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Bamboo slips reveal an ancient world(简牍“活化”了古代世界)

湖北省图书馆  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-01 12:07


Bamboo slips reveal an ancient world

Details of official's career help researchers build a picture of life 2,000 years ago


《中国日报》Fang Aiqing and Liu Kun report

More than 2,000 years ago, a low-ranking official recorded details of his work and life spanning 14 years on bamboo slips. These journals were buried in his tomb in what is today, Shuihudi village, Yunmeng county in Central China's Hubei province. They were meant to accompany him into the afterlife.

两千多年前,一位地位较低的官员在竹简上记录了他14年的工作和生活细节。这些日志,被埋在位于现今的 中国湖北省云梦县城关西部的睡虎路 ,在他的墓穴里陪伴着他进入来世。

An accidental discovery and the resulting excavation in 2006 brought these relics to light. Years of study into these records has formed a vivid impression of this Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 24) official, Yueren, as well as increased knowledge of the calendar system, grassroots governance and household tax at the time.

2006年的意外发现和随之展开的发掘工作,将这些文物带入了人们的视野。多年来对这些记录的研究,形成了对西汉时期(公元前206年至公元24年)这位名为 “越人” 的官员的生动印象,同时也增加了对当时历法系统、基层治理和家庭税收的了解。

For example, Yueren had beautiful handwriting. He was literate — an essential requirement for grassroots officials — and seemed particularly good at accounting.

例如, “越人”的书法非常漂亮 。他的识字能力很强——这是对基层官员的基本要求——而且似乎在会计方面特别擅长。

He had story books buried with him that could possibly have been his favorites, as well as two volumes of law codes. His work largely involved measuring land, checking the registered population and reporting on economic and social data. He had to travel a lot for work.


From 170 to 157 BC, during the reign of Emperor Wendi of the Western Han Dynasty, Yueren wrote zhiri, a diary form that's similar to today's calendar, marked with the dates and a small space to fill in daily schedules. One volume of the diary covers the time span of a year.

在公元前170年至公元前157年的汉文帝在位期间,“越人”写下了 《质日》 ,这是一种类似于今天人们在日历上记事,通常以一年的历表为基础,上面标注着日期,并留有空间填写每天的日程安排。

This form of record-keeping was once popular during the Qin (221-206 BC) and Western Han dynasties but is rare in literature passed down through history, according to Chen Wei, director of Wuhan University's Center of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts.


It is via this type of unearthed bamboo slip that archaeologists and historians are able to learn about zhiri, which in the old days, was also used as a reference in assessing the performance of officials, he adds.


Wang Zijin, an expert on the history of Qin and Han (206 BC-AD 220) dynasties, says the use of zhiri embodied ancient people's understanding of time, and their awareness and skills of time management.


It reflected social order and was seen as being related to administrative efficiency, he says.


The experts were addressing an academic symposium on zhiri at Wuhan University in early January, during which paper copies of these zhiri items were launched as the first volume of Bamboo Slips and Tablets of Shuihudi Western Han Tomb.

一月初,专家们在武汉大学举办的学术研讨会上讨论了《质日》,将《质日》作为 《睡虎地西汉简牍》 的首卷发布。

Over the past 50 years, dozens of Qin and Han dynasties tombs have been discovered in Shuihudi. From Yueren's tomb alone — archaeologists have labeled it Shuihudi Tomb M77 — more than 2,000 bamboo slips and wooden tablets written from 175 to 157 BC have been unearthed.

在过去的50年中,睡虎地地区已经发现了 数十座秦汉墓葬 。仅从“越人”的墓葬中(考古学家将其标记为睡虎地M77号墓),就出土了超过2000块竹简和木简,书写时间从公元前175年到公元前157年。

Apart from zhiri, the manuscripts also include content regarding math and law, as well as judicial documents on grain transport along the Yellow River.


The center intends to publish eight volumes of Bamboo Slips and Tablets of Shuihudi Western Han Tomb altogether to provide comprehensive information about the relics.


Qin Zhihua, head of the Zhongxi Book Co, the publisher of the series, says hopefully two more volumes will be released this year.


Experts estimate that Yueren's zhiri documents should have comprised around 900 slips, yet only about 700 have been discovered, apart from some that are damaged.


Chen says identifying these damaged pieces and putting them back in their original order was really a challenging but crucial step toward restoring and interpreting the texts. He says seven batches of zhiri slips have been unearthed at multiple archaeological sites across the country, making 23 volumes of zhiri altogether, among which 14 were found at Shuihudi.

陈伟表示,识别这些损坏的竹简并将它们按原来的顺序重新排列是非常具有挑战性但又至关重要的一步,这有助于恢复和解释这些文本。他说,在全国范围内的多个考古遗址上已经发掘出了七批《质日》竹简,总共有23卷《质日》, 其中有14卷出土于睡虎地

Yueren's zhiri slips were woven together with three threads and read from right to left. For each year the dates started from lunar October, as it was then seen as the start of a year. There were extra slips for leap months.


The dates were pre-labeled, and Yueren only marked a small portion of the days with brief content.


During his career, Yueren served in various local departments in Anlu county and later Yangwu township, including the government, the military, and the judicial department, as well as the sector in charge of farming, land sales and agricultural tax.


He was also involved in the building of public facilities, collecting pearls, and grain transportation.


Yueren was hardworking. Several slips from April 170 BC show that he went back home upon his father's passing amid pressing affairs, and hastened back to work the day after the funeral.


"On average, he traveled 141 days for work per year. It seems common for grassroots officials at that time to spend one-third of a year taking business trips," says Kim Byungjoon, professor at the Department of Asian History at Seoul National University.
