2025 年第一天,我写了篇《
JOMO is mojo.
意思很简单:JOMO 是 the joy of missing out,是这几年的网络热词;mojo 常表示「魔力」「能量」「护身符」。
我发现这两个词很像,于是玩梗把它们组合成 JOMO is mojo,意为坦然接受并欣赏「错过」。想提醒大家:没有什么错过。你错过了一些也获得了一些,把「错过一个亿」的遗憾变成「虽然我错过了......但是......」的转念练习,在遗憾的情绪中看到自己更深层的习惯和认知。
Big Feelings 中
所说(图3\x26amp;amp;4),人有 3 个「我」:真实的我、理想中的我、应该成为的我。从这个角度看,遗憾永远都会存在。我们怎么做都会忍不住想另一种可能,于是困在过去和将来,在内耗中又错过了一个个现在。
Keep Going 中也有类似的提醒(图5):
Social media has created a human phenomenon called FOMO: the Fear Of Missing Out. It’s the sense, scrolling through your feeds, that everybody out there is having a much better time than you are. The only antidote is JOMO: the Joy Of Missing Out. As writer Anil Dash explains, “There can be, and should be, a blissful, serene enjoyment in knowing, and celebrating, that there are folks out there having the time of their life at something that you might have loved to, but are simply skipping.”