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ECO中文网  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-07-11 22:45


IT IS only 40 minutes from Tilbury to Fenchurch Street station, on the edge of the City. But most residents of the town, one of England's poorest places, are as likely to commute to the capital as fly to the moon. “It's all offices there,” said Vicky, a 32-year-old carer for the mentally ill. “For people like us, it's a bit daunting. You sort of think everyone's more intellectual than you.”

蒂尔伯里镇是英格兰最贫穷的地方之一。从这里到伦敦城边上的 Fenchurch Street 车站只需 40 分钟。但是,镇上的大多数居民可能会把去首都上班看成是月球之旅。“那里到处都是办公楼,” 32 岁的精神病护理人员维琪说。“对我们来说,伦敦让人紧张。想想看,随便在那里找个人出来,都比我们墨水多。”

Asked what her school grades were, Vicky says she “wouldn't know, to be honest.” Education is not something the working-class people of Tilbury have traditionally gone for. You didn't need O-levels to heave sacks of malt and bales of tea in Tilbury Docks, an outpost of the Port of London in the Thames estuary which was, until the 1980s, the biggest employer. The dockers' wives were too busy raising children to have a career. Then came shipping containers and dock mechanisation. By the mid-1980s almost a fifth of the town's men were on the dole, sending Tilbury into a downward spiral from which it has yet to emerge.

说到她自己的学习成绩时,维琪说,“说实话,”她“没脸说”。教育不是蒂尔伯里的劳动阶层的传统追求。作为伦敦港务局的一个下属单位,位于泰晤士河河口的蒂尔伯里码头在上世纪 80 年代前一直都是当地人的最大雇主,在这里卖力气扛麻包是不需要中学毕业证书的。那时,码头工人的妻子们都在忙着抚养孩子,根本不用去工作。后来,船运集装箱和码头机械作业出现了。到上世纪 80 年代中期,镇上几乎五分之一的男人都在依靠救济金生活,这使得蒂尔伯里跌入了一种至今尚未走出的恶性循环当中。

The result, in Britain's prosperous south-east, is a polyp of hard-up, mostly white, grumpy people. During a day wandering Tilbury's run-down rows of public housing and depressing high street, with its boarded-up premises and betting shops, your columnist heard almost nothing nice said about the place. People who had lived in Tilbury for generations described it as “hopeless”, “a third-world place” and, in the favourite local phrase, “a shithole and beyond”. Tilbury's Labour Party candidate, Polly Billington, calls it a “northern town in the south”. It is no wonder that the comic Sacha Baron Cohen, currently making a mocking film about the northern town of Grimsby, is shooting it in Tilbury.

这种恶性循环的结果,就是让这里以白人为主的民众变成了富庶的英国东南部的一块息肉,他们不仅穷得叮当响,而且还牢骚满腹。开车在这里大街上闲逛,给人一种压抑的感觉。到处都是一排排破旧的公租房,一个个已经被钉上了木板的办公场所和彩票销售点。在这过程中,笔者几乎没有听到一句说这里好的话。那些已经在这里生活了几代的居民把蒂尔伯里说成是一个“毫无希望”所在,是“第三世界的某个地方”。用当地人常挂在嘴边的话说就是:“没有比这里更烂的地方了”。当地的工党候选人 Polly Billington 称之为“南方的北方城镇”。难怪笑星沙查·巴隆·科恩眼下正在这里拍摄他那部嘲笑北方城镇格里姆斯比的电影。

This also makes the town fashionable in Westminster, where the travails of Britain's white working class are causing concern. Underscoring how stubbornly they languish, a recent parliamentary study confirmed that poor white British children do worse in school than those of any other group save Romany gypsies. But this fresh attention to the issue is also because it is election season and winning working-class love is, for differing reasons, a preoccupation of all the main parties. For David Cameron's ruling Conservatives, getting such Britons off welfare and into work is a fiscal and moral mission and a test of Britain's ability to endure austerity. For Labour, they represent an identity crisis.


Though increasingly drawn from and oriented towards middle England, where most voters reside, Britain's main opposition still finds its cherished moral authority in a romantic association with the working-class people for whom it was formed. That is why Labour's unexpected losses to the populist UK Independence party (UKIP) in recent local elections, in hard-up places such as Tilbury, sent the party's leader Ed Miliband scuttling to Thurrock, the Tory-held marginal in which the town falls. There is now an argument within Labour over how to avoid a repeat of this disaster in next year's general election, for which Thurrock is UKIP's number two target seat; some want to ape UKIP with a more populist, especially anti-immigration, message.

