电影作品包括但不限于:《膝盖骨乐队》、《小行星城》、《想象之光》、《世外桃源》、《末日重始》、《旺卡》、《指挥官》、《扑克脸》、《神迹》、《分手的决心》、《蝙蝠侠》、《玛蒂尔达:音乐剧》、《紫心之恋》、《法兰西特派》、《静水城》、《天堂之鸟》、《零度以下》、《最后一眼》、《The Water Man》。
Features in production or recently shot with Cooke lenses include Kneecap, Asteroid
City, All we Imagine as Light, Arcadian, The End We Start From, Wonka, Comandante,
Poker Face, The Wonder, Decision to Leave, The Batman, Maltilda the Musical, Purple
Hearts, The French Dispatch, Still Water, Birds of Paradise, Bajocero, The Last Thing
Mary Saw, The Water Man.
近期使用Cooke镜头拍摄的电视剧包括但不限于:《王冠》第六季、《亚森·罗宾》、《最后生还者》、《欧比旺》、《亢奋》、《星际迷航:奇异新世界》、《The Luminaries》、《伞学院》、《麻木不仁》、《迷失太空》、《守望者》、《猎人》、《切尔诺贝利》。
Television shows recently shot with Cooke lenses include The Crown Season 6, Lupin,
The Last of Us, Obi Wan Kenobi, Euphoria, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, The
Luminaries, The Umbrella Academy, Dead to Me, Lost in Space, Watchmen, Hunters,
The Wonder and Chernobyl.
英国总部媒体联系 Media contact:[email protected]
**“Cooke®”**是Cooke Optics Limited的注册商标
**“i/®”**是Cooke Optics Limited的注册商标
**“Panchro”**是Cooke Optics Limited的商标
**“Academy Award®”和“Oscar®”**是美国电影艺术与科学学院的商标
“Cooke®” is a registered trademark of Cooke Optics Limited. “i/®” is a registered trademark of Cooke Optics Limited.
“Panchro” is tradermark of Cooke Optics Limited.
“Academy Award®” and “Oscar®” are trademarks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and sciences.
Cooke Optics中国官方地址
Cooke Optics China official address
Cooke Optics 北京创意媒体中心
[email protected]
Cooke Optics Beijing Creative Media Center
Lens testing are available by appointment
Address: 0621, BlockB Chaowai SOHO, No.6 Chaowai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Cooke Optics 上海光学技术中心
[email protected]
Cooke Optics Shanghai Optical Technology Centre