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8.2 周五 | 孤独天才的丰富世界 - Red Rack’em 成渝行

TAGChengdu  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-07-15 12:15


很少有音乐人将House, Techno, Bass, Disco, Hip Hop,Broken Beat, Jazz完美融合在自己的音乐体系里,来自英国的Danny Berman aka Red Rack’em就是这样一位极其罕见的大师。他的音乐制作,收藏和演出像一本翻不完的百科全书,经典之声和充满新鲜律动的来回交替,令人着迷。Konekt将在8月把他带到.TAG成都和Echo Bay重庆。

8月2日 .TAG 成都

8月3日 Echo Bay 重庆

Red Rack’em (Bergerac/ Rinse FM) 英国

在电子跳舞音乐领域,有引领潮流的人,也有追随潮流的人,还有一些人只是给了自己一个目标,而Red Rack’em属于第三类人。

上世纪80年代,Danny Berman在一个佛教家庭的苏格兰小渔村长大,从未走过一条世人看来正常的路。他对于当时具有开创性的Hip Hop有着疯狂的迷恋 - Public Enemy, De La Soul, Gangstar。这促使他去理解这些唱片的采样和结构,这些早期的影响仍然是他的现今音乐的基础。青少年时期的孤独,也意味着他有很多时间来尝试音乐,他有着对新奇音乐贪婪的胃口,同时也有一个近乎冷酷,跨越类别的独特口味。这样的内心定义了他作为DJ/ 制作人的艺术生涯,把他从英国带到远方,从澳大利亚到日本,横跨欧洲,再到柏林的最深处。

这些独特的经历让Danny的脑海中形成了一幅巨大的电子跳舞音乐的蓝图。每隔几年,他就会有永垂不朽的经典作品,展现了他构思细节,运用采样,把握结构上的新鲜活力。像”How I Program”, “Kalimba”, “In Love Again”这样的单曲,重新制作的“Paradise Garage Classic Stand On The World,还有最近的”Wonky Bassline Disco Banger”被视为跨越不同流派的绝世佳作。

2009年开始,作为一名DJ/ 制作人他在英国开始收获良好的声誉。Gilles Peterson,他最大的支持者邀请Danny在他的Worldwide Awards与Floating Points同台演出。同时,他的表演与Jazznova, Laurent Garnier一同出现在尖峰时刻,Red Rack’em这个名字开始有着不同寻常的意味。在2010年,他创建厂牌Bergerac,并发行首张EP ”How I Program”,主打单曲随即收录在Four Tet的Fabric Live 59。

作为一名DJ,Red Rack’em以热情洋溢的无耻震撼力而闻名遐迩,他善于打破风格流派的界限而不极端地偏向某一边,这种多样性的才会也同时反应在了音乐制作上的输出。他又不少化名去消化这种涉猎广泛的音乐热爱。Marlinspike, Hot Coins, Red Rack’em 涵盖了从 Detroit, Wonky Disco, Comsic Boogie, Beatdown House, Jazz, Glitchy Hip Hop, UK Garage,Techno ...... 这些罕见的独特个性,让他保持着高效而精致的世界范围内的演出。Fabric, Lux, ://about blank, Dommune和数次Boiler Room。

In dance music there are people who make trends and those who follow, then those who simply set their own agenda. Red Rack’em falls squarely into the third category.

Raised in a small Scottish fishing village in a Buddhist family during the eighties, a young Danny Berman was never going to follow a normal route. A fascination with the seminal hip hop of the time – the likes of Public Enemy, De La Soul and Gangstar – Inspired him to try to understand the sampling and scratching that made those records. These early influences are still fundamental to his music, although now his work ranges from in-the-box production to working in full analogue studios.

As well as meaning he had a lot of time for experimenting with music, the isolation of his teens gave him a voracious appetite for new music as well as a ruthlessly high, cross genre quality threshold. This has gone on to define his DJ career, taking him far and wide, from Australia to Japan, across Europe and to the deepest depths of Berlin where he is now based.

These formative experiences have shaped a strong blueprint for dance music in Danny’s head. His ability to take samples and make them entirely fresh and vital in the studio shows up when every couple of years he drops a classic. Tracks like How I Program, Kalimba and In Love Again, his edit of Paradise Garage classic Stand On The World and most recently Wonky Bassline Disco Banger have gained house music immortality and reached across genres and with their unique and vibrant take on a sound.

After teaching music and DJ skills in Nottingham, UK he continued to absorb musical inspiration, not least when his students turned him on to the raw sounds of grime and the mutating sound of UK garage that gave birth to dubstep. His sets at the time took in many genres when few others were doing so, as well as staying at the top of his game for so long, over time the mainstream has slowly edged closer to him.

In 2009 after establishing a solid reputation across the UK as a DJ and producer, he was handpicked by Gilles Peterson alongside Floating Points as an upcoming talent to play at his Worldwide Awards. His peak time set alongside Jazzanova and Laurent Garnier was later broadcast on Radio One, Red Rack’em was becoming a real name to watch.

In 2010, he launched his own label Bergerac with the How I Program EP. The title track went on to become a real success; featuring in Four Tet’s Fabric compilation and leading Mike Huckaby to name a synth patch on his Waldorf ‘Red Rack’em Bass’.

After moving to Berlin in 2011, he began to establish a solid base and spread his wings as an A&R. He now runs three labels in total: Bergerac for the weirder and more banging stuff, Nettles for cheeky bootlegs/edits and Smugglers Inn, the companion to his impossibly rich radio show which is a 10 year archive of slept on hits, forgotten gems and classics that somehow never were.

Releases so far have featured early tracks from Ajukaja (pre Rare Birds), Carlos Nillmns (Planet E),








Red Rack’em





早鸟:50  预售:70  现场:100

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