专栏名称: 今日佳音
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今日佳音  · 公众号  · 基督教  · 2017-12-28 11:59





制作:每日箴言 | 诵读:楚云 | 片头:张妙阳

在今日佳音公众号发送数字 8



Joseph, Son Of David


— 太 1:20

"Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."

— Matthew 1:20

🙏 灵修


Like Mary, Joseph had a visit from an angel. Like Mary, Joseph obeyed the angel's message. And, like Mary, his life was turned upside down.


Joseph's life was that of a village craftsman. Income wasn't always certain; business could be precarious. Joseph didn't need adventures and long-distance trips; he needed a good steady stream of work.

但随着约瑟跟随神的指引,冒险就开始了。首先,对于马利亚怀孕的丑闻,他得承受来自邻居和家人们不赞成的眼神和评论。接着就是伯利恒之行,本来就不容易,加上马利亚即将生产,肯定就更困难了。又因为他们没有地方可去,她在马厩里生下了婴孩耶稣。然后牧羊人来了,讲述了遇到天使的事,后来,外国的占星家来尊崇耶稣为新生王。然后约瑟不得不和马利亚、耶稣一起逃往埃及,躲避希律王的男婴大屠杀(马太福音 2)。

But as Joseph followed God's direction, the adventures began. First he had to endure disapproving looks and remarks from neighbors and family members over the scandal of Mary's pregnancy. Then there was the trip to Bethlehem, never easy but certainly made more difficult as Mary was about to give birth. And because they had no place to stay, she gave birth to baby Jesus in a stable. Then shepherds came telling about a visit by angels, and, later, astrologers from foreign lands came to honor Jesus as a new king. Then Joseph had to run with Mary and Jesus to Egypt to escape King Herod's slaughter of baby boys (Matthew 2).


This wasn't what Joseph had figured on when he had pledged himself to Mary. But when Jesus enters our life, we can expect things to be different. Our lives can be turned upside down as he takes us on adventures—especially on the biggest adventure of all: life with him in the kingdom of God.

🙏 祷告



Lord and Savior, we know that your promises are true. Guide us to serve and honor you, wherever you call us to go. Amen.

🙏 经文
