专栏名称: 了不起的杰克
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  了不起的杰克

The 15 Commandments of Agencies

了不起的杰克  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-03-08 14:47


15 lessons I’ve learned from building a 7 figure agency from scratch and making over $50 million for our clients.


1) Good clients are everything.

I’ve worked with all sorts of clients and always come to the same conclusion:

Make sure you vibe with every single one of them.

Even if they pay well, one bad client spoils the bunch.

Not worth it.

2) Hire well

You’re not a freelancer.

Don’t do everything on your own.

Instead, focus on hiring the best and letting them work.

Great team members are expensive but worth it.

3) It’s the little things.

Write down in your calendar:

-Date they joined your team
-Special events

And let your team know that you care about them.

-Gift cards
-A message to the company congratulating them

It’s the little things that make them loyal to you.

4) Build systems.

Real talk,

A lot of the work you do right now could be split in half if you had a proper system in place.

Document. Everything. You. Do.

The more you document, the easier it is to delegate, the more time you have.


5) It should run without you.

Agencies should not be dependent on the owner.

The more an agency depends on the founder, the harder it is for the rest of the team to develop.

Which leads us to Commandment 6:

6) Build to Sell

Your agency should be built to sell at any moment (even if you don’t want to)


Because then you won’t have to worry about it depending on you.

The more systems you have in place, the easier it’s to run.

The easier it is to run, the more peace you’ll have

7) Niche down hard

“Can you do ads?”


“Can you do copy?”


Can you do SEO?”


Lots of people asked us to do lots of stuff.

We said no to everyone and focused exclusively on ecommerce email marketing.


Over $50 million in email attributable revenue.

8) Outsource More

You know,

The things you hate to do?

Outsource them.

Record yourself doing it with Loom.

Pay someone to do it.


You just have one more hour a day to do whatever you want.

9) They need you at the steering wheel

It’s tempting to do the day-to-day tasks.

You’re probably even the best at it.

But it’s not worth it.

Focus on delegating and then focus on leading the company.

Your crew needs their captain at the steering wheel.

10) Don’t dilute too much.

A company with 6 partners is probably going to fail.


Because you don’t need them.

2-3 partners is good to start and make actual good decisions.

Nothing gets done when a lot of people have to make decisions at the same time.

11) Don’t put all your eggs in one person

If one person does

-And optimizing

What happens when that person gets sick or even quits?

Distribute processes along your agency or you lose.

12) Company culture is everything
