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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-02-24 06:01




A grieving grouch


“Darke”, an unforgettable figure


Rick Gekoski’s first novel gives readers a literary misanthrope they are asked to identify with


Jan 28th 2017


Darke. By Rick Gekoski. Canongate; 299 pages; £16.99.


DR JAMES DARKE, a retired teacher of literature who collects first editions of Dickens, has walled himself off from the world. For a long stretch of this unusual first novel, the reason is hinted at, but not revealed. It is an extreme reaction to the pain of loss, the reader learns. Darke retreats and broods , cutting off his only daughter, Lucy.


  • stretch:v.申展,张开

  • hint:n.暗示线索v.暗示

  • extreme:adj.极端的,偏激的

  • retreat:v.撤退

  • brood:v.沉思,(怨忿或不快地)想,n.一窝

The plot would not seem promising. But in Darke, Rick Gekoski has created an extraordinarily memorable character. He is an epic misanthrope and equal-opportunity bigot whose every utterance is filled with invective or despair. (读者试译) He trashes Jews and Catholics, the working class and writers from “fucking T.S. Eliot” to “that frigid snitbag”, Virginia Woolf. Literature may have been his life, but in his darkest moment, it lets him down.

虽然小说的情节貌似不太明朗,但是瑞克·杰寇斯基在《达克》中塑造了一位特别突出、令人难忘的角色。 (期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~) 他看不起犹太人和天主教徒,还看不起工薪阶层和“该死的T·S 艾略特”和“冷淡的小贱人弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙”之类的作家。文学算得上是他一生的追求,但是在他生命里最黑暗的时期,文学却使他失望了

  • Utterance 说话方式

It’s a sly turnabout for Mr Gekoski, a British-American academic and rare-book dealer known for chronicling the bookish life in broadcast, and in books such as “ Outside of a Dog ”. His first foray into fiction, at the age of 72, is nonetheless stuffed with literary allusions , along with much wonderful writing. A colleague acts out a Tennyson poem “waving his arms like a drowning fairy”. Darke speaks in “a strangulated croak, like a frog singing Wagner”.


  • Sly:adj.狡猾的,狡诈的,灵活的

  • Turnabout:n.回旋,转变

  • Chronicle:v.记录,把……载入编年史

  • n.编年史,年代记,记录

  • Outside of a dog:除了狗以外,书籍是人类最好的朋友。——美国演员格劳乔·马克思

  • Foray:n.突袭,侵略,冒险

  • Literary allusions:文学典故

So gleefully do Darke and his wife Suzy rip into those they consider beneath them, however, that one is tempted to read the novel as parody . There are many clever, biting takedowns , a form of sparring greatly enjoyed by those educated at Oxbridge. Yet the reader is also asked to empathise with Darke’s “helplessness” and “desperation”, to recognise that “Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side.” Some readers will, others won’t; Darke’s repellent views and callousness towards his daughter’s suffering are egregious . Mr Gekoski gives this modern-day Scrooge three visitations that pry him open bit by bit, but Darke’s redemption is nothing like what the “slobberer” Dickens would have conjured . It is partial, and only partially convincing.


  • Rip into 抨击

  • Parody  拙劣的模仿;恶搞

  • Takedowns n.羞辱,屈辱

  • sparring 辩论 顶嘴 争论

  • Repellent 讨厌的,令人排斥的,令人厌恶的

  • callousness 无情

  • Egregious 极坏的,异乎寻常的

  • Scrooge 守财奴,吝啬鬼,斯克鲁奇(狄更斯小说《圣诞颂歌》中的老吝啬鬼)

  • Redemption 赎 回,偿还,救赎

  • Conjured 祈求,恳求

Above all, this is an original and bleakly funny portrait of grief. Suffering is something women can stomach and men cannot, Lucy says. Darke flees, entirely solipsistic , magnificently consistent in his scathing, odious arrogance.


  • magnificently 壮丽地,出色地,极好地

  • Scathing 严厉的,尖刻的

  • odious 可憎的,讨厌的

翻译 ▍夏凉生,下罗小柜员,陌上,Neo

审核 ▍白夜叉

编辑 ▍毛毛

Try to translate
