What’s the best option?
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It seems only logical: if A is better than B, and B is better than C, then A is better than C. Right? Not necessarily
Some parents urge their children to be the best in everything they do. They push them to be the best athlete, and the best scholar, and the best musician, and so on. Other parents urge their children to pursue whatever they are best at, whether it be athletics, academics or music. Some parents push their children to try their best. Still others try hard not to push their children to be the best, or even to try to be their best, because they worry about the psychological damage that such messages might cause. But most parents love their children, and however they raise them, they are trying the best they can on their behalf. After all, most parents genuinely want what is best for their children – they just have different conceptions of what that requires.
In seeking what is best for their children, most parents are implicitly buying into what has been the dominant view of individual rationality, at least in the West, since the time of the Greeks.
On this conception, what it is to be rational is to act so as to maximise the overall quality of one’s life over the course of one’s life – that is, a rational agent chooses whatever options will make her life, as a whole, go as well as possible.
Built into the standard conception of rationality are two fundamental assumptions. The first is that there is a best way for any life to be. The second is a more technical assumption – I’ll call it the Axiom of Transitivity for Better Than – which holds that for any three choices, if the first option is better than the second, and the second option is better than the third, then the first option must be better than the third.
The Axiom of Transitivity for Better Than generates a decision procedure for identifying the best of any finite set of options. Compare them two at a time. If the first is better, throw the second out. Then compare the third with the first. If the third is better, throw the first out. Proceed in this way, always choosing the best of each set of two alternatives. On this basis, if the Axiom of Transitivity for Better Than is true, we can determine the best of any finite set of n options, on the basis of n-1 pairwise comparisons.
Many people have challenged the first assumption in one of four ways. Some have pointed out that some options might be equally good, so there is no single best option. Others have suggested that some alternatives might be only roughly comparable, or on a par. On this view, two alternatives could be in the same ballpark, say the genius of Einstein or Mozart, or a legal career versus an academic career, without one being better than the other, or their being exactly equally good. Still others have suggested that in some rare cases two alternatives can be completely incomparable. And finally, some have noted that among an infinite number of possibilities, there might be no best one, just as there is no largest number in the infinite sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, …
Friends of the standard conception of rationality can readily amend their view to accommodate such worries. They can say that if two alternatives are equally good, genuinely incomparable or only roughly comparable, then there is no compelling reason to choose one rather than the other, so we can choose either, rationally. They can then add that we are finite beings, who usually must select from a finite set of options, and for all such cases an agent can rationally choose any option as long as there is no available option that is better than it. So, on this amended view, even if there might be no single best option, rationality can direct us to never choose a worse option over an available better option.
The second fundamental assumption has gone unchallenged for most of human history. Most philosophers, economists and others have assumed that the Axiom of Transitivity for Better Than must be true, in virtue of the meanings of the words better than, or as a matter of logic. Indeed, most have assumed that all comparative ‘-er than’ relations must be transitive. And most are. So, for example, if Ahmed is taller (or faster, or heavier) than Ilsa, and Ilsa is taller (or faster or heavier) than Quiping, then, indeed, Ahmed must be taller (or faster, or heavier) than Quiping.
第二个假定在人类历史上没有引发过多争议。出于对“更好”一词的理解,或逻辑上的考量,大多数的哲学家、经济学家和其他领域的专家都认为“优选递推原理”是必然合理的。事实上,他们大都假设,所有的比较关系之间都是可传递的。大部分情况的确如此。 例如,艾哈迈德比伊萨更高(更快或更重),伊萨比奇平更高(更快或更重),那么艾哈迈德一定比奇平更高(更快或更重)。
But the second fundamental assumption about rationality could be deeply mistaken.
It is striking how often people purchase an item, and immediately regret having bought that item, rather than an alternative item that they might have bought. This common reaction is normally thought to reflect some kind of psychological shortcoming in the agent. And no doubt often it does. But there is another possible explanation for buyer’s remorse being so ubiquitous. It might be that we often face a series of options for which the Axiom of Transitivity for Better Than fails. In those cases, there will be a series of options where the first will be better than the second, the second better than the third, the third better than the fourth, and so on, but the last option will be better than the first.
In that case, we would have an example of what the economists call a cycle, and a rational agent will have good reason to prefer the first option to the second (because it is, after all, better), and good reason to prefer the third option to the second, and so on, but the rational agent will also have good reason to prefer the first option to the last. In that case, there is no best option. Worse, it is guaranteed that whatever option one chooses, there will have been another available option that was better. In that case, it will be natural for people to suffer buyer’s remorse, as they will come home, compare the purchase they made with another one they might have made, and decide, correctly, that they chose the worse outcome. The problem is that if they were confronting a cycle of intransitive alternatives, such buyer’s remorse will be inevitable.
这种情况下,我们举一个经济学家称之为“循环”的例子。 作为一个理性主体,如果第一个东西比第二个好,那么有充分的理由买第一个而不是第二个, 同样也会存在第三个好于第二个理由。但是作为理性主体,也有充分的理由买第一个而不是最后一个。这种情况下,就没有最优选择。更糟糕的是,不管买了哪个,保准还有更好的选择出现。所以,买家懊悔是再自然不过的事了,回到家把买到手的东西和应该买的东西进行各种比较,然后就发现自己确实选错了。问题在于,如果买家面对的是一个“循环”的递推选择,产生“买家懊悔”是不可避免的。
If I’m right, attempts to identify the best possible life for one’s child might be doomed to failure
Return to the parent who wants what is best for her child. Perhaps, at some point, she might consider urging her child to become an elementary-school teacher, which is a noble profession, and has many advantages. But if the child is talented, she might think that the life of a college professor would be even better, as it would also involve teaching, but perhaps bring more intellectual stimulation, better pay and greater respect.
However, compared with the life of a professor, she might decide the life of a solicitor would be better still. It, too, would have intellectual stimulation, and perhaps even greater pay, with fewer years of schooling required, and much better job prospects. Yet, compared with the life of a solicitor, that of an investment banker might seem even better, with a host of social and economic benefits that few solicitors could hope to attain.