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Quadro Room | 年轻女孩的家

室内设计联盟网  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-19 14:00



About the design company

Quadro Room是位于俄罗斯莫斯科一家拥有多年经验的室内设计工作室,她们的作品持续一贯的现代简约风格,呈现满满高级质感,层次丰富干净利落,时尚又不失品味。

创始人Anastasiia Rimskaya和Alyona Zlachevsky是俄罗斯排名前100位最好的建筑师。“她们为自己的项目感到自豪,这些作品一直在世界各地传播。”项目遍及全世界,包括俄罗斯,中国,以及亚洲其他国家。

VP residences

为年轻女性打造的私宅 | 莫斯科

Quadro Room新作,位于莫斯科胜利公园的一处127平米的公寓,其定位为年轻女性,以“简约、优雅、阳光”为核心,打造了一处融合自然灵感与技术美学的时尚居所。
Quadro Room's new work is located in an apartment in Victory Park, Moscow. It is positioned as a young woman. With "simplicity, elegance, and sunshine" as the core, it creates a fashionable residence that combines natural inspiration and technical aesthetics.

Because the designers make many changes to the space for the client for young women, and the details have been personalized. I hope this home is a minimalist technique, but as comfortable as possible. Therefore, rounded corners are properly added, especially in furniture elements.

Quadro Room 延续其一贯的风格,以白色、浅灰为主色调,搭配深色木饰面与少量金属元素,形成视觉上的“轻盈与厚重”对比,以及“极简的硬朗与舒适的柔美 ”的对比, 例如,客厅采用浅色原木地板与黑色饰品茶几的组合,既呼应自然质感,又通过几何线条强化空间张力。开放式布局与大面积落地窗设计,最大限度引入自然光,营造通透感,同时利用隐藏式储物系统保持视觉整洁。
Quadro Room continues its usual style, with white and light gray as the main colors, paired with dark wood veneer and a small amount of metal elements to form a visual contrast of "lightness and heavyness" and "very simple toughness and comfortable softness" For example, the living room uses a combination of light-colored log floors and black jewelry coffee tables, which not only echoes the natural texture, but also strengthens spatial tension through geometric lines. The open layout and large-area floor-to-ceiling window design maximize natural light to create a sense of transparency, while using a hidden storage system to keep the visual neat.

The bedroom area adopts a combination of straight lines and arcs. On the basis of restrained expression, more soft furnishings are added to give the space more beauty and comfort..


