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唧唧堂:JF 金融学期刊2020年6月刊论文摘要13篇

唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-01-20 22:34


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂经济金融学写作小组: 西西
审校 | 唧唧堂经济金融学写作小组: 绵绵
编辑 | 悠悠



We study corporate control tracing controlling shareholders for thousands of listed firms from 127 countries over 2004 to 2012. Government and family control is pervasive in civil‐law countries. Blocks are commonplace, but less so in common‐law countries. These patterns apply to large, medium, and small firms. In contrast, the development‐control nexus is heterogeneous; strong for large but absent for small firms. Control correlates strongly with shareholder protection, the stringency of employment contracts and unions power. Conversely, the correlations with creditor rights, legal formalism, and entry regulation appear weak. These patterns support both legal origin and political theories of financial development.

参考文献:AMINADAV, G. and PAPAIOANNOU, E. (2020), Corporate Control around the World. The Journal of Finance, 75: 1191-1246. doi:10.1111/jofi.12889



We evaluate the effect of downside insurance on self‐employment. We exploit a large‐scale reform of French unemployment benefits that insured unemployed workers starting businesses. The reform significantly increased firm creation without decreasing the quality of new entrants. Firms started postreform were initially smaller, but their employment growth, productivity, and survival rates are similar to those prereform. New entrepreneurs' characteristics and expectations are also similar. Finally, jobs created by new entrants crowd out employment in incumbent firms almost one‐for‐one, but have a higher productivity than incumbents. These results highlight the benefits of encouraging experimentation by lowering barriers to entry.

参考文献:HOMBERT, J., SCHOAR, A., SRAER, D. and THESMAR, D. (2020), Can Unemployment Insurance Spur Entrepreneurial Activity? Evidence from France. The Journal of Finance, 75: 1247-1285. doi:10.1111/jofi.12880



This paper documents a previously unrecognized debt‐related investment distortion. Using detailed project‐level data for 69 firms in the oil and gas industry, we find that highly levered firms pull forward investment, completing projects early at the expense of long‐run project returns and project value. This behavior is particularly pronounced prior to debt renegotiations. We test several channels that could explain this behavior and find evidence consistent with equity holders sacrificing long‐run project returns to enhance collateral values and, by extension, mitigate lending frictions at debt renegotiations.

参考文献:GILJE, E.P., LOUTSKINA, E. and MURPHY, D. (2020), Drilling and Debt. The Journal of Finance, 75: 1287-1325. doi:10.1111/jofi.12884

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We propose a model selection method to systematically evaluate the contribution to asset pricing of any new factor, above and beyond what a high‐dimensional set of existing factors explains. Our methodology accounts for model selection mistakes that produce a bias due to omitted variables, unlike standard approaches that assume perfect variable selection. We apply our procedure to a set of factors recently discovered in the literature. While most of these new factors are shown to be redundant relative to the existing factors, a few have statistically significant explanatory power beyond the hundreds of factors proposed in the past.

参考文献:FENG, G., GIGLIO, S. and XIU, D. (2020), Taming the Factor Zoo: A Test of New Factors. The Journal of Finance, 75: 1327-1370. doi:10.1111/jofi.12883



Using the complete history of regular quarterly and annual filings by U.S. corporations, we show that changes to the language and construction of financial reports have strong implications for firms’ future returns and operations. A portfolio that shorts “changers” and buys “nonchangers” earns up to 188 basis points per month in alpha (over 22% per year) in the future. Moreover, changes to 10‐Ks predict future earnings, profitability, future news announcements, and even future firm‐level bankruptcies. Unlike typical underreaction patterns, we find no announcement effect, suggesting that investors are inattentive to these simple changes across the universe of public firms.

参考文献:COHEN, L., MALLOY, C. and NGUYEN, Q. (2020), Lazy Prices. The Journal of Finance, 75: 1371-1415. doi:10.1111/jofi.12885



We decompose the returns of five well‐known anomalies into cash flow and discount rate news. Common patterns emerge across the five factor portfolios and their mean‐variance efficient (MVE) combination. Whereas discount rate news predominates in market returns, systematic cash flow news drives the returns of anomaly portfolios and their MVE combination with the market portfolio. Anomaly cash flow and discount rate shocks are largely uncorrelated with market cash flow and discount rate shocks and with business cycle fluctuations. These rich empirical patterns restrict the joint dynamics of firm cash flows and the pricing kernel, thereby informing models of stocks' expected returns.

参考文献:LOCHSTOER, L.A. and TETLOCK, P.C. (2020), What Drives Anomaly Returns?. The Journal of Finance, 75: 1417-1455. doi:10.1111/jofi.12876



We obtain exact necessary and sufficient conditions for existence and uniqueness of solutions of a class of homothetic recursive utility models postulated by Epstein and Zin. The conditions center on a single test value with a natural economic interpretation. The test sheds light on the relationship between valuation of cash flows, impatience, risk adjustment, and intertemporal substitution of consumption. We propose two methods to compute the test value when an analytical solution is not available. We further provide several applications.

参考文献:BOROVIČKA, J. and STACHURSKI, J. (2020), Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Existence and Uniqueness of Recursive Utilities. The Journal of Finance, 75: 1457-1493. doi:10.1111/jofi.12877

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We study the consequences of, and potential policy responses to, high‐frequency trading (HFT) via the tradeoff between liquidity and information production. Faster speeds facilitate HFT, with consequences for this tradeoff: Information production decreases because informed traders have less time to trade before HFTs react, but liquidity (measured by the bid‐ask spread) improves because informational asymmetries decline. HFT also pushes outcomes inside the frontier of this tradeoff. However, outcomes can be restored to the frontier by replacing the limit order book with one of two alternative mechanisms: delaying all orders except cancellations or implementing frequent batch auctions.

参考文献:BALDAUF, M. and MOLLNER, J. (2020), High‐Frequency Trading and Market Performance. The Journal of Finance, 75: 1495-1526. doi:10.1111/jofi.12882



Contrary to conventional wisdom, we document that approximately 15% of venture capitalist (VC)‐backed firms raise additional capital from VCs in the five years after going public. We propose two explanations for why firms revert to VC financing post‐IPO (initial public offering). First, we hypothesize that VC participation in post‐IPO financing represents an efficient solution to informational problems that would otherwise constrain firms’ abilities to exploit value‐increasing investments. Analyses of firm and VC characteristics, together with the finding that these investments are value‐increasing for both VCs and the underlying companies, support this hypothesis. We find no support for the alternative that agency conflicts motivate these investments.

参考文献:ILIEV, P. and LOWRY, M. (2020), Venturing beyond the IPO: Financing of Newly Public Firms by Venture Capitalists. The Journal of Finance, 75: 1527-1577. doi:10.1111/jofi.12879



We examine the relation between insiders’ investment horizon and the information content of their trades with respect to future stock returns. We conjecture that an insider's investment horizon establishes a benchmark for expected patterns of continued trading behavior and thus helps identify unexpected insider trades, which should be more informative in efficient markets. Consistent with this conjecture, the trades of short‐horizon insiders are both more unexpected and more informed, on average, than those of long‐horizon insiders. Short‐horizon insiders and their firms also tend to display characteristics that are associated with a greater focus on short‐termism.

参考文献:AKBAS, F., JIANG, C. and KOCH, P.D. (2020), Insider Investment Horizon. The Journal of Finance, 75: 1579-1627. doi:10.1111/jofi.12878

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The majority of security analysts are identified as skilled when the cross‐section of analyst performance is modeled as a mixture of multiple skill distributions. Analysts exhibit heterogeneous skill—some are high‐type, and some are low‐type. On average, the recommendation revisions of both types exhibit positive abnormal returns. The heterogeneity stems from differential ability to produce new information; all analysts can profitably process news. Top analysts outperform because more of their recommendations are influential (i.e., associated with statistically significant returns) and both their influential and noninfluential recommendations are more informative. A majority of research firms are also identified as skilled.

参考文献:CRANE, A. and CROTTY, K. (2020), How Skilled Are Security Analysts?. The Journal of Finance, 75: 1629-1675. doi:10.1111/jofi.12890
