大中华区公共关系副总裁 吴焕宇
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财新智库高级经济学家 王喆
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公关总监 马玲
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BBD(数联铭品)首席经济学家 陈沁
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财新传媒是提供财经新闻的全媒体集团,依托专业的团队和强大的原创新闻优势,以网站、移动端、期刊、视频、图书、会议等 多层次的业务平台,为中国最具影响力的受众群,提供准确、全面、深入的财经新闻产品。财新智库是财新传媒通过孵化另行建立的高端金融资讯服务平台,旨在通过发展金融数据业务,壮大宏观经济研究队伍,服务于智库业务客户。详细信息,敬请浏览
Mastercard Caixin BBD China New Economy Index
In June 2018, the Mastercard Caixin BBD New Economy Index (NEI) reading came in at 29.2, indicating that the New Economy accounted for 29.2% of overall economic input activities that month, down 0.4 ppts from May (Chart 1). The declining NEI was due to the decrease of technology input. New economy is defined as following: 1) human capital intensive, technology intensive and capital light; 2) sustainable rapid growth, and 3) in line with the strategic new industries defined by the government. Please refer to our previous reports (March 2016 and March 2017) for the list of NEI sectors.
Primary Inputs
The NEI includes labor, capital and technology inputs that account for 40%, 35% and 25% of the total weights of the index, respectively. The decline in the June NEI reading came from the decrease of technology input (Chart 2). Technology input index fluctuated widely since October 2017, coming in at 27.4, with 2.9 MoM decrease. Capital investment showed a slow downtrend since March 2018, but it rose slightly to 32.0 this month, with 1.0 MoM increase. Labor input index declined moderately since July 2017, dropping to 27.8 this month, with 0.1 MoM decrease.
Taking the weight into account, percentage changes in labor, capital and technology inputs were 0.0, 0.4, and -0.7 ppts, respectively. The net NEI change was -0.4 ppts in total (Chart 3).
Looking at the sectors, the New IT industry formed the largest proportion of the New Economy Index, contributing 11.0 ppts to NEI. Culture, Sports & Entertainment was the industry with fastest growth in June, contributing 5.0 ppts and ranking the second. Advanced Materials came eighth from second, the biggest drop in ranking, contributing 0.6 ppts in June (Chart 4).
New Economy Employment
In June 2018, the average monthly entry level salary of the New Economy was RMB 10,369 per month, decreasing from last month’s level of RMB 10,444 (Chart 5). New Economy wage information is compiled from online websites of career platforms and recruitment services including 51job and Zhaopin, as well as other sites that list job openings.
Hiring in the New Economy sectors accounted for 27.25% of total hiring in June, slightly lower than the previous month’s 27.3%. At the same time, the total compensation share of New Economy sectors remained stable to 28.4%, which meant the average entry salary level of New Economy was higher than national average entry wage level. The entry level salary premium of the New Economy was 4.3% as compared to economy-wide counterparts, increasing from 4.0% in May (Chart 6). In the recent half year, the average salary premium of the New Economy was lower than the first half of 2017 generally, while we saw an uptrend in recent two months.
Decomposition of New Established Enterprises
We use newly-established enterprises data to monitor new enterprises in sub-sectors (Chart 7).
Sub-sectors which were continuously ranking up in last two years include the following: Construction Engineering (No.25 in 2016, rising to No.22 and No.12 in 2017 and 2018, 0.03% decrease and 0.36% increase in proportion in 2017 and 2018 respectively); Building Materials (No. 17 in 2016, rising to No. 16 and No. 14 in 2017 and 2018, 0.04% decrease and 0.18% increase in proportion 2017 and 2018 respectively).
Sub-sectors which were continuously ranking down in two last years include the following: Communication (No. 16 in 2016, dropping to No. 17 and No. 21 in 2017 and 2018, 0.06% decrease and 0.05% increase in proportion 2017 and 2018 respectively); E-commerce (No. 9 in 2016, dropping to No. 14 and No. 18 in 2017 and 2018, 0.34% decrease and 0.01% increase in proportion 2017 and 2018 respectively).
Sub-sectors with fluctuating ranks in last two years include the following: Information (No.15 in 2016, rose to No.11 in 2017 and dropped to No.13 in 2018); Education (No.18 in 2016, rose to No.15 in 2017 and dropped to No.17 in 2018); Logistics (No.21 in 2016, rose to No.19 in 2017 and dropped to No.25 in 2018); Real Estate (No.24 in 2016, rose to No.18 in 2017 and dropped to No.23 in 2018); Agriculture (No.13 in 2016, dropped to No.24 in 2017 and rose to No.22 in 2018); Service (No.4 in 2016, dropped to No.7 in 2017 and rose to No.4 in 2018); Labor (No.22 in 2016, dropped to No.25 in 2017 and rose to No.19 in 2018); Business (No.2 in 2016, dropped to No.4 in 2017 and rose to No.2 in 2018). Other subsectors with fluctuating ranks were IT, Construction, Trade, Consulting, Engineering, Catering and Media.
Industrial Value-Added Based on Employment Data
Last month, we explored China’s industrial value-added using the employment of low-skilled general workers and operators and had good fitting results. This indicates strong correlations of official industrial production and online recruiting data.
This month, we focused on patterns in different provincial areas. We compared the year-on-year growth rate of the employment in various regions in Q2 with the year-on-year growth rate of industrial value-added in May, and found significant positive correlation between the two indicators (Chart 8). In Chart 8, it can be seen that most regions were located in the first and third quadrants, indicating positive correlation similar to national data.
However, some exceptions were observed in the second and fourth quadrants. In particular, the provinces in the second quadrants showed a much higher growth rate of industrial value-added, including Shaanxi, Qinghai and Shanxi. And the provinces in the fourth quadrants showed a much higher growth rate of employment, including Chongqing and Guangxi. We need to keep close eyes in the future on the regions with divergence between statistical data and big data.
Change of Passenger Inflow Based on Major Airports
We are keeping tracking the change of daily passengers flow at major airports in the past two years (Chart 9). In terms of net inflow, we found differences between the first-tier cities’ airports and the second- and third-tier cities’ ones. As we know, the increase of passenger inflow at the first-tier cities’ airports was much lower than that at the second- and third-tiers cities’ airports in recent years. The passenger inflow at the first-tier cities’ airports showed a flat trend, with moderate increase compared to April 2016, which included airports in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. However, the passenger inflow at the second- and third-tier cities’ airports fluctuated with over 100% increase. The boost in Shijiazhuang was so remarkable that from April 2016 to October 2017 passenger inflows at Shijiazhuang airport increased by 6.2 times.
By comparing the passenger inflow of two groups, we found an inverted U-shaped trend of passengers inflow peaking around October 2017, which was similar to that of industrial value-added and fixed asset investment. In the light of this, the recovery of China’ s macroeconomy is yet to start.
City Rankings of the New Economy
Based on overall New Economy rankings, the top twenty cities were shown in Chart 10. The top five cities were Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Nanjing. Rankings are based on a weighted average of the percentile rank of indicators for the city in the past 6 months.
Chart 11 showed the average NEI city rankings between December 2017 and June 2018. The top five cities were Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing.
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