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数聚英才,智启未来 | 985A+学科青年论坛诚挚引才!

青塔  · 公众号  · 大学生  · 2024-09-26 18:31






Discipline Introduction



Founded in 1930, the mathematics discipline of Shandong University is formerly known as the Department of Mathematics, College of Science, affiliated to the National University of Qingdao. The School of Mathematics is one of the oldest colleges of Shandong University, deeply cultivated and long-standing. Though undergo readjustment of times, excellent academic tradition and rich academic resources of the discipline are shaped and sustained, making it one of China’s most important bases for higher education and scientific research in mathematics at all times. A number of internationally renowned distinguished talents have successively taught or studied here, including Academician Chengdong Pan, who has made two groundbreaking breakthroughs in the study of the "Goldbach Conjecture", Academician Daoxing Xia, who has created the "Xia Daoxing Function", Academician Lan Wen, an expert in the field of differential dynamical systems, control scientist Academician Lei Guo, Academician Shige Peng, a pioneer of financial mathematics in China, cryptologist Academician Xiaoyun Wang, and Academician Jiping Zhang, who has made outstanding achievements in the study of finite groups and modular representation theory.


After nearly a century of development, the current mathematics discipline has explored a solid development pattern with School of Mathematics at its center and a number of high-level research institutions thriving simultaneously. It is supported by the national "985 Project" and "211 Key Discipline Construction Project", and its ESI ranking always maintains top 1% of the world. The mathematics discipline of Shandong University has been ranking A+ since the fourth subject evaluation and in 2017, it was selected into the national "Double First-Class" construction ranks. The discipline carries on the "extensive and profound, timeless and innovative" cultural heritage, and has forged a typical SDU style of "firm and resolute, solid and unpretentious".  It was evaluated by the Ministry of Education as the first level (with significant results) in the first round of construction of "First-Class" mathematics discipline in 2021. Since 2022, the discipline has steadily promoted the second phase of the "Double First-Class" construction.


The faculties of the discipline are well reputed for their dedication and are well-structured with outstanding team achievements in both teaching and academics, including 2 academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 6 winners of National Distinguished Professors, 6 winners of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2 High-Level Overseas Distinguished Professors, 5 winners of National Leading Scholars,  3 winners of State-Level Outstanding Educator, 1 winner of National Distinguished Teacher, 15 winners of National Young Talents, etc. Besides, there are 2 State-Level Teaching Teams, 1 Innovation Group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2 Innovation Teams of the Ministry of Education, and 2 Innovation Teams in the key areas of the Ministry of Science and Technology.


The discipline prevails in its academic strength and systematic support, with a number of world-renowned and internationally leading research achievements, especially in fields such as financial mathematics, number theory, operations research and cybernetics, and nonlinear expectations. The honors and awards include 1 First Prize of State Natural Science Award, 4 Second Prize of State Natural Science Award as well as 2 Future Science Prize won by Academician Xiaoyun Wang and Academician Shige Peng. The discipline consists of the School of Mathematics, Zhongtai Securities Institute for Financial Studies, Data Science Institute, Mathematical Research Center, Research Center for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences (Qingdao), and School of Mathematics and Statistics (Weihai). It also brings together high-level research platforms, including Shandong National Center for Applied Mathematics, Nonlinear Expectation Frontier Scientific Research Center of the Ministry of Education, Qingdao Branch of the Sino-Russian Mathematics Center, and Shandong Provincial Financial Risk and Security Laboratory. Overall, the discipline excels in its cutting-edge research and far-reaching academic influence at home and abroad, providing strong support and broad space for young scholars.


In 2024, the School of Mathematics was awarded the Excellent Group of National Education System. The academic atmosphere of the School is deeply cultivated and pleasant, and the evaluation mechanism is fair and scientific, which provides a solid support for every young talent who joins the School to devote themselves to research and work happily.


Recruitment Positions and Application Requirements



In 2007, the mathematics discipline was selected as one of the first batch of national first-class key disciplines, including 5 secondary key disciplines, 9 doctoral programs, and 2 postdoctoral research stations of mathematics and system science, statistics. We are recruiting excellent teachers and postdoctoral fellows from both domestic and international in fields such as fundamental mathematics, applied mathematics, computational mathematics, operations research, cybernetics, probability theory and mathematical statistics, information security, data science and related interdisciplinary research fields based on theoretical analysis, data and computation. We will adopt written review and report interview to the Academic Committee to select the best candidates.


Application Requirements



High-Level Leading Talents


Applicants should be top and leading national talents who have an international perspective and strategic vision for the development of the discipline, have achieved high-level original research results recognized by international peers at the forefront of academic fields, or have made groundbreaking contribution to the discipline, played an important role or had significant social influence while serving for national strategies and economic and social development. Generally the applicants’ age should not exceed 55 years old, except for that of top talents.



Outstanding Young Scholars


Applicants should be young and middle-aged scholars with the same capacity of "Young Chang Jiang Scholars", winners of the "National Excellent Youth Science Fund", "Outstanding Young Scholars" of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, and "Overseas High-Level Young Talents" who are generally not more than 45 years old.




Overseas High-Level Young Talents (National Overseas Distinguished Young Scholars)


Applicants’ research fields should be in the category of natural sciences with an age not exceeding 40 years old.


Applicants should have obtained a doctoral degree, and have more than 3 consecutive years of overseas scientific research experience, and have a formal teaching or scientific research position in a well-known overseas university, scientific research institution or well-known enterprise R&D institution; A top-notch talent among peers in the field of scientific research, and has the development potential to become an academic or technical leader in the field. For particularly outstanding overseas doctors, there can be exception in terms of the length of tenure. i.e., those who obtained domestic doctoral degrees must have worked overseas for 3 consecutive years or more as teacher or researcher (including postdoctoral fellows); for those who obtained overseas doctoral degrees and have worked overseas for less than 3 consecutive years, exceptional  employment can be applied.


After being employed, applicants should return to China to work full-time. Generally, applicants should hold no full-time position in China. Those who have already worked part-time in China should return to China within a year.


Those who enter the final accreditation but are not eventually enrolled can apply for on-campus talent projects such as "Qilu Young Scholars" of Shandong University through a simplified procedure.



Qilu Young Scholars


Applicants should have a PhD degree and academic background in mathematics, and should be under 35 years old. They should have made landmark research achievements with important academic influence, strong academic potential, and good ranking among scholars of the same age in this subject field in terms of academic performance.  First-level overseas applicants should generally be high-level university assistant professor and above positions or have experience in corresponding position in research institutions, or long-term overseas academic training experience (generally not less than 3 years); Secondary level overseas applicants should generally have academic training experience in high-level universities or research institutions overseas (generally not less than 1 year). Domestic applicants (first and secondary levels) should work at the front line of teaching and research with a capacity of associate professor or above in a high-level university or research institution .



Tenure-Track Faculty


The age of applicants for Research Fellow position is generally not more than 40 years old, 35 years old for Associate Research Fellow position, and 32 years old for Assistant Research Fellow position. For particularly outstanding or potential talents, there can be exception in terms of age limit.



Postdoctoral Research Fellows


We recruit four types of post-docs:  Excellent Post-docs, Post-docs of Special Funds, Post-docs of Key Funds and Post-docs of Project Funds. Applicants should have obtained doctoral degrees from well-known universities or research institutes at home and abroad, with their doctoral graduation within 3 years, an age not exceeding 35 years old and outstanding research achievements during their doctoral studies.



International Faculty and Faculty from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

应聘者应具有数学学科博士学位和相关工作经历, 年龄一般在50周岁以下。优先聘请在国际知名大学、科研机构担任助理教授及以上职位的教师。

Applicants should have a doctoral degree in mathematics and relevant work experience, generally under the age of 50. Priority will be given to faculty who hold a position of assistant professor or above in internationally renowned universities or research institutions.


Salary, Benefits and Support




If Tenure-Track Faculty are selected for the "Future Program for Young Scholars of Shandong University", an additional post allowance of at least 30,000 RMB will be issued every year.

Tenure-Track Faculty will receive funding from the "Future B Plan" of the discipline, and an additional post allowance of at least 20,000 RMB will be issued every year.


Strong  Benefits and Support System



(1) As the trump card of Shandong University,  the discipline provide globally competitive salary with a salary growth mechanism to continuously improve competitiveness via talent treatment; Applicants are supported according to Shandong University's Outstanding Talents System. Sufficient discipline construction funds and graduate student enrollment quota will be enjoyed with additional support by the discipline.


(2) According to the unified arrangement of the university, a set of self-owned talent housing can be purchased at a discount in Longshan Campus or Qingdao Campus; Settlement and housing subsidies are provided, and those who meet the requirements can enjoy additional subsidies for local house purchase, living and renting, etc.


(3) Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, the Second Hospital of Shandong University and other affiliated hospitals provide first-class healthcare services for talents, and Shandong SDU Fundamental Education Group provides national leading primary education for children of SDU faculty and staff.


(4) Shandong Talent Services Card and 29 green channel services such as entry-exit, residence, healthcare, and social services can be enjoyed.


(5) The mathematics discipline provides special awards for introducing talents to encourage the industry and all walks of life to recommend talents.


Contact Us






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0631- 5688811 

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Please send your resume (applied position, treatment requirements, basic personal information, education background and work experience, academic achievements, work plan, etc.) and other materials that are conducive to your application to the contact person below.

Contact information:

School of Mathematics, Ms. Yang Jiang


[email protected]

Zhongtai Securities Institute for Financial Studies, Ms. Huali Chen


[email protected]

Data Science Institute, Ms. Xiaoya Xi


[email protected]

School of Mathematics and Statistics, Mr. Yusong Wang

0631- 5688811

[email protected]

