专栏名称: 错版币铜钱银币收藏价格表
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  错版币铜钱银币收藏价格表

铸造精良:双旗币贰百文错版币 大清银币

错版币铜钱银币收藏价格表  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-13 16:47



双旗币贰百文错版币 大清银币


直径:双42cm 大38cm

重量:双23g 大26.6g

Double-flag coins, cheap hundred-character misprinted coins, Qing silver coins

Number: DLZL - 00024

Diameter: double 42cm and large 38cm

Weight: Double 23g 26.6g


Because the old coins must pass through many strict checks before they are formally circulated, the probability of mistake edition is very small. Because the wrong edition will be corrected in time after it is found, the stock of wrong edition is very small. Wrong editions of collections often get lucky because of their mistakes, and they bid high prices in exhibitions.

双旗币贰佰文错版币:此枚双旗币贰百文,币面中心直书“贰百文”面值,两旁分列嘉穗图案,上沿铸年号“中华民国二年”,下沿铸厂名“四川造币厂造”,左右分列十字花星。钱币背中央为交叉双旗图,外环珠圈,上沿为英文“THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”(中华民国),下沿为英文“200 CASH(200现金)。而这枚错版币是错在正面内容有所覆盖,故而显得特别,这是民国时期四川铜元中唯一使用英文的一种,故具有非常明显的历史过渡性特征,有着难以言喻的收藏价值。藏品虽经历了无穷岁月,但纹路依然清晰可见,上面的包浆也见证了其历史的积淀,具有非常明显的历史过渡性特征。此枚双旗币贰百文铜质精良,铸工精湛,保存较好,值得收藏。

Double-flag coin: This double-flag coin is a hundred-character coin. The face value of the direct book "Baiwen" in the center of the coin surface is separated by the Jiasui pattern, with the year number "Two Years of the Republic of China" on both sides, and the name of the coin factory "Made in Sichuan Mint" on the other side, with the cross-flower stars on the left. In the center of the back of the coin is a cross-flag picture, with the outer ring of beads, the upper edge of which is the English "The REPUBLIC OF CHINA" (Republic of China), and the lower edge of which is the English "200 CASH" (200 cash). The wrong version of the coin is covered in the positive content, so it is very special. It is the only English language used in Sichuan Copper Yuan during the Republic of China. Therefore, it has a very obvious historical transitional characteristics and has an indescribable collection value. Although the collection has gone through endless years, the lines are still clearly visible. The pulp above also witnesses its historical accumulation, which has a very obvious historical transitional characteristics. This double-flag coin is worth collecting because of its excellent copper quality, exquisite casting worker and good preservation.

大清银币:此银币的币面的正面刻着“大清银币”四个大字,上面用满文写着“宣统三年”,下则用华文标注着“宣统三年”,左右双方各有束花镌刻;钱币背面中央写着“壹圆”二字,外围潘龙图,下有英文“ONE DOLLAR”,龙纹精细,纹路清晰,龙头居上,龙珠在“圆”字下方,龙眼凹突,鼻梁俏上,炯炯有神,十分壮观。从钱币的鉴赏方面来说,这枚品相完好、又泛着银色光泽的宣统三年钱币是清朝货币中的极品。大清银币宣统三年的风格在龙洋系列钱币中独树一帜,因其版本众多,美观而有气势,受到众多收藏家的青睐。
