专栏名称: 瑞达利欧RayDalio
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  瑞达利欧RayDalio


瑞达利欧RayDalio  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-09-01 09:00


我每天都会在社交媒体上收到很多不错的问题,并选出一些进行回复。有读者告诉我,他们也想看看这些问题和回复,所以我决定把它们整理起来,用全新的“每周回答”形式与大家分享, 让更多读者受益。欢迎大家继续和我讨论这些问题以及有关《原则》等话题。

提问 1


回答 1


Moving beyond noticing that you and others can see things differently, can you see the power of seeing things through the eyes of smart people who see things differently (i.e. triangulating well) and can you even see that it is often smart to believe that other more believable people are seeing things better than you even when you don’t see it their way? If you gain these powers, you will have all you need to see things well.

提问 2


回答 2


Personality profile tests are invaluable for this. I will be making the ones we use available to you once we get them fixed up. You can also figure out what good ones are. Also, feedback from astute people who are willing to be honest with you is great. The main thing is that you have to really want it and hear it.

提问 3


回答 3


Yes, I believe that for the most part there are realities that exist and I believe that there are different perceptions of those realities. Of course that’s not 100pct true, because some things are subjective (e.g. is vanilla ice cream more tasty than chocolate ice cream?). But it’s by and large true. And regarding most issues of importance, it’s a great help to see it through other good thinkers’ eyes to consider their perspectives.

提问 1


回答 1


Great Jazz comes from the subconscious mind being in the flow, and it appeals to the subconscious mind to help it get into the flow/groove. Evidence based decision making comes from the conscious mind to help figuring things out logically. So your question is a bit like asking whether evidence based decision making will help you dance better. Perhaps a bit, but not much, as that’s not what it’s for.

提问 2


回答 2


Aligning one’s subconscious intuitions with one’s conscious logic so that they are both in sync is a great way of making the best decisions, especially if one aligns one’s views with smart people’s views who are getting them in the same way.

提问 3


回答 3


Remember that in the markets that which is discovered by most people is worthless. So I think there will still, and will always be, competitions and that those with the best decision making approaches will win. I believe that the algos will be invaluable and how effectively one competes to get the best ones will be most important. I also think my approach of aligning one’s deep understanding with one’s algorithms will be best, though it will remain hardest, for a long time.

提问 1


回答 1

我们的决策方式是通过“责任人 (RP)”进行可信度加权投票而实现的。虽然责任人有权否决可信度加权的投票结果,但使用专制的方法来否决可信度加权是不合逻辑的(而且是自大的)。所以在我们的惯例中,责任方不会这样做。我在《原则》书中解释过创意择优,这是非常强大的方法,值得大家去了解一下。

The way we decide is via the “responsible party” (RP) taking a vote that is believability weighted. While the RP has the power to overrule the believability weighted vote, it’s not logical for that autocratic approach to prevail over the believability weighted approach (that would be arrogant), so our convention is for the RP not to. That idea-meritocratic approach is explained in Principles and has been very powerful, so it’s worth understanding.

提问 2


回答 2


No. It’s about knowing when you have reached the point of diminishing returns in debating an issue and should then move on to deciding.

提问 3


回答 3


I would never agree to a consensus of people who are not more believable than me and I have always agreed to a believability weighted group of people who have more believability than I have.





Most everyone who is really capable and successful has had significant failures that they learned from and that made them more capable. You just don’t hear them talk about their failures because it’s unconventional for them to do so. Failing gets a bad rap because it’s associated with being a loser even though it’s typically been essential for winners becoming winners.


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