I show them how radical transparency contributes to team unity. I show them how having radical truthfulness and radical transparency builds trust and understanding (because there’s no spin and because there is much greater clarity). I also show them how it allows all people to freely express themselves. I also show them how, if it’s done in a nasty way, people see that, people discuss that, and fix it (or get rid of the nasty people). Once people understand how it helps them a whole lot, and that the only big impediment that stands in the way of wanting to be this way is their initial emotional discomfort with it that’s due to a bad habit that can be changed, most people will want to do it. Then we help people do it well with good coaching. Sure, not everyone will want to do it. On the other hand, more people want it than don’t want it, because those who want it view it like honesty and don’t want to be in a dishonest environment. In any case, you have to decide on what kind of culture you want and deliver it. I and those I work with want a lot of truthfulness and transparency.