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CRU研讨会 - 上海铜业研讨会 | 11月19日 | 浦东四季酒店

CRUGROUP  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-10-22 11:22


We would be delighted for you and your colleagues to join us for our annual CRU Briefing during the CESCO Asia Copper week 2019, to discuss:

The New Era for China in Global Copper Market

The briefing is free to attend and will take place from

at Grand Salon at the Four Seasons Hotel Pudong , Shanghai, on Tuesday 19 November 2019 .

During China’s 70th Anniversary celebrations, President Xi declared that China is entering a new era. CRU’s 2019 Copper Briefing will address the implications of that new era for the Chinese copper market, within the broader context of a slowdown in global economic growth. More specifically, CRU analysts will examine the following:

  • Global Overview for Refined Copper: Consumption has been downgraded substantially over the lastyear. What are the prospects for demand, the market balance and price?

  • Outlook for Chinese Copper Demand: China is undergoing a managed slowdown, exacerbated by the US-China trade war. What is the outlook for demand and scrap?

  • Outlook for Chinese Mine & Smelter Output: How will China source sufficient quantities of concentrate and cathode?  How will low TC/RC’s affect local smelting and refining capacity?

  • Prospects for Global Mine Supply, Projects and Costs: Where are we in the investment cycle?  Will there be enough investment in new projects to meet demand by the mid-2020s?


John Johnson
CEO China

Vanessa Davidson
Director of Copper Research and Strategy, London

Robert Edwards
Principal Analyst, London
