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老态龙钟的拜登, 胡说八道的特朗普
”, 我在翻阅“the first Biden-Trump presidential debate”的次日最新报道时,
U.S. News & World Report
) 以及政治新闻网站
挑选了三处报道摘录, 供同学们参考:
The debate between Presidents Trump and Biden was
a true watershed moment
: astonishing in its clarity and staggering in its impact.
Trump walked away with the debate—and likely the election.
Biden's deer-in-the-headlights performance was catastrophic
, a near total collapse which is
sending Democrats into a tailspin of panic
. At the same time, Trump was clearly dominant, recounting his policy successes, carefully crafting his responses, and demonstrating
a steady hand
(前总统特朗普和现总统拜登的辩论是一个真正的分水岭时刻: 清晰度惊人, 影响力巨大。特朗普轻松赢得了这场辩论, 很可能也赢得了这场选举。拜登在辩论中看起来完全僵住了, 他的表现一塌糊涂, 几乎完全崩溃, 让民主党人陷入了恐慌。特朗普则明显主导了辩论, 他回顾了自己的施政成果, 仔细斟酌了自己的回答, 展现了沉着冷静的风范)
— Newsweek
a watershed moment
”字面为“分水岭时刻”, 实际就是“转折点”的意思, 即“A watershed moment is a turning point, the exact moment that changes the direction of an activity or situation.”;
walk away with something
“tailspin”原本表示“飞机的尾螺旋”, 即飞机在坠落向地面时不停旋转的情况, 继而有“
go into a tailspin
”的习惯用法, 表示“失控, 崩溃, 混乱, 恐慌”相关含义;
a steady hand
”字面为“不颤抖的手”, 实际用来表示“沉着冷静”, 即“an ability to maintain calm, stable control over some situation”。
👆 tailspin
Earlier, while discussing domestic programs he hoped to be able to invest in with the money gained by taxing wealthy Americans, Biden appeared to stumble for several seconds before
trailing off
and pausing. Seconds later, he was able to get out, "We finally beat Medicare." Within minutes, Trump’s campaign seized on the situation and took to X to publicize it. Other social media users also reacted strongly to Biden's
comparing him to a “deer in the headlights”
and questioning why he did not delay or postpone the event.
(辩论的前半段, 在谈论给美国富人加税来投资国内项目的时候, 拜登似乎结结巴巴了几秒钟, 然后声音越来越小, 最终没了声。几秒钟之后, 他冒出来了一句“我们终于战胜了医保”。特朗普的竞选团队在几分钟之内就抓住了拜登结巴口误的情况, 并在推特上广而告之。其他社交媒体平台的用户也对拜登的糟糕表现反应强烈, 将拜登比作“a deer in the headlights”, 并质疑他为什么不推迟这场辩论)
— U.S. News & World Report
Tonight was a
car crash
for the Biden presidency, for the Biden campaign. It was painful to watch. At times, I’m sorry, it felt like elder abuse. You had the 81-year-old president of the United States unable to finish his whispered sentences,
looking like a deer in the headlights
, unable to hit back against the convicted felon standing just a few feet away. This was the moment that I knew Joe Biden has to go.
(今晚的辩论对于拜登的总统生涯和竞选而言是灾难性的。实在让人看不下去。我有时候会觉得这简直是在虐待老人。这位81岁的总统讲话磕磕绊绊、声音微弱, 看起来像是“a deer in the headlights”, 无法回击站在几英尺外被定罪的特朗普。这一刻, 我认为乔·拜登必须退出竞选)
— Mediaite
car crash
”的基本含义是“撞车事故, 车祸”, 继而可以拓展表示“彻底失败, 极其糟糕”的含义, 即“something that fails completely or goes extremely badly”;
”表示“重罪犯”, 此处“the convicted felon”指的就是特朗普, 他在首场电视辩论前成为美国历史上首位被定罪的前总统。
(be caught/freeze like) a deer in the headlights
国外开车赶夜路的时候, 经常会有鹿跑到马路上, 当它被车灯照到的时候, 就会突然完全愣住, 由此“
a deer in the headlights
”就可以用来表达“(由于受惊) 看上去像是僵住了一样”, 即: used to describe somebody who appears so frightened that they cannot think clearly and do not know what to do or say
👆 “a deer in the headlights”的实景图
👆 拜登之前就被媒体使用“a deer in the headlights”嘲讽过
一条关于“Paris 2024 Olympics” (巴黎奥运会) 的《路透社》新闻截图, 我将原文标题和正文首段摘录如下,
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