Great Jazz comes from the subconscious mind being in the flow, and it appeals to the subconscious mind to help it get into the flow/groove. Evidence based decision making comes from the conscious mind to help figuring things out logically. So your question is a bit like asking whether evidence based decision making will help you dance better. Perhaps a bit, but not much, as that’s not what it’s for.
Aligning one’s subconscious intuitions with one’s conscious logic so that they are both in sync is a great way of making the best decisions, especially if one aligns one’s views with smart people’s views who are getting them in the same way.
Remember that in the markets that which is discovered by most people is worthless. So I think there will still, and will always be, competitions and that those with the best decision making approaches will win. I believe that the algos will be invaluable and how effectively one competes to get the best ones will be most important. I also think my approach of aligning one’s deep understanding with one’s algorithms will be best, though it will remain hardest, for a long time.