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【经济学人】参议院开始审查特朗普提名的关键职位 | 2017.01.14 | 总第793期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-02-15 05:53




Politics this week


Jan 14th 2017


dossier compiled about alleged links between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia, and containing lurid tittle-tattle about the president-elect, was published on BuzzFeed. The dossier was based on unverified material prepared by an investigative firm for Mr Trump’s opponents. America’s intelligence agencies included a classified summary of its findings in its assessment of alleged Russian interference in the election. A spokesman for the Kremlin said it had no compromising documents on Mr Trump and called the allegations “absolute fantasy”. See article. 


  • dossier ['dɒsɪə] : 档案,材料

  • alleged [ə'ledʒd] : 断言,宣称;指控

  • lurid ['l(j)ʊərɪd] : 耸人听闻的,可怕的

  • tittle-tattle ['titl,tætl] : 闲言碎语;闲聊

  • classified summary: 分类汇总,分类总结

The Senate started the process to vet Mr Trump’s nominees to key posts. Democrats, pointing to a letter to them from the head of the Office of Government Ethics, said the confirmation hearings were being rushed and the vetting was far from complete. Rex Tillerson, Mr Trump’s pick for secretary of state, responded to concerns about his close business ties to Russia by saying the country’s actions were a danger and NATO was right to be worried.


  • vet [vet] : 审查

  • rush [rʌʃ] : 匆匆决定;仓促行事

  • NATO ['neitəu] : 北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

A jury sentenced Dylann Roof, a white nationalist, to death for murdering nine black people at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015.

陪审团因白人主义者Dylann Roof 于2015年在南卡罗莱纳州的查尔斯顿教堂枪杀九名黑人而判其死刑。

  • jury ['dʒʊərɪ] : 陪审团

  • sentence ['sent(ə)ns] : 判刑,宣判

Barack Obama gave his farewell speech as president. Just as Washington warned about factional parties and Eisenhower fretted about the rise of the military-industrial complex, Mr Obama cautioned his fellow Americans not to take democracy for granted.


  • farewell: 告别

  • fret about: 担心

  • democracy: 民主政体,民主主义

  • take...for granted: 认为......理所应当

A founder of Iran’s revolution


Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a former president of Iran and hugely influential since the 1979 revolution, died. He was 82. See here and here. 

伊朗前任总统 阿亚图拉·阿克巴尔·哈什米·拉夫桑贾尼去世,享年82岁,在这场自1979年发动的伊朗革命中,他起着举足轻重的作用。

A Palestinian attacker killed four Israeli soldiers by driving a lorry into them near the Old City in Jerusalem.


Yoweri Museveni, who has ruled Uganda for 31 years, named his eldest son as a special adviser in a move interpreted as preparing him to become president. His son, Muhoozi Kainerugaba, used to lead a special-forces unit tasked with protecting him.

统治了乌干达31年的约韦里·穆塞韦尼提名他的大儿子成为一项政策的特别顾问,这项政策帮助达到他坐上总统宝座位目的。他的儿子Muhoozi Kainerugaba 曾经统帅过特种兵部队,其任务就是保护他自己。


Mutinous soldiers in Ivory Coast seized the city of Bouaké and kidnapped the defence minister in a dispute over pay. They returned to barracks after promises of more cash. But the country, which fought a civil war in the early 2000s, remains riven by ethnic tensions. See article. 


  • mutinous ['mjuːtɪnəs] : 暴动的

  • kidnap ['kɪdnæp] : 绑架

  • barrack ['bærək] : 营地

  • civil war ['sɪv(ə)l]: 内战

  • ethnic tensions ['eθnɪk] ['tenʃ(ə)n]: 种族关系紧张

No let-up


Afghanistan suffered a series of terrorist attacks. A bomb near the parliament in Kabul claimed over 30 lives; another in the southern city of Kandahar killed 11 people, including five diplomats from the United Arab Emirates. Another attack, in the nearby city of Lashkar Gah, killed several pro-government militia leaders. 

阿富汗遭遇了一系列的恐怖袭击。一枚炸弹在 议会(位于 喀布尔)附近爆炸,夺走了30多条人命;另一枚在南部城市坎大哈爆炸,11人死亡,其中包括5名阿联酋外交官; 还有一场袭击发生在拉什卡尔加附近的城市,杀死了几位亲政府的民兵领导。

  • pro-goverment: 亲政府的,pro前缀表赞成

Chinese military aircraft flew close to Japan and South Korea, and its sole aircraft-carrier sailed close to Taiwan, prompting all three countries to scramble forces in response.


King Vajiralongkorn withheld his assent for the draft constitution championed by Thailand’s military junta, asking for changes that would make him more powerful. Elections scheduled for this year may be delayed. See article. 


  • assent [ə'sent] : 同意,赞成

Tsai Ing-wen, the president of Taiwan, visited Texas and met Ted Cruz, a senator, and Greg Abbott, the governor. China said the meetings would harm relations with America.

台湾总统蔡英文访问了美国,并会见了参议员Ted Cruz和州长Greg Abbott。中国方面表明,此次会面将会损害到中美关系。

Hong Kong’s most senior civil servant, Carrie Lam, submitted her resignation. She said she had done so in order to run for the post of chief executive, as the territory’s leader is known. The choice will be made in March by a committee stacked with the Communist Party’s supporters in Hong Kong.

香港最资深的公务员,Carrie Lam提交了辞呈。她说,她这样做是为了竞选行政长官,因为该地区的领导人名声在外。选举将在3月份由一个与共产党在香港的支持者组成的委员会组织。

China said its president, Xi Jinping, would attend the annual World Economic Forum in Davos. Mr Xi will be the first Chinese president to attend and he is expected to stress China’s openness to international trade.


Murder most foul


Members of a criminal gang at a prison in Brazil killed 31 inmates, decapitating most of their victims. This came a week after gang fights at another jail left 56 prisoners dead, most of whom had their limbs chopped off. Another prison riot left four dead.

巴西监狱犯罪团伙成员杀害了31名囚犯,斩首其大多数受害者。一周前,在另一个监狱里的帮派斗殴里,造成56名囚犯死亡,其中大部分人的肢体被砍掉。 而另一个监狱暴乱导致了四人死亡。

  • decapitate [dɪ'kæpɪteɪt] : 斩首

  • riot ['raɪət]:暴乱

In Mexico, rioting sparked by the government’s withdrawal of petrol subsidies as part of its liberalisation of the energy industry left at least six people dead. Petrol prices increased by up to 20% at the start of the year, leading to many knock- on price rises in goods and services. Roads have been blocked and shops looted.   在墨西哥,因政府撤回了作为其能源工业自由化一部分的汽油补贴,引发了骚乱,造成了至少六人的死亡。 年初汽油价格上涨幅度高达20%,导致了商品和服务价格的大幅上涨。 道路被封锁,商店被洗劫一空。

Winning the pools


Switzerland won a lawsuit in the European Court of Human Rights over requiring mixed-sex swimming classes. A Muslim couple sued the state for insisting that their daughters swim with boys as part of the school curriculum. The court found that concerns about integration outweighed the parents’ demand for a religious exemption.


  • lawsuit  ['lɔːsuːt]:诉讼案件

  • sue [s(j)uː]:起诉

The Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot leaders opened talks in Geneva to discuss conditions for the reunification of Cyprus, such as the division of power and territory. Other European leaders are participating on security issues.


  • reunification [rijʊnɪfɪ'keʃən]:重新统一

Germany said that 280,000 people seeking asylum arrived in the country last year, a sharp drop from the 890,000 in 2015. The government thinks migrant numbers have fallen because of the closure of a route through the Balkans and the EU’s deal with Turkey.


Arlene Foster, Northern Ireland’s first minister, came under pressure to quit because of a scandal involving subsidies for renewable energy which could cost taxpayers £490m ($600m). Martin McGuinness, the deputy first minister from the opposition Sinn Fein party, resigned, which may force an election. The crisis could affect Brexit. The Supreme Court will soon decide whether approval is needed from the UK’s devolved assemblies before starting the process of leaving the EU. The deputy leader of the Scottish nationalists called for the postponement of Brexit negotiations.


  • subsidy ['sʌbsɪdɪ] : 津贴

  • The Supreme Court:最高法院

Clare Hollingworth, a journalist who reported the “scoop of the century” predicting the outbreak of the second world war, died at the age of 105. Ms Hollingworth spotted German tanks massing on the border with Poland in late August 1939. A long career saw her report from Jerusalem, Cairo, Paris, Beirut and Hong Kong. She was the last person to interview the Shah of Iran.   


  • spot:发现

  • mass:集结

翻译 ▍政治三组

审核 ▍河清

编辑 ▍Joi

Try to translate 

Chinese military aircraft flew close to Japan and South Korea, and its sole aircraft-carrier sailed close to Taiwan, prompting all three countries to scramble forces in response.

Put Chinese below





