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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-03-01 06:02


The Russians are coming


Progress at Syria’s latest peace talks


Russia and Turkey take the lead from absent America


Jan 28th 2017


KAZAKHSTAN is an odd place to seek a fresh start for Syria. Its strongman, Nursultan Nazarbayev, has been in charge since Soviet times. In 2015 he won 97.7% of the vote—an even better tally than Syria’s despot, Bashar al-Assad, can command. But as a Russian-speaking capital of a Turkic nation sharing the Caspian Sea with Iran, there was some symbolism in selecting its capital, Astana, as a place to unveil the new tripartite protectorate over Syria(读者试译句).


And as peace talks go, the ones in Astana, on January 23rd-24th, marked a new realism. The hosts were the three outside powers who are doing the bulk of the fighting in Syria. Along with Russia and Turkey, they included Iran, which was pointedly kept out of the last round of talks in Geneva. The Americans, Europeans and Arabs who steered those negotiations were this time either reduced to observer status, or absent altogether. Saudi Arabia, once the rebels’ prime backer, is too preoccupied with its war in Yemen these days to have time for the one in Syria. “The uprising began as an Arab awakening and ended in a carve-up among non-Arab powers,” says a Syrian analyst.


Also reflecting events on the ground, Syria’s opposition was represented by fighters, not by the politicians in exile who led the previous talks. In the past Russia would have dismissed some of the delegates as jihadists, fit only for thermobaric bombing. But, perhaps under Turkey’s nudging, it now sees the benefits of engagement if the process is to get anywhere. Muhammad Alloush, who heads an Islamist armed group, Jaish al-Islam, showed his appreciation by praising Russia, which only a month ago was crushing rebels in Aleppo, for its “neutrality”. To mollify the politicians in exile, the fighters insisted they were there to talk only about ceasefires. But the Russians also proffered a draft constitution, and issued invitations for follow-up talks in Moscow, set for January 27th. The exiles would prefer to rely on America to promote the political process in a fresh round of talks in Geneva, pencilled in for February 8th. By then, however, Russia may already have written the terms.

当然这也在引起了一系列事件,叙利亚的叛军主要是由军方控制而不是之前在和谈中被流放的政治家们。在过去,俄罗斯使用温压炸弹,可能已经击退了伊斯兰圣战者。但是,也许是在土耳其的助力下,如果这样的措施任意实行,其中的利益得失是显而易见的。Jaish al-Islam,一只伊斯兰的武装军队,它的首领Muhammad Alloush对俄方充满了感激之情,——俄方在一个月之前在阿勒颇粉碎了反叛者,以示其“中立”的立场。为了安抚被放逐的政治家,这些参战者坚持称他们仅仅是为了停止战火才会那样做的。然而俄罗斯依然提出起草宪法法案并发行了将要于1月27日在莫斯科做后续会谈的邀请函。流放的政治家们更愿意在2月8日的日内瓦进行新一轮会谈时依靠美国来促进政治进程。然而,到那时,俄罗斯或许已经签订了条款。

  • exile  vt.放逐,流放;使背井离乡 n.流放,放逐,流亡;长期离家[出国];被流放者,背井离乡者

  • delegates  n.代表,代表团成员( delegate的名词复数 )

  • jihadists  伊斯兰圣战者;圣战

  • nudging   v.(朝某方向)轻推( nudge的现在分词 );(使)达到;(暗指与性有关的事)搂搂抱抱

  • proffered  v.提供,贡献,提出( proffer的过去式和过去分词 )

  • Draft  adj.初步画出或(写出)的;(设计、草图、提纲或版本)正在起草中的,草拟的;以草稿形式的;草图的

  • Constitution  n.宪法;建立,组成;体格;构成方式

An even more striking example of America’s new irrelevance is the mechanism devised for policing a ceasefire that has been in place for almost a month. Out went the old arrangements agreed on with John Kerry, America’s former secretary of state, last September. Russia’s new partners were Turkey and Iran, who together would “observe and ensure full compliance with the ceasefire, prevent any provocation and determine all modalities”.

一个关于美国不想参与此事的更明显的例子就是,美国推出无关紧要的停火机制已有近一个月了。而之前支持美国前国务卿John Kerry的停火歇息已经是去年九月的了。俄罗斯将会与新搭档土耳其,伊朗,一起“遵守与确保停火的承诺,用一切方式阻止一切挑衅。”

  • striking  adj.引人注目的;显著的;容貌出众的;妩媚动人的v.击;打( strike的现在分词);敲响;报时

  • irrelevance  n.无关紧要;不相关;不相关的事物

  • compliance  n.服从,听从;承诺;柔软度;顺度

Can this work? Tellingly, the final communiqué, seeking to bolster the ceasefire, was issued by the external powers, while Syria’s belligerents registered protests and reservations. However, the rebels probably have little choice but to comply. Chased out of their last major urban redoubt in Aleppo and doubtful of their support from the new American administration, many want to grab what they can. Even so, the war continues undiminished against some of the most powerful militias left off Astana’s guest list—Islamic State, the YPG Kurdish forces, and particularly an al-Qaeda offshoot, Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (JFS). JFS has launched its own offensive, pitting its 6,000 hardened fighters against the 15,000 of more moderate groups. That intra-rebel battle is again cutting roads across Idlib, the poor rural province the rebels still hold, and closing crossings to Turkey as they fight over bases.


Judging by its record, Mr Assad’s regime will be as recalcitrant. Talks may bring him benefits, such as dividing the opposition. (Mr Assad’s representative, Bashar al-Jaafari, quipped that he hoped the terrorists would help defeat the terrorists.) But even when weaker, the regime preferred military options. Having won the whip hand, it is in no mood to discuss a transition to a broader government. Should Russia try to bring him to heel, Mr Assad is signalling he has other friends to turn to. While Iran sat at the table talking ceasefires, Mr Assad and its forces were making common cause fighting in the valleys of Wadi Barrada above Damascus.

根据记录判断,阿萨德政府将继续顽抗。谈判或许会给他带来利益,例如,能够分化反对党。(阿萨德的发言人Bashar al-Jaafari讽刺道这是以毒攻毒。)但是即便反对派削弱了,阿萨德政府还是偏向于军事主义政策。既然已经在政府中取得了支配地位,那么阿萨德政府也没有闲情逸致来讨论如何转变为一个更加民主的联合政府。就算俄罗斯准备逼迫阿萨德政府就范,他也暗示了自己还有其他可以寻求帮助的盟友。当伊朗政府在谈判桌上寻求停火之际,阿萨德及其军队正在准备在大马士革之上的WadiBarrada山谷发动进攻。


By delegating responsibility for the ceasefire to three outside powers, the tripartite mechanism may well have the effect of creating zones of influence. Untroubled by the Iranians and Russians, the Turks are fighting to expand their enclave (against IS and the Kurds) in the north. The Iranians are doing much the same around Damascus. Russia is firmly entrenched on the coast. The conflict, it seems, will continue; as will yet another of the Middle East’s sad, interminable peace processes.


翻译 ▍人文二组

审核 ▍小情人

编辑 ▍璃儿

Try to translate 

But as a Russian-speaking capital of a Turkic nation sharing the Caspian Sea with Iran, there was some symbolism in selecting its capital, Astana, as a place to unveil the new tripartite protectorate over Syria.

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