首先得讲Perl 的子程序。子程序是用户定义的函数。Perl 子程序即执行一个特殊任务的一段分离的代码,它可以使减少重复代码且使程序易读,仅适用于本程序。 语法格式如下:
sub subroutine{
sub reverse_complementary{
my ($inputseq)=@_;
my $sequence = reverse($inputseq);
$sequence =~tr/ACGTUNacgtun/TGCAANtgcaan/d;
return $sequence;
print “$reverse_seq\n”;
其实,此处是以子程序为例来引入模块的,因为bioperl上存在了众多好用的模块。模块其实与子程序没有太大的区别,只是模块单独位于一个以.pm结尾的文件中,我们需要安装,才能调用模块中相应的子程序。调用的方法采用use XXX; 其中XXX为模块名字,检测是否安装此模块,可以采用:perldoc 模块名字。
•Features and Annotations - Reading and writing detailed data associated with sequences.
•BlastPlus - Create, manage, and query BLAST databases with NCBI blast+.
•EUtilities Cookbook - Simple script examples using Bio::DB::EUtilities. •SearchIO - Parsing reports from sequence comparison programs like BLAST.
•SeqIO - Sequence file input and output, with script examples.
•Getting Genomic Sequences - Some examples of how to retrieve genomic sequences.
•AlignIOand SimpleAlign - Create and analyze alignments using BioPerl.
•Writing BioPerl Tests - A general guide on how to write BioPerl tests using Test::More.
•OBDA Flat Databases - Indexing local sequence files for fast retrieval using OBDA. •Tiling - Use SearchIO to create robust alignments.
•Local Databases - Indexing local sequence files for fast retrieval.
•OBDA - Using OBDA, a universal and customizable sequence retrieval system.
•Restriction Enzyme Analysis - in silico restriction enzyme analysis.
•Short-read assemblies with BWA - Using the bwa assembler in BioPerl.
•Short-read assemblies with maq - Using the maq assembler in BioPerl.
•Trees - Using BioPerl to analyze phylogenetic trees. •EUtilities Web Service - Query NCBI Entrez via the EUtilities.
•PAML - Using the PAML package using BioPerl.
•PhyloXML - Read and write phyloXML documents using BioPerl.
•Bioperl Objects - The common and uncommon objects that represent sequence.
•Simple Web Analysis - Submitting sequence data to Web forms and retrieving results.
•Best Practices - The conventions to use when writing BioPerl code.
•Advanced BioPerl - Notes on developing BioPerl code.
•PopGen - Population genetics, molecular evolution, and BioPerl.
•SubmitPatch - The steps needed to get your modification to BioPerl into the code base.
•Nexml - A guide on how to read and write Nexml documents using BioPerl.
•Glyphs - Extend Bio::Graphics using custom glyphs. •BioGraphics - Creating beautiful graphics for sequence display and annotation.
•Using Git - Using Git with BioPerl.
•Submitting Issues - How we suggest submission of bugs and feature requests..