专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-19 09:50



Since the end of last week, a number ofmajor European steelmakers have decided either to stop or drastically reduceoutput due to the spread of coronavirus and emergency measures taken bydifferent countries.


The first stoppages were witnessed innorthern Italy, but now the trend is becoming more widespread in Europe.Companies in Spain, the second-most impacted country in term of coronavirusspread have now also begun to take preventative action. More of the same isexpected in key steel-producing countries such as France and Germany.


While stoppages are intended to protect thehealth of the workforce at the mills, the market is expected to benefit fromreduced output at a time of market uncertainty and lower demand. Going forwardnevertheless, some availability issues could arise, putting even more stress onthe existing European Commission's steel safeguard measures.


The biggest challenge can be seen in therebar market. A number of producers in northern Italy announced productionhalts and some are part of groups with activities in other countries such asSpain, France and Germany.

螺纹钢供应减少不会立即造成问题,但当需求恢复时,可能会出现困难。由于采取了保障措施,进口产品不易获得。土耳其、俄罗斯和乌克兰的螺纹钢配额几乎已经全部用完。从 4 月初到 6 月底,每个国家只有大约 4 万吨的配额可用。

The lower availability of rebar will notpose an immediate problem, but difficulties may arise when demand returns.Imported product is not widely available due to the safeguard measures. Almostall the quotas for Turkey, Russia and Ukraine for rebar have been used up. Fromthe beginning of April until the end of June only around 40,000 tonnes ofquotas for each of the countries will remain available.

“现在下结论还为时过早,但如果新冠肺炎疫情持续的时间超过预期,土耳其和其他主要进口国就有可能向欧洲施压,要求修改或修订保障措施,” 一位贸易商告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)。“土耳其、俄罗斯和乌克兰钢厂预计受疫情影响较小,在未来的紧急时期,它们可能成为重要的供应商。更不用提那些在欧洲和美国之前就受到疫情影响的亚洲生产商了。

“It is still too soon to say, but if thecoronavirus emergency continues for longer than expected there could be thepossibility for Turkey and other key importers to put pressure for a change orrevision of the safeguard measures in Europe,” a trader tells Kallanish .“Turkish, Russian and Ukrainian mills are expected to be much less impacted bythe virus and they could become important suppliers in a period of emergencygoing forward. Not to mention Asian producers that have undergone the impact ofthe virus before Europe and the US have done.”

除螺纹钢外,其他已经用完或达到临界水平的配额还包括商品条钢、空心型材和燃气管道。在板材方面,来自亚洲的 4a 级和 4b 级金属涂层卷材配额也基本用完。欧洲停产的板材供应商数量持续增长,这些行业很可能会受到影响。

In addition to rebar, other quotas eitherexhausted or at a critical level include merchant bar, hollow sections and gaspipes. In the flats’ sector, metallic coated coils both in the 4a and 4bclassifications from Asia have also mostly been taken up. These sectors couldwell be impacted by the ongoing growth in the number flats suppliers haltingproduction in Europe.



Asia Steel Markets 2020 (已延期)

22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
