The Truth About Canadian Healthcare
Why can’tAmerica’s healthcare system be more like Canada’s?
Here’s whatmost people who ask that question think they know about Canadian-stylehealthcare:
1. Everybody gets covered.
2. It’s free.
3. It’s great.
Number one istrue. Everybody is covered.
Number two isfalse. Nothing is free. Canadians pay for their insurance through their taxes.And, as you might expect, the tax rates in Canada are very high.
And numberthree is… well, let’s just say it’s questionable. Let’s find out howquestionable. But before we do, let me tell you a bit about me.
I was born andraised in Montreal, Canada. That makes me French Canadian. I’m so FrenchCanadian, my name—Alan—is spelled A-L-A-I-N. I have also lived and worked inthe United States. I have experienced both Canadian health care and Americanhealth care. Here are some of my experiences with the Canadian system, the oneso many Americans aspire to. I believe they are typical. So do the Canadians Iknow.
我出生并成长于加拿大的蒙特利尔。这让我成为了一个法裔加拿大人。我是个十足的法裔加拿大人,我的名字——Alan——拼写是 A-L-A-I-N。我也在美国生活和工作过。加拿大医疗和美国医疗我都体验过。以下是我对许多美国人向往的加拿大医疗系统的一些体验。我相信它们很典型。许多我认识的加拿大人也这么认为。
Experience #1:
In September2000, my wife was seven months pregnant with our youngest daughter. One day, mywife started having severe lower back pain. She suspected kidney stones—she hadthem in the past. But she was very pregnant, so we needed to check it out.Kidney stones are bad, but something going wrong with the pregnancy would be alot worse.
在 2000 年的九月,我老婆怀着我们最小的女儿七个月了。一天,我老婆开始感到强烈的下背疼。她怀疑是肾结石——她过去也得过。但她怀孕很久了,因此我们需要检查一下。肾结石不好,但如果是宝宝出了什么问题,那就更糟了。
We went to theemergency room of our local hospital in Montreal. This was Thursday. She wasadmitted to the hospital and given morphine for her pain. She couldn’t get an ultrasoundthe next day because the machine for this procedure was fully booked.
She didn’t getthe ultrasound during the weekend, either, because ultrasound operators don’twork on weekends. Finally, on Monday afternoon, she got the test—after I beggedher doctor to do something so we could find out if indeed my wife had a kidneystone or something had gone wrong with the pregnancy. Thank God, it was theformer and not the latter.
In the UnitedStates, a pregnant woman doesn’t wait a day to get an ultrasound if the baby’shealth is in question. And ultrasound technicians are available on theweekend.
Experience #2:
One of myfriends struggled with back issues for years. Eventually, he needed surgery.Like all people with non-life-threatening conditions in Canada, he was placedon a waiting list. The pain got so bad, after a few months he went to see thespecialist and pleaded for an operation. The specialist asked, “Are yousuicidal?” My friend responded, “No, I’m not suicidal—I need a back operation!”The specialist concluded, “If you are not suicidal, it means you can handle thepain.” Had my friend waited, his surgery would have been covered. Instead, hewent to Florida and paid $20,000 out of his own pocket to have the surgeryimmediately.
In the UnitedStates, if you’re in terrible pain, you can get a back surgery within days.
Several yearsago, I was diagnosed with polyps on my colon. Since I have a family history ofcolon cancer, I was advised to get a colonoscopy every year. I went to see myspecialist in May to set up my next procedure. After a brief consult, he toldme to book the colonoscopy with his secretary on my way out. She told me thatthe doctor could perform the procedure in November. Being used to long waitingtimes, I felt that was rather short, so I said, “Great, that works for me.” Shereplied, “Not this November. Next November.”
In the UnitedStates, you can get a colonoscopy in a few days, and certainly within a fewweeks.