On December 10, Pepsi announced its partnership with the popular Chinese game IP Black Myth: Wukong, unveiling a cross-industry collaboration that has captured the attention of audiences nationwide. The campaign features five iconic characters from the game—Tianmingren, Zhu Bajie, Erlang Shen, Sijie, and Guangzhi—on Pepsi cans, while embodying the brand's energy with the slogan "Pepsi: Thirsty for More, Own Your Destiny." Through the integration of cultural elements, the collaboration aims to inspire young consumers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and fearless challenges.
早在今年3月,百事可乐就推出全新的品牌主张——“渴望就可能(THIRSTY FOR MORE)”,传递了品牌对探索未知、突破边界的坚定信念,同时鼓励年轻一代勇敢追逐梦想,用渴望点燃更多可能性。
As early as March this year, Pepsi introduced its new brand proposition—"THIRSTY FOR MORE", reflecting the brand's unwavering belief in exploring the unknown and pushing boundaries. The proposition also encourages the younger generation to boldly chase their dreams and unlock new possibilities with their desire for more.
“渴望就可能(THIRSTY FOR MORE)”的真实内涵是什么?“渴望”象征着一种强烈的追求和内心驱动力,“可能”意味着未来的无限潜力;“THIRSTY FOR MORE”则是在面对未来更多可能性时,始终保持热爱和探索精神。以此为基点,百事也希望向当代中国青年传递出这样一种态度:每一次渴望都是对未知的呼唤,而每一个可能都因行动和坚持而被点燃。What is the true meaning behind "THIRSTY FOR MORE"? "Thirsty" symbolizes a strong pursuit and inner drive, while "more" signifies the infinite potential of the future. "THIRSTY FOR MORE" captures the spirit of maintaining passion and curiosity in the face of limitless possibilities. Building on this foundation, Pepsi seeks to convey this attitude to contemporary Chinese youth. Every desire is a call to the unknown, and every possibility is ignited through action and perseverance.而这也正是本次联名合作的发展初心和启发。《黑神话:悟空》作为近年来备受瞩目的国产游戏,以其对经典神话的创新演绎和极具沉浸感的东方叙事吸引了全球玩家的关注。该游戏也凭借其精美的画面和对中国传统文化的创新演绎,成为国产游戏崛起的重要代表之一,也在中国青年心中留下了不可复制的文化烙印。该游戏中五大经典角色不仅深受无数游戏玩家的追捧,他们在游戏过程中彰显出的拼搏、无畏、洒脱,也与百事“渴望就可能”的品牌理念完美契合。其中天命人象征自我超越与掌控命运,激励年轻一代挑战自我,追求更广阔的可能。猪八戒代表物质与精神的双重追求,诠释了在多元生活中追求理想与内心平衡的可能。二郎显圣真君象征正义与力量,展现了面对挑战勇往直前的决心,四姐代表女性力量与智慧的传承,彰显了突破传统、追求自我价值的勇气……这些渴望的微光,恰恰映射了“渴望就可能”在不同个体之间的多元化表达。而本次百事以游戏经典形象为设计灵感重磅推出联名产品,不仅为产品赋予了创意价值,更是以渴望精神的群体代表力量,鼓励年轻消费者不畏失败、勇敢前行,主动上前把握人生机会和未来无限可能。此次联名通过与《黑神话:悟空》这一广受关注的游戏IP合作,百事结合当下年轻消费者对本土文化的追求,发挥渴望榜样的力量,与《黑神话:悟空》共同传递“渴望就可能”的品牌精神,向年轻一代展示了追梦与突破自我的态度,进一步强化了品牌与消费者之间的情感连接。Through its collaboration with the widely popular game IP Black Myth: Wukong, Pepsi taps into the current generation of young consumers' pursuit of local culture. By harnessing the power of aspirational role models, Pepsi and Black Myth: Wukong together convey the brand spirit of "THIRSTY FOR MORE," highlighting an attitude of chasing dreams and breaking through personal boundaries. This partnership further strengthens the emotional connection between the brand and its consumers.在产品设计上,百事可乐十分注重包装细节与创新,从游戏角色的选取到文化元素的视觉呈现,这款联名产品在满足年轻消费者审美需求的同时,彰显了品牌对文化与创新的持续关注。这一联名不仅向《黑神话:悟空》中的天命人精神表达了敬意,同时展现出百事品牌对突破极限、追求可能性的持续追求。在不断挑战极限的过程中,每一次突破都意味着“可能”的诞生,而这种“可能”正是通过“渴望”的力量得以实现。这正是百事发起“尽百事,胜天命”的实际精神内核。从对传统文化的致敬到跨界创新的尝试,百事始终在用实际行动证明:每一次渴望都值得被尊重,每一种文化都可以开花结果。未来,百事表示将继续秉承“渴望就可能”的品牌精神,与年轻一代共同探索更多可能性,推动跨界合作与文化创新。