专栏名称: 瑞达利欧RayDalio
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瑞达利欧RayDalio  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-07-24 12:00


新原则 当你和别人有意见分歧并处理得不顺利的时候,先暂停争论,重新审视你们沟通的规则——关于如何很好地表达反对意见,从而调和分歧的规则。

如果你们没有这些规则,不妨共同建立起来; 如果你有,那就审视一下它们是否奏效,并思考如何进行调整,从而变得更加有效。

我在《原则》中也介绍过一些方法。 例如,当你们无法解决某个重要的分歧,应该找一位双方都同意的调解员。 但是,你们自己需要就最适合你们的规则达成一致意见。

还有一条更通用的规则,那就是: 不管在任何情况下处理任何问题,你要凌驾在问题之上,把这个情景看作是一台“机器”,而你必须拥有好的原则和方法去处理问题,并且确保已经掌握它们。 最后,回到那个情境中去运用这些原则和方法。

If you don’t have them, agree on them, and if you do have them, review how they are working and what should be changed to make them work well. In Principles, I recommended a number of things to do (e.g., mutually agreeing on a mediator when you can’t resolve an important disagreement), but you should mutually agree on those that work best for you . As a more general rule, whenever you are having any problems handling anything, step above them and look down on the situation as a “machine” that you have to have good principles and protocols for dealing with—and then make sure you have or get them. Then go back into that situation and use them.
