三分之二的人相信一个流传了一个多世纪的神话:我们只用了10%的大脑。几乎没有!我们的神经元密集型大脑进化到使用最少的能量,同时携带尽可能多的信息——这一壮举需要整个大脑。Richard E.Cytowic揭开了这个神经学的神话(并解释了为什么我们不擅长多任务处理)。[共同导演,艾迪生·安德森叙述]。
演讲题目: What percentage of your brain do you use?
An enduring myth says we use only 10% of our brain, the other 90% standing idly by for spare capacity. Hucksters promised to unlock that hidden potential with methods "based on neuroscience," but all they really unlock is your wallet. Two-thirds of the public and nearly half of science teachers mistakenly believe the 10% myth. In the 1890s, William James, the father of American psychology, said, "Most of us do not meet our mental potential." James meant this as a challenge, not an indictment of scant brain usage. But the misunderstanding stuck.
一个经久不衰的迷思声称,我们只运用大脑的十分之一,剩下的百分之九十只不过是备用的存储而已。某些假行家声称可以用“基于神经科学”的方法来开发那90%的隐藏潜力,但他们真正打开的不过是你的钱包。三分之二的大众以及近半数的科学教师误以为,人只能开发了十分之一大脑的“神话”。在19世纪90年代,威廉 · 詹姆斯,美国心理学之父曾说,“我们大多数人是不能开发我们全部的脑力潜能。”詹姆斯的话意味着这是一项挑战,而并非控诉我们大脑较少的使用率。但这个误会一直困扰着大家。
Also, scientists couldn t figure out for a long time the purpose of our massive frontal lobes or broad areas of the parietal lobe. Damage didn t cause motor or sensory deficits, so authorities concluded they didn t do anything. For decades, these parts were called silent areas, their function elusive. We ve since learned that they underscore executive and integrative ability, without which, we would hardly be human.
They are crucial to abstract reasoning, planning, weighing decisions and flexibly adapting to circumstances. The idea that 9/10 of your brain sits idly by in your skull looks silly when we calculate how the brain uses energy. Rodent and canine brains consume 5% of total body energy. Monkey brains use 10%. An adult human brain, which accounts for only 2% of the body s mass, consumes 20% of daily glucose burned. In children, that figure is 50%, and in infants, 60%.
This is far more than expected for their relative brain sizes, which scale in proportion to body size. Human ones weigh 1.5 kilograms, elephant brains 5 kg, and whale brains 9 kg, yet on a per weight basis, humans pack in more neurons than any other species. This dense packing is what makes us so smart. There is a trade-off between body size and the number of neurons a primate, including us, can sustain. A 25 kg ape has to eat 8 hours a day to uphold a brain with 53 billion neurons.