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ARRI  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-09-14 14:33


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  • 允许掌镜摄影师接管WCU-4控制的镜头轴

  • 小巧轻便

  • 支持EF镜头控制

ARRI在2018年IBC展上发布一款帮助掌镜摄影师控制镜头功能的新设备OCU-1。作为WCU-4镜头控制系统的新搭档,这款掌镜控制设备OCU-1允许掌镜摄影师一键接管或退出接管对焦、变焦和光圈控制功能。“听名字就知道这款设备是做什么的,”ARRI专业摄影机附件电子控制系统产品经理克莉丝汀•阿杰伊(Christine Ajayi)说:“只要有需要,OCU-1让掌镜摄影师能够全面控制自己的镜头。

就算镜头与马达衔接在一起,掌镜摄影师还是有办法控制镜头,在拍摄当下节省宝贵时间。不管是客观原因还是出于创作需要,OCU-1能够让掌镜摄影师完全接管对焦、光圈和变焦控制。如果用ALEXA Mini和AMIRA机身搭配EF镜头,OCU-1还能控制EF镜头,不需要任何马达。

OCU-1是ARRI创新改良现场效率与控制这一悠久传统的最新体现。它小巧、轻便、易于使用,它有和ARRI Master Grips完全一样的控制转盘、显示屏和内建的LBUS,也同样可以安装到常见的15mm或19mm导轨、ARRI牙盘或3/8"螺纹接口上,它的转盘甚至可用来控制ARRI遥控稳定头SRH-3的滚动轴。OCU-1计划将于今年晚些时候出货。



ARRI集团业务由五个商业部门组成:摄影机系统、灯光、媒体、租赁和医疗。ARRI是全球领先的电影摄影机与灯光系统设计与制造商,经销商与服务网络遍及全球。同时,ARRI也是后期制作领域的集成媒体服务提供者与面向专业制作领域的设备租赁、摄影机供应、灯光与器材装备的供应商。ARRI Medical专注于利用自身核心图像技术服务于外科手术应用。



ARRI Operator Control Unit OCU-1 debuts at IBC

  • Allows operators to over-ride WCU-4 controlled lens axes

  • Small and lightweight

  • Provides EF lens control

A new tool to help camera operators take control of lens functions is being launched by ARRI at IBC 2018. The Operator Control Unit OCU-1 is an addition to the WCU-4 lens control system on ALEXA Mini, and enables operators to over-ride and return focus, zoom, and iris controls at the touch of a button. “This is a simple device that does exactly what the name implies,” says Christine Ajayi, Product Manager PCA Electronic Control System at ARRI. “It gives camera operators full control of their lenses when they want it.”

The OCU-1 will help save precious time while framing shots, as the camera operator will always have the ability to control the lens, even when motors are attached. It allows control of focus, iris, and zoom whenever required for practical or creative reasons. The device enables control of EF lenses mounted on ALEXA Mini and AMIRA cameras without any additional external motors.

Fitting into a long ARRI tradition of innovation, the OCU-1 will improve on-set efficiency and control. Small, lightweight, and easy to use, it has the same control wheel, display and LBUS integration as the ARRI Master Grips, and can be easily mounted onto common 15mm or 19mm rods, ARRI Rosette, or 3/8” mounts. The wheel can also be used to control the roll axis of the ARRI Stabilized Remote Head SRH-3. ARRI plans to start shipping the OCU-1 later this year.
