Distributed TensorFlow allows us to
share parts of a TensorFlow graph between multiple processes
, possibly each on a different machine.
Why might we want to do this? The classic use case is to harness the power of multiple machines for training, with shared parameters between all machines. Even if we're just running on a single machine, though, I've come across two examples from reinforcement learning where sharing between processes has been necessary:
In A3C, multiple agents run in parallel in multiple processes, exploring different copies of the environment at the same time. Each agent generates parameter updates, which must also be sent to the other agents in different processes.
In Deep Reinforcement Learning from Human Preferences, one process runs an agent exploring the environment, with rewards calculated by a network trained from human preferences about agent behaviour. This network is trained asynchronously from the agent, in a separate process, so that the agent doesn't have to wait for each training cycle to complete before it can continue exploring.
Unfortunately, the official documentation on Distributed TensorFlow rather jumps in at the deep end.
For a slightly more gentle introduction - let's run through some really basic examples
with Jupyter.
If you'd like to follow along with this notebook interactively, sources can be found at GitHub.
(Note: some of the explanations here are my own interpretation of empirical results/TensorFlow documentation. If you see anything that's wrong, give me a shout!)
import tensorflow as tf
Let's say we want multiple processes to have shared access to some common parameters. For simplicity, suppose this is just a single variable:
var = tf.Variable(initial_value=0.0)
As a first step, we can imagine that each process would need its own session. (Pretend session 1 is created in one process, and session 2 in another.)
sess1 = tf.Session()sess2 = tf.Session()sess1.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())sess2.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())
Each call to
creates a separate
execution engine
, then connects the session handle to the execution engine. The execution engine is what actually stores variable values and runs operations.
Normally, execution engines in different processes are unlinked. Changing
in one session (on one execution engine) won't affect
in the other session.
print("Initial value of var in session 1:", sess1.run(var))print("Initial value of var in session 2:", sess2.run(var))sess1.run(var.assign_add(1.0))print("Incremented var in session 1")print("Value of var in session 1:", sess1.run(var))print("Value of var in session 2:", sess2.run(var))
Initial value of var in session 1: 0.0
Initial value of var in session 2: 0.0
Incremented var in session 1
Value of var in session 1: 1.0
Value of var in session 2: 0.0
Distributed TensorFlow
In order to share variables between processes, we need to link the different execution engines together. Enter Distributed TensorFlow.
With Distributed TensorFlow, each process runs a special execution engine: a TensorFlow
. Servers are linked together as part of a
. (Each server in the cluster is also known as a
The first step is to define what the cluster looks like. We start off with the simplest possible cluster: two servers (two tasks), both on the same machine; one that will listen on port 2222, one on port 2223.
tasks = ["localhost:2222", "localhost:2223"]
Each task is associated with a
, which is a collection of related tasks. We associate both tasks with a job called "local".
jobs = {"local": tasks}
This completes the definition of the cluster.
cluster = tf.train.ClusterSpec(jobs)
We can now launch the servers, specifying which server in the cluster definition each server corresponds to. Each server starts immediately, listening on the port specified in the cluster definition.
# "This server corresponds to the the first task (task_index=0)# of the tasks associated with the 'local' job."server1 = tf.train.Server(cluster, job_name="local", task_index=0)server2 = tf.train.Server(cluster, job_name="local", task_index=1)
With the servers linked together in the same cluster
, we can now experience the main magic of Distributed TensorFlow:
any variable with the same name will be shared between all servers
The simplest example is to run the same graph on all servers, each graph with just one variable, as before:
tf.reset_default_graph()var = tf.Variable(initial_value=0.0, name='var')sess1 = tf.Session(server1.target)sess2 = tf.Session(server2.target)
Modifications made to the variable on one server will now be mirrored on the second server.
sess1.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())sess2.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())print("Initial value of var in session 1:", sess1.run(var))print("Initial value of var in session 2:", sess2.run(var))sess1.run(var.assign_add(1.0))print("Incremented var in session 1")print("Value of var in session 1:", sess1.run(var))print("Value of var in session 2:", sess2.run(var))
Initial value of var in session 1: 0.0
Initial value of var in session 2: 0.0
Incremented var in session 1
Value of var in session 1: 1.0
Value of var in session 2: 1.0
(Note that because we only have one variable, and that variable is shared between both sessions, the second run of
here is redundant.)
A question that might be in our minds at this point is: which server does the variable actually get stored on? And for operations, which server actually runs them?
Empirically, it seems that by default, variables and operations get placed on the first task in the cluster.
def run_with_location_trace(sess, op):
# From https://stackoverflow.com/a/41525764/7832197
run_options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE)
run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata()
sess.run(op, options=run_options, run_metadata=run_metadata)
for device in run_metadata.step_stats.dev_stats:
for node in device.node_stats:
print(" ", node.node_name)
For example, if we do something to
using the session connected to the first task, everything happens on that task:
run_with_location_trace(sess1, var)