专栏名称: 量化投资与机器学习
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量化投资与机器学习  · 公众号  · AI  · 2017-11-14 17:36


从去年的AlphaGo到今年 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence), 英文缩写为 AI, 首次写进 政府工作报告 ,人工智能正在席卷全球,引发第4次工业革命,而AI的核心技术是 机器学习 深度学习

目前,机器学习已广泛应用于数据挖掘、自动驾驶、计算机视觉、自然语言处理、搜索引擎、语音和人脸识别、医学诊断、量化金融、以及电商的搜索和推荐当中, 人工智能 正在迎来巨大爆发点。

AI在量化投资的应用 也是不断显现活力。

We Know First predicts a growing universe of over 3,000 securities for the short, medium and long term horizons daily by applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques to search for patterns and relationships in large sets of historical stock market data.

We Know First is among 5 start-ups, who showcased their solutions in Payments, Finance Management, Security and other specialties according to Israel Economic Mission in the USA.

Through its self-learning ability and flexible multi-layered neural networks structure, the algorithm is able to learn from, adapt to and evolve together with continuously changing markets. It offers an independent, objective and unique perspective on the financial markets and doesn’t rely on any human derived assumptions or traditional theories and models that often do not hold (anymore).

Moreover, we Know First develops and back-tests systematic trading strategies which are used in partnerships with hedge funds and other asset managing entities. These strategies are rules-based and utilize algorithmic forecasting indicators mentioned above in order to rank and select the trades as well as the time the execution. The type of strategies varies, including mean-reversion logic and more trend focused approaches, all generating high positive alpha while keeping beta in the  0.3-0.8 range, yielding overall high risk-adjusted returns. The strategies can be used in partnership with I Know First to launch hedge funds, mutual funds or other investment vehicles.
